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Medieval historian @UniFreiburg & @uni_muenster🎓 recent @WissenVerbindet and @OxUniPress monographs 💡Western Europe, Byzantium, digital humanities, mobility, interconnectivity, military ✐ own views
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W 3-Professur fĂźr Neuere und Neueste Geschichte mit Schwerpunkt Geschlechtergeschichte und Geschichtskultur (NF Paletschek)

Job: Associate Professor in Byzantine History, University of Oxford

This volume is going to appear on 21st April in open access!!

Walter Goffart, who would have turned 91 in a week, passed away yesterday. May he rest in peace!

I do not know if the code is still valid, but just in case ...

This week was submission week: a revised monograph manuscript, final proofs for an edited volume, and a project proposal were submitted. Now looking forward to taking on new projects!

CfP for the coming Medieval History Seminar in October extended

Ph. Depreux u.a. (Hrsg.): Versammlungen im FrĂźhmittelalter

Bericht Akustische Räume in Mittelalter und frßher Neuzeit

Our PI's and Richard Flower are kicking off the conference for our Connecting Late Antiquities project!

The Connecting Late Antiquities conference begins today. It looks like it's going to be a great event and I look forward to moderating the first session ;).

Please sign and share this student-led petition to save Ancient History here at Cardiff University

Nicht vergessen - morgen ist die Deadline fĂźr VG Wort Meldungen in diesem Jahr #friendlyreminder

We’re hiring a medieval Irish historian!

How did conservative western Roman elites react to Roman decline? New article out on early view by Sophie Kultzen (OA)

Hört, hört! 📯 Wir suchen am eine:n #Postdoc im Bereich #Mittelalter 👇 Ausschreibung gerne weiterleiten! Wir freuen uns auf tolle Bewerbungen mit spannenden Projekten!

What happens when a codex is made out of fragments and then stops being a codex? Do fragments come back from the dead? Manuscripts in the digital world are often looking for their narrative and for fragments this can be a wild ride! A paper on loss and digital memory:

AotW: Daniel G. König, 711–745: Ibn al-Qūṭiyya on the Cooperation of his Visigothic Ancestors with the Muslim Conquerors of the Iberian Peninsula, in: TMH 1.1 (2019), DOI: * We are looking for authors: * #medievalists #medievalsky

Job opportunity: Archivist - AHRC Heritage Science and Unicorn Tapestry Project. Full time, 18 months. ÂŁ32255-ÂŁ38245. Edinburgh based. Full details: Come and work with a great team in Edinburgh!

Were there really barbarians in Mainz in 406? What was "news" in late antiquity? In case you missed it, my new open access paper that rethinks the founding events of the end of the Roman empire in light of female agency and the understanding of history.

CfP! Reisen – pilgern – migrieren

Ah, Zeit mal wieder ein gutes Buch über mittelalterliche Gelehrte zu lesen! Jetzt OA online, Februar Print - Alain von Lille, Prediger der Transformation - Gratulation an 🤩

Five new volumes have been added to the Translated Texts for Historians E-Library for 2025. Find out more and browse the full collection now at

Ank: Geschichte studieren in Paris und Heidelberg im deutsch-französischen Master und PhD-Track Geschichtswissenschaften Heidelberg, 06.02.2025, Koordination des deutsch-französischen Masterstudiengangs und PhD-Tracks in Geschichtswissenschaften, …

Akademischer Rat auf Zeit (m/w/d) | 3003, Bewerbungsschluss 25.01.2025 !!!

#postdoc Research Associate (Domestic Slavery in Late Antiquity) - 2 Positions Available - University of Leicester 15 months

0,65 Wiss. Mitarb. (w/m/d) "Militärische Gewaltkulturen" (Univ. GÜttingen)

Manche mÜgen es bereits mitbekommen oder sogar das Buch schon in Händen gehalten haben: Anfang dieses Jahres ist meine Dissertation verÜffentlicht worden. Danke an dieser Stelle an Alle, die dazu beigetragen haben und mich auf dem Weg unterstßtzt haben!

If you are interested in slavery and the unfree in the Anglo-Norman realm, then I recommend Christopher Parry's thesis which you can read here . See David Wyatt's book, too. #medievalsky #normans When suddenly (REALLY suddenly): a 15-month teaching gig at our lovely Medieval Studies group in Utrecht. - Dutch = pretty much a CSQN - early middle ages preferred - the short deadline in no way implies that we already have a candidate in mind so go for it! #MedievalSky

Auf dem Weg nach Bielefeld! Morgen gebe ich im Workshop zu „Geschichtskulturen trifft historisch-politische Bildung“ einen Impuls zu „Wissenschaftsfreiheit in Gefahr? Historisch-politische Bildung aus einem prekären Wissenschaftssystem“. #IchBinHanna #LauteWissenschaft

Looking forward to being part of the "Papstzoom" organised by Jessika Nowak tomorrow!

This is such a neat study, if you missed it.

AotW: Daniel G. König, 621: Isidore of Seville on the Origins of the Term “Saracens”, in: Transmediterranean History 1.1 (2019), DOI: * We are looking for authors: * #medievalists #medievalsky


@EdinburghUP informed me that my Sidonius: Letters Book 5, Part 1 is now available to pre-order in paperback! Claim 30% discount ordering from EUP using the code PAPER30.

Another very exciting and important publication: a 500-page treatment of the early medieval royal site at Rendlesham, Suffolk. Essential reading for all early medievalists interested in kingship, landscape, economy and much else besides. Now available here:

W3-Professur "Alte Geschichte" (Europa-Univ. Flensburg)

Very much looking forward to presenting this Tuesday in Bonn