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Stūrgalvīgais ragu lops. Konts privātpersonas kapacitātē. That deep blue sky is my home. #VintageStyleNotVintageValues [bridged from on the fediverse by ]
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In cafes in Ukraine, the Americano has been renamed the Europiano. #SlavaUkraini

This is golden.

Heartfelt textless Latvian animation movie about a cat won Academy Awards. That's it, that is the only relevant toot from me for this week. #Flow #AcademyAward

Rakstu par ceļojumu

Can't take my partner for conference dinner, as the dinner is booked full with attendees. That is a first. Understandable, but sad. #AccademicChatter

Atkal esmu uzrāvusies uz viesnīcu ar dedzinošu sintētisko segu. Kopā ar n citiem sīkumiem (dvieļi maz un maziņi, uz naktsgaldaiņa nav vieta brillēm, telefonam un zālēm) varbūt beidzot uzrakstīšu pirmo negatīvo atsauksmi par viesnīcu. Izskatās, ka pēdējā piecgadē šitifikācija skārusi arī šo jomu […]

It took me a bit more than 5 hours to get from Sigulda to Tallin with train. The rented Lithuanian train serving Rīga-Valga leg is way better than the old trains I use for daily commute. Taking into account that both train stations are closer to where I actually need to be than airports, I […]

Elektroauto nav atbilde. Tramvaji, metro un alternatīvas cauruļu izolācijas metodes gan ir. Cik ilgi dzīvo putni iepretim mūsu dzīvildzei? Cik daudz riepu daļiņas paspējam ieelpot? High microplastic levels in bird lungs suggest widespread air pollution impact Source:

Ja prāts zīmē satrauktus stāstus, vienmēr var kaut ko darīt. Var ielaist mājās pavasari, var apčubināt ģimeni un var dot miera mirkli sev. Kad pienāks tavs brīdis un vajadzība darīt kaut ko vairāk, tu to sapratīsi. Šo esmu iemācījusies no pilsoniskās iesaistes krīzes situācijās.

Turns out Zelenskyy is good at standing up against dictators.

Nu rakstu melnrakstu, par kuriem lūgts izteikt viedokli, galvenēs ietverta prasība ne tikai rakstus neizplatīt ārpus konkrētā saņēmēju loka, bet arī nebarot mākslīgajam intelektam.

I would expect all my fellow scientists to be able to spot a dishonest chart from 10 miles away, but it is still good to get a quick refresher from time to time. Also a good resource to give to students, who are often very naive on these things.

I have a Computer Science degree. I use version control every day. My dissertation files: draft1, draft2, final, final_v2, final_FINAL, finalFINAL_v3, FINAL(REAL).pdf Don't @ me. I know what I did.

Ir vieta izaugsmei. No Valgas uz Rīgu pēdējais vilciens darbadienās nepiektdienās ir divos dienā, lai gan Valgā no Tallinas ienāk arī vilcieni pussešos un septiņos – tur īzī varētu uztaisīt vēl vienu Rīgas–Tallinas savienojumi. Vai buferi kādam, kas sapinas meistarībā un nokavē to, kas divos […]

Last summer I started to wear victorian-style corset made if cotton coutil combined with linen undershirts half of the time. Now I've gotten so used to it that I really, really can't wrap my head around the fact that people somehow decided that completely synthetic bras will be the contemporary […]

Gotta love open offices and their policies: we want you to work in an open office so you can collaborate better as a team and feel more like you belong together than in individual closed offices. Please refrain from talking longer or loudly in the open office as not to disturb others. 💩

People always said Twitter is not real life but I feel like we’re living in Twitter and we can’t logout.

Kādam, kuram nav bijis tas mežonīgais prieks līdz ausīm ienirt Māra Putniņa grāmatu pasaulē, šie tezaura skaidrojumi pavisam noteikti šķitīs maķenīt prātu izkūkojuši vai ChatGPT radīti. Lai!

You know why we Germans are so pedantic about data protection? Someone around 90 years ago went through all records available, selected people with certain criteria, with the help of IBM, and then killed them all. We don't want to be on any list. And now the US Gov and Musk is trying to get […]

I always smile when I see a RT of this post, because it basically means I have a new follower. I've had this post pinned on my profile here for some time, which is nice because it's still true!

I keep thinking of this quote from the Great Gatsby: “They were careless people, Tom and Daisy- they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made.”

