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Me being adhd on the spectrum has me like.. complimenting you bringing up something years in the past and addressing wat your talking about in 1 paragraph in that order (seriously why am I like this)

I need more tales of friends

Tales of Graces F Remastered Reviews: GameGrin- 10/10 Noisy Pixel- 9.5/10 RPG Site- 9/10 SixthAxis- 9/10 Game Rant- 9/10 TheGamer- 9/10 RPG Fan- 8.5/10 Dtoid- 8.5/10 But Why Tho- 8.5/10 NWR- 8.5/10 CGM- 8/10 GamersRD- 8/10 Worth Playing- 8/10 GodisaGeek- 7.5/10 Push Square- 7/10 MonsterVine- 7/10

Im very late but I beat trails into daybreak.. this initial entry didn't rank very high in my opinion but still a very solid game

I need to finish daybreak

Near the end of the year and I platiniumed another jrpg this time I dove into dragon quest 3. For wat started as a nes game im completely for a lost of words ovdd just how beautiful fun and long this game actually is.. square needs to remake more HD 2d remakes for sure. This game gets a solid 7.5/10

It's amazing how well square did with dq3

To all my beloved tales friends happy Thanksgiving

DAY 01 🌼 Brightblaze | シラヌイの花 #CrestoriaFest2024 #テイクレフェス2024 #TalesofCrestoria #テイクレ #クレストリア

Misella, A Guiding Flame for #art

People will love tales of graces tgis game oozes personality and charm. I wonder if they will clean up the dialogue

guess I'll use bluesky to go overtime my current jrpgs. Currently playing dragon quest 3 2d HD remake and I'm enjoying my experience so far. The game has alot of charm. Also I have trails through daybreak. I'm in intermission and so far it's a huge departure from.tradional trails games

Revamped my ko-fi! If you would like an editing commission or want be my writing grant until I'm eligible for one, come on down <3

We know you've been waiting, and we are happy to announce our 2025 dates! Join us September 26-28 for our Tales Of slumber party! REGISTRATION IS OPEN NOW!