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I try to collect talks, papers, and news regarding layer-fMRI. Focusing on acquisition. Opinions are my own
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WORKSHOP WEDNESDAY Register for the ISMRM Joint Workshop of the Ultra-High Field MR & Brain Function Study Groups before the early registration deadline! Register by 28 Februaryfor the early rate - members receive an additional discount! Learn more & register: #ISMRM #ISMRT #MRI

New layer-fMRI job: Staff scientist (permanent position after trial period) at the new shinty Terra.X at the Max Planck Institute in Frankfurt with Dimo Ivanov

The layer-fMRI field has changed since the pandemic: -> studies are larger -> majority uses 3D readouts -> a bit more sharing -> majority uses non-BOLD contrasts

Never gets old

WORKSHOP WEDNESDAY Register for the ISMRM Joint Workshop of the Ultra-High Field MR & Brain Function Study Groups before the early registration deadline! Register by 28 February & SAVE - members receive an additional discount! Register now: #ISMRM #ISMRT #MR #MedicalImaging #MRI

A tenured position for layer-fMRI researcher is available in Paris at NeuroSpin.

New layer-fMRI paper on line scanning getting to fantastic one-dim resolution of 0.39mm with 250ms TRs. By Nils Nothnagel et al.

WORKSHOP WEDNESAY: Deadline approaching for Late-Breaking Abstracts! Submit your abstract for the ISMRM Joint Workshop of the Ultra-High Field MR & Brain Function Study Groups by 31 January at 23:59 UTC. Submit yours now: #ISMRM #ISMRT #MR #MedicalImaging #MagneticResonance #MRI

MRathon is joining forces with the MRS hackathon right before the ISMRM 2025 meeting in Hawaii! Registration is now open, register at the link below:

New layer-fMRI paper describing a further optimization for laminar VAPER imaging. Chai et al. are using MT-prepared BOLD to further amplify the VAPER contrast.

This was a fun discussion! talking about the unique value of layer-fMRI and how I got there. Thanks Ben for having me at the BJKS Podcast.

New layer-fMRI paper investigating the HRF sensitivity to high-frequency stimulation across layers in the sensory-motor system. Middle and deep layers show shortest delay. By Hodono et al.

New layer-fMRI paper by Lasse Knudsen et al. Showing how to use NORDIC for laminar VASO.

New layer-fMRI review about the field of layer-fMRI in Psychoradiology. By Yuhui Chai and Ru-Yuan Zhang.

This is published now in ImagingNeuroscience

New layer-fMRI manuscript describing a nice ICE based method to use depth-dependent time delays to mitigate contaminations of large draining veins. By Jingyuan Chen et al.

New layer-fMRI manuscript describing the predictive processing across layers of auditory areas. By Lonike Faes et al.

New layer-fMRI manuscript featuring the potential of 10.5T fMRI for high resolutions. By Vizioli et al.,

CALL FOR LATE-BREAKING ABSTRACTS: ISMRM Joint Workshop of the Ultra-High Field MR & Brain Function Study Groups Submit yours now! Deadline: 31 January 2025 at 23:59 UTC #ISMRM #ISMRT #MR #MedicalImaging #MagneticResonance #MedicalEducation #OnlineEducation #Radiology #MRI

Experiments in k-space. I call this one "explosion-02".

ISMRM Ultra-High Field / fMRI workshop in Annapolis, March 31'st to April 2'nd. The website is still being populated but so far looks exciting. Abstract deadline is January 10th.

Mark you calendar for the exciting upcoming ISMRM workshop on UHF & fMRI. March 31st-April 2nd 2025, in Annapolis, MD, USA. Website (being populated): Preliminary program in figure.

Mistakes were made... Accidental brain art 🎨🧠 #brainart

I see you and raise you this bubble-sorted layers 🍰

more layers

A starter pack of layer-fMRI folks here:

So many new layer-fMRI friends here

New layer-fMRI review on the methodological challenges and prospects of laminar fMRI. By Yuhui Chai et al.,

🧠 Come work with us! In addition to our postdoc position on modelling, our lab at we also seek a postdoc to help us create the most complete open atlas of brain folding development! This is part of our ERC Synergy project Unfold ( Join us! (1/10)

While fine-tuning 3D EPI parameters, we captured an impressively clear view of the human LGN! If you look closely, you can almost make out faint layers—wish they were more distinct though 🫤

New layer fMRI paper: A future perspective paper discussing the promising potential of layer-fMRI in neurofeedback studies. By Denis Chaimow et al.,

New layer-fMRI paper is out. In this case study, @LasseKnudsen14 et al. find that in the locked in stage of ALS, the layer Vb activity is preserved. Published in @ApertureOHBM

There are two new layer-fMRI jobs for working on the best layer-fMRI scanner in the world; the Feinbergatron in Berkeley. Project Scientist: Project Manager:

New layer-fMRI paper combining high-resolution VASO with an advanced 3D spiral readout. By Monreal-Madrigal, Poser et al.,

New layer-fMRI manuscript proposing an efficient 3-min methods to capture whole brain structural reference data with matched distortions: T1234. This sequence captures layer-fMRI signals in EPI space more accurately. By Kenny Kan et al.,

New layer-fMRI manuscript comparing functional quantitative susceptibility mapping (fQSM) with other contrasts. fQSM can account for some of the vein bias. By Straub et al.

Xu and Ribeiro et al. introduce VesselBoost, a toolbox that segments small vessels in magnetic resonance angiography data

New layer-fMRI manuscript focusing on Fuzzy Ripple artifacts. Arguably the biggest challenge in layer-fMRI acquisition. Every layer-fMRI dataset has them, they limit resolution and TR, and we shows how to mitigate them. #Layer_fMRI_Artifact_of_the_Week

🚨 Call for Papers: Special Issue on Open Datasets 🚨 Aperture Neuro and Open Science SIG invite submissions in the form of original research, reviews, code, short communications, and more! 🖱️ Visit our website for more details:

The Center for Multimodal Neuroimaging (CMN) and the FMRIF are hosting a workshop September 4-5 on “Insights Into Cognitive And Neural Function Through Eye Tracking”. The hybrid workshop will be streamed on zoom, info: #eyetracking #neuroscience #cognition

New PhD position for layer-fMRI representations of the "movement sense" (stimulated and active hand movements) with data acquisition at MGH (Boston) and NIH (Bethesda) The position is with Harri Piitulainen in Jyväskylä, Finland

This event starts in 2 hours, please join.

A couple of layer-fMRI jobs to work on the Feinbergatron; a scanner designed for layer-fMRI.

New layer-fMRI preprint using previously acquired 3T fMRI with simultaneous EEG characterize feature specific oscillations across cortical depth. By Tommy Clausner et al.

I had a nicely rambling chat on fMRI and neuroimaging with practiCal fMRI.