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Protestant Episcopalian, Burkean, clerk in holy orders Jeremy Taylor country "God, as the author of Nature and of Grace, does agree perfectly with Himself" - Benjamin Whichcote
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This study examines how a significant presence of migrant Irish Episcopalians in the mid-19th Scottish Episcopal Church had "almost entirely disappeared" by the 1920s (p.4), primarily as a result of SEC parishes becoming Ritualist.

"If we are to have hopes of a renewed commitment to the 'shared inheritance' of such Protestant Episcopal churches, we should not be looking to the Instruments of Communion."

Jeremy Taylor in 'Of Godly Fear', Part II, Sermon VIII, from his Golden Grove sermons - "to return from all the degrees of death to life":

Whatever this is, it's not conservatism, and it's not realist foreign policy. Wars sometimes have to be fought, particularly against aggression. And peace has to be negotiated. But this is the infantile language of student radicals, not a conservative realist basis for peace.

Jeremy Taylor in 'The Worthy Communicant': "But we must be infinitely careful to remember, that even the death of Christ brings no pardon to the impenitent persevering sinner, but to him that repents truly: and so does the sacrament of Christ's death ... 1/2

Westover Episcopal Church, Virginia, built in 1731. A predecessor church was built in the 1630s. The current church was abandoned after the Revolutionary War and subsequent disestablishment, being reconsecrated in 1833. The Civil War brought further disruption.

Saint David's Day at The Middle Church, in the heart of Jeremy Taylor country.

Jeremy Taylor in 'Ductor Dubitantium': "I should here have considered of what authority the writings of the Fathers are to the interpretation of Scripture and the conduct of conscience: but because I find onely the same use of them as of other learned men in all 1/2

The next time we hear self-proclaimed national conservatives insist they are the brave defenders of national sovereignty, remember how a war leader, defending his country's threatened sovereignty, was despicably abandoned.

Jeremy Taylor in 'Of Godly Fear', Part II, Sermon VIII, from his Golden Grove sermons - repentance is not to be "a trifling sorrow":

"I joy, dear mother, when I view Thy perfect lineaments, and hue Both sweet and bright." George Herbert, 'The British Church'

Jeremy Taylor in 'Of Godly Fear', Part I, Sermon VII, from his Golden Grove sermons - an enduring theme in Taylor's works, the need for serious repentance:

Holden provides a convincing account of Hobbes' understanding of religion and - crucially - his piety. While not emphasised in the book, the context of 'the late unhappy confusions' also explains why such a philosophical account of religious conformity was necessary 1/2

At Evening Prayer, the first lesson is Genesis 23, in which Abraham purchases a sepulchre from the Hittites for Sarah's burial. Calvin says that the Hittites' "religiously ... observed" burial customs testify to "the natural sense with which God has imbued the minds of men":

"Thus in England we accept not of the council of Trent, and excepting the four first general councils, which are established into a law by the king & parliament, there is no other council at all of use in England, save only to entertain scholars in their arguments" Jeremy Taylor

Jeremy Taylor in 'Of Godly Fear', Part I, Sermon VII, from his Golden Grove sermons - on the difference between repentance as "change of life" and mere "feverish repentance":

Ezekiel Hopkins, Bishop of Derry 1681-90 and Reformed Conformist divine, in his 'The Doctrine of the Two Sacraments', on the Lord's Supper as "better and choicer Food ... than the Food of Angels themselves":

"But some men are pleased to say, that this is mere Moralitie, I answer, that this is Scripture-Moralitie and Christian-Moralitie, and who hath any thing to say against that?" Archbishop Tillotson, 1694: a good response to condemnations of C18th Anglican preaching as 'moralism'.

How Clarendon, Bramhall, and Cosin illustrate the Restoration use of modest Hookerian claims to build support for episcopacy, rather than Laudian jure divino claims.

Jeremy Taylor in 'Of Godly Fear', Part I, Sermon VII, from his Golden Grove sermons - "in short, we are vain, and credulous, and sensual, and trifling":

"Exalting episcopal ministry, particularly through inflated 'focus of unity' language, has bestowed an enhanced significance upon episcopal foolishness, stupidity, and incompetence, deepening the disorder and confusion."

With Merz having much more conservative instincts than Merkel and 1 in 5 Germans voting AfD, this represents a rather convincing rejection of Merkel's domestic legacy. Also interesting is how the old FDR/DDR border is reflected in the east's support for the pro-🇷🇺 AfD.

Jeremy Taylor in 'Of Godly Fear', Part I, Sermon VII, from his Golden Grove sermons - holy fear is not to be "unreasonable, servile, and unchristian":

Jeremy Taylor in 'The Worthy Communicant': "For it is true, that our mouth eats the material signs; but, at the same time, faith eats too, and therefore must eat, that is, must partake of the thing signified; faith is not maintained by ceremonies: the body receives the body 1/2

And we most humbly beseech thee of thy goodness, O Lord, to comfort and succour all them, who in this transitory life are in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity ...

The last Saturday of February and an early Spring morning at The Middle Church, in the heart of Jeremy Taylor country.

Jeremy Taylor, in 'Ductor dubitantium', setting forth the reasonable case for general councils, when speaking "consonantly to Scriptures", as guides to "the doctrine of Christ and his Apostles" - "an argument of reason, and not of authority":

A superb account of the tragedy of the 1917 revolution and Bolshevik coup and the subsequent civil war. "The Whites lost the civil war largely because of their inflexibility" (p.501): a reactionary imperialism that refused the opportunity of uniting anti-Bolshevik forces. 1/2

Jeremy Taylor in 'Of Godly Fear', Part I, Sermon VII, from his Golden Grove sermons - a beautiful passage from Taylor, reminding us that holy fear must not deny God's mercy:

Ezekiel Hopkins, Bishop of Derry 1681-90 and Reformed Conformist divine, in his 'The Doctrine of the Two Sacraments', on the Lord's Supper - "the Lord of the Feast, and the Feast itself":

The wise moderation of Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, on Laud being too similar to his opponents within the Church of England in his passions and prejudice:

Jeremy Taylor in 'Of Godly Fear', Part I, Sermon VII, from his Golden Grove sermons - godly fear must be reasonable and moderated by hope:

Ezekiel Hopkins, Bishop of Derry 1681-90 and Reformed Conformist divine, in his 'The Doctrine of the Two Sacraments', on the Lord's Supper as the seal of Justification: