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Writer on I also publish my stories on my wordpress domain. I'm also looking for writing gigs. Ghost Writing intrigues me.
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Prolific Poster

Proud of my 2023 novel, and 2024 Nebula and BSFA finalist (Lodestar longlisted), THE INN AT THE AMETHYST LANTERN! Its sequel, THE SECRET OF THE SAPPHIRE SENTINEL, publishes this autumn, and a prequel arrives in 2026! It’s a futuristic #fantasy and #sciencefiction story for the ages. #booksky #SFF

Thanks for all the good wishes and support around the launch of Future's Edge yesterday. Every post and repost was much appreciated, and it's good to know the book is finally, officially, out in the world.

I have been given permission to reveal the upcoming cover of Bee Speaker, book 3 of the Dogs of War series, coming this June. Mad Max futures, Martian invasions, mad lizards, fungus witches and embattled monks, none of which are quite what they seem.

Me rewatching Hannibal and thinking about how BEYOND CHEAP it would be to film BLOOM. All you need is a farm house and a farmer's market, pretty much. And some nice charcuterie. And a snail.

I wasn't aware it was announced, but I checked Phoenix Fan Fusion's Instagram site, and sure enough, there I was, so: Yes! I will be at Phoenix Fan Fusion the first weekend of June. See you there!

The epic burn!

Free speech?

Good morning, take this bird! photo by me


sitting in a baseball stadium with a beer and my phone off would fix me

Call no man fortunate unless it is tree-crackingly cold outside and he has a fuzzy blankie and a cat that has just colonized the said fuzzy blankie

Today's Rancid Sixties Elliptical Cinema entry: Medium Cool. We were a country once. We made god damned movies once.

Ah, yes. When you receive the cover for one of your upcoming books and it is extremely rad but you can't share it yet but you WANT to share it but you ABSOLUTELY CANNOT. A universal vibe.

I'm taking a moment to cheer on my dear friend's success with her debut novel, THE LAST RAVEN. She is one of the most wonderful people I have ever known. Also, I'm publishing her short story in our upcoming anthology, OF SHADOWS, STARS, AND SABERS. So proud of you, Helen!

I'm moving my stories from behind the paywall on You can read them for free on Substack. Here's a link to one of my stories.

No filters! Just some lighting, costumes, makeups, and a camera timer! #lowbudget #indiehorror #horrorcharacters #maincharactervibes #youtubers

I love a good ice pillar.

For many years when people asked me what inspired me to write, I would say "my mortgage." They laughed, which was the intent, but it was also true. Writing is my job, I don't have another. If I don't write, bills don't get paid.

I can see the mountains fully tonight for the first time in days.

Smudge update: Still recuperating but doing all right. Who knew male cat urinary tracts were so damn fiddly.

Because they’re Black, they must be looting? This isn’t an honest mistake. Spread truth, not lies: These folks weren’t looters. This footage is from KTLA, where the homeowner explained that her brothers & friends were helping her move belongings out of her burned house. (Her interview in the 🧵)

Baby gar burps! The alligator gar (Atractosteus spatula) can gulp air into its vascularized swim bladder which functions like a low-efficiency lung. This permits them to thrive in low-oxygen water (hypoxic) that might suffocate other fish.

I'm seeing a lot of GoFundMes today, for people displaced by disaster/war, and for other purposes, so if you/a friend have a GoFundMe (or other legit personal fundraising appeal) running, here's a thread for you to use to raise awareness. Go ahead and post the details and links in the comments.

'Piña colada' is Spanish: piña = "pineapple", colada = "strained," as in 'colander'. Drink recipes mixing pineapple and coconut with rum go back to 1820, with Puerto Rican pirate Roberto Cofresí, but the drink got a big boost from 1954 invention of method of mass-producing 'coconut cream'.

He also this morning lured Charlie the dog into a false sense of security and then attacked her, which delighted Charlie because she does love tusslin' with Smudge. We're keeping an eye on his urinary tract but he does seem generally on the mend.

Planet Fitness locations in Los Angeles are “offering anyone impacted by the fires—first responders and residents—free access to shower, recharge, and relax” No membership is required to take advantage of locker rooms, WiFi, charging stations at any LA County location not impacted by the fires.

The Holidays, Stories about my family,A funny Holiday Story, and Sucking in Public

Colin Farrell thanking crafty in his acceptance speech is so beautiful. Film and tv wouldn’t exist without the below the line crew!!

I just read this, and I need to compose my review thoughts of it in full, but yes, this is a lean and mean standalone novel about what happens AFTER The End of the World. I loved it.

I thought "Good Thing," by the Fine Young Cannibals, was actually "Fruitcake." The song goes "Good Thing, where have you gone?" And I thought it was "Fruitcake! What have you done?" Okay. Just wanted to get that off my chest.

They better make sure his prison cameras

Very important bike

99% of bad "writing" takes come down to people who are looking for art advice getting mad at business advice or people who are looking for business advice getting mad at writing advice. No, you don't have to write regularly to be a writer [artist] but you do to be a writer [career].

Every Once in Awhile, I write Fiction

I know a lot of lawyers and they love to argue with each other about fucking everything, because they are lawyers the one thing all of them agree on - literally all of them - is that if the cops want to talk to you, you SHUT THE FUCK UP

Tomorrow's newsletter.