Public notice: If you want to read a research article, please don't pay for the paper on the publisher's website. All that money goes to the publisher, we don't get any of it. Instead, contact us. We'll be happy to send you the paper :-).

Got bamboozled very hard by the fact that Windows don't allow file named "" in random folder. It came to me via git and I'm not the smartest kid in git department, so for several hours I blamed that (and the error message was not that helping either). What a way to spend a Friday evening!

Knitted slightly modified #WavesOverPebblesHeadband for a friend. Yarn is doubled Drops KidSilk. I really like the mild, almost secretive sheen that silk gives. Original pattern can be found on Ravelry, it's good! But I tend to go lax on gauge - as long as the width […] [Original post on]

Ended my workday with impromptu 5PM crash course on how to look smart while explaining difference between adverbs and particles for Latvian. But in English. Even after almost 20 years the turns my job takes occasionally still surprise me. #AccademicChatter

Inside you there are 2 wolves, 1 goat and a cabbage, and you need to cross a river

Oh my god, they just unintentionally wrecked a ton of red team playbooks at the NSA

Ja man ir sudraba gredzens ar provi un, visticamāk, autora zīmodziņu, un es to esmu nopirkusi kaut kad pēdējo apmēram 15 gadu laikā Latvijā no latviski runājoša gadatirgus juviliera, vai un kā es varētu noskaidrot, kas ir autors un pasutīt pie viņa vēl kādu […] [Original post on]

Remember Aaron♥️ Fuck #Meta :fuck_face:

Attālinātais darbs ir daļa no iekļaujošas darba vides. Ja gribam darbā tirgū iekļaut arī jaunos vecākus, cilvēkus ar hroniskām slimībām un iedzīvināt lauku teritorijas, ierobežojumiem attālinātajam darbam ir jāpieiet ļoti uzmanīgi.

[mental health] I asked the mental health counselor I (finally) started working with this week why I feel so completely exhausted looking at the (ridiculously long) list of things I've accomplished. They said "Oh, were you a gifted kid? You've been trained to like a challenge, and once the […]

Via my son: #pinky #brain

I was taught knitting by my gran when I was roughly 4. She was taught by her mom or aunt. I always attributed that to the fact that modern knitting gauge suggestions are so off for me (I use much smaller needles). But recently I've been contemplating that probably what we want for our knits has […]

An autism diagnosis doesn't excuse you from being a Nazi, and it's insulting to autistic people to suggest it does.

Ir ļoti svarīgi neaizmirst, ka starp vīriešiem un sievietēm ir daudz vairāk kopīgā nekā atšķirīgā. Daudzi to aizmirst, it īpaši vīrieši.

Hot take: nihilism is as bad as fascism, and not the same as realism. Things are terrible, will take years and immense effort to fix. However, bleating “doomed, might as well die” is one thing to say to yourself but a whole other matter to say to a generation of kids. It’s our responsibility to try.

This is a public service announcement to **never** ever use Oracle

I'm not a horror girly and neither Silent Hill nor any other console games had played any role in my childhood, but still I think that from SH come some of most beautiful songs of the ultra-sad kind. Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, Acceptance: […]

Fun fact, gender is a grammatical category used to describe probably more than a half world's natural languages #ComputationalLinguistics #linguistics #censorship

Prettymuch this:

Runājot par AI, esam aizmirsuši iepriekš atklātās vides šausmas - bitkoinu rakšanu, kas ir pielīdzināma veselu valstu enerģijas budžetiem. Un jā, salīdzinot ar manu bieži izmantoto un minēto datu kopumu par Krievijas kara Ukrainā nodarīto kaitējumu klimatam, šis ir....vēl sliktāk.

After stealing copyrighted works for #LLM #AI training from journalists, writers and everybody else who produces text for years in what amounts to probably the biggest thefts of such works in history, #OpenAI now complains that #DeepSeek might have used its “intellectual property”.

**All symptoms are solutions.** That's a mantra I've come to live by. A fever is your immune system making your body inhospitable to bacteria. Procrastination and addiction can be us giving ourselves comfort and relief we don't think we deserve. Workers or community members who seemed […]

Pirms kādiem mēnešiem dēls, saklausījies no brālēna, ka "vajag investēt", izlēma daļu kabatasnaudas uzkrājumu ieguldīt akcijās. Gribēju šādu lietu atbalstīt, iekārtoju N26 kontu un izpildu dēla rīkojumus. Izvēle bija paredzami tuva ar to, ko jau runā ASV mītošie jūtūberi - Tesla un Nvidia […]