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#ENNEAD 여성의 날 기념

Are we to see Antewy (Horus-Set) in the future? If the vastness of the gods, made primitive humans see them as more than one, could it be the same for Horus and Seth?

So Egyptian cosmology is very interesting. Though the religion is polytheistic, it also carried monotheistic tendencies. The idea of one becoming many through masturbation (Atum), Words (Ptah), Cosmic Egg (Thoth or Ogdoad) is present in the existing cosmogony myths +

#Ennead ch117 spoiler A perfect mirror reflects back at them. The jewel is reflected on the pyramidion from the other side, yet they can't reach it. With the new knowledge, they come to find this is actually the Temple of Time!!

#Ennead ch117 spoiler Going back to the Formless Temple to read the words, they find out that the coming of age ceremony can only happen once. No matter, Horus will cherish the moment as it was an honor to him 🥹💕

#EnneadSpoilers S2 Ch 117// Now everyone can read the murals, they have decided to split up the group and go to the different temples and read the murals there. Buckle up for this thread, it looks like they worked it out, at least in part. +

A silly idea but what if like Isis getting the truth from Thoth about the prophecy in ch1, Seth gets the truth about the 4 siblings/days from Thoth too? "5 days? Don't you mean 4 ? There are 4 of us, one kid for each day!" "I brought your mother 5 days🙂" Cryptic face included


#Ennead #EnneadRa This time it's the sun god, Ra! This was long overdue, sorry! 😅


Some more things I have been making lately. The first is a gift for someone, and although you can't tell, they are super shimmery. #AncientEgyptInspiredCrafts

The temple of knowledge is quite humble in size and hidden from prying eyes. Knowledge is something that is taught and sought, so it makes sense for it to be inside a waterfall. Thoth appears to have more than one temple under his jurisdiction. Will we find the temple of time?

#Ennead ch116 spoiler The fruit of knowledge is created by fire and consumed to acquire knowledge. Write down your knowledge and offer it to the temple. You will receive more fruits of knowledge in return.

#Ennead ch116 spoiler The human appeared to die and Seth felt guilty over it. Horus suggests to close his eyes to help make the feelings ease off. Seth asks if he can use Horus' knee because the floor is uncomfortable😭😭 He's very comfortable now

#ENNEAD #オシセト ⤵️ ⚠️mpreg⚠️

Repost of my favorite old work: “ANNIVERSARY GIFT” A sweet and naughty R18 #HoruSeth story.💙💒❤️ 4 pages per day P1-4 #ENNEAD

Seth needs a tail

Another interesting image to note when Seth and Horus look at the hieroglyphs. There is a man or a woman on a boat. I believe it's a river because how it resembles the ideogram/glyph for river and there are papyri growing. In the bottom there is also the glyph for papyrus+

#Ennead ch115 spoiler Lots of time seems to pass that even FG has fallen asleep. I just love how Seth pulls Horus' wing closer 🥹

❤️🖤 #ENNEAD #엔네아드 #エネアド

#Ennead ch115 spoiler Trapped in an infinite loop, the group is unable to escape the temple sanctum. They try a few times, but every time they leave the threshold, they return to the room. They explore the room to get some clues, but they can't quite figure out the temple

He said he will sleep like a baby when next to me…but this? 👀💙❤️ #ENNEAD #Horuseth

Happy Valentine’s Day 💘 #ENNEAD #HoruSeth

#Ennead #SethEnnead The next in the series of cards I'm printing. I may do another for Seth 🥰

Records!!! That's right! It just hit me right now. What god is associated with records? Thoth! How did Sekhmet get a hold of his archives? I feel like this is an interesting term she used. Even Anubis felt it was odd!

🫱🏻‍🫲🏾💙❤️ #ENNEAD

타로카드+코롯토 배송 왔슨🥰


Doodle 🐥 What do you want? #ENNEAD #HoruSeth

#ENNEAD S2 고대 상형문자 해석 모음 ✍️ 📓 #PADOL_txt #PADOL_pin

무척 긴 스레드가 될 것 같다. 내 생각에, 라와 토트의 긴장감은 제우스와 프로메테우스가 이루는 그것과 닮아 있다. 토트는 인간을 가르치며, Ra는 그걸 달가워하지 않는다. 내 추측은 토트가 원래 단일신(태양)이었으나,두 측면으로 나뉘었고(남성과 여성).이 둘이 서로 다른 사명을 추구하게 되었다는 것이다. #PADOL_pin

Isis and Nephthys know the old language, but Seth doesn't... Why? Seth blames it on how long it was before his birth, but it seems interesting that his sisters do, especially Neph as she isn't as esoterically inclined as Isis is with knowledge and magic+ #Ennead thoughts

#EnneadSpoilers S2 CH114// So they enter the cave full of traps thinking they are on the right path, and it seems to be that they are, because deeper in the cave there's an altar. We know from last chapter that there were a couple of baboon statues outside, and the baboon +

오시리스는 왕이라는 직위와, 몹시 오만한 퍼스널리티에도 불구하고 종종 무릎 꿇은 모습을 보인다. 그것이 주로 세트에 의해 뭔가가 좌절되었을 때라는 것도 풍미를 더함. 조만간 또다시 세트에 의해 무릎꿇는 그의 모습을 보게 될까? 😚

이시스의 신전과 토트의 신전은 여러 모로 비슷하네. 알 수 없는 식물이 번성해 있는 것도 그렇고, 물이라는 매개체를 통과해야 입장할 수 있는 점도 그렇다. 이시스의 신전이 그랬듯이, 이곳 역시 창조된 공간일 가능성이 있다. 폭포로 외부와 시공간이 분리되어 있을지도. 오랜 시간이 지났음에도 썩지 않고 맛이 없는 열매는 '무한'과 '멈춘 시간'을 상정하게 한다. 아마도 이 열매를 먹을 수 있고 유의미한 무언가로 만드는 과정이 이 신전의 '시험'이지 않을까. #PADOL_pin


Repost #Horuseth sweet short fan story: IN YOUR EYES👁️👁️ P17-20 end💙❤️ total~20 pages/SFW 🥹 #ENNEAD 👉🏽4 pages/day

#Ennead ch114 spoiler After solving the last trap, they enter an abandoned altar with a tree growing under the pyramidion. There are unspoiled fruits surrounding the area, possible offerings? Seth goes to have a taste but Horus is opposed to it!