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大西洋月刊:那些对支持特朗普感到后悔的网络红人,代表着一种趋势 当然,特朗普从来就不是一个支持言论自由、关心劳工权益、反对战争的典范。纵观他的政治和商业生涯,他多次起诉媒体公司,据报道拖欠承包商和客户款项,推动对富人有利的减税政策,并在中东继续实施无人机袭击和军售。 但那些曾幻想他能推动自身议程的网络意见领袖如今的愤怒,正成为一个警示:作为总统,特朗普已不再是那个能够承载人们对现状不满的“空白容器”。 随着越来越多的失望,他将越来越难维系那个帮助他胜选的联盟。


Today, 20 years ago on Valentine's Day, YouTube was born. Things that were not around when YouTube started: Vine Tiktok Instagram Reddit Snapchat Zoom The iPhone Bitcoin Whatsapp Uber Airbnb

President Zelenskyy has been one of the greatest leaders of our time, guiding Ukraine through the darkest period of its recent history, rising up to Russia’s unwarranted aggression, being an inspiration to the Ukrainian people and ensuring that Ukraine’s voice is heard on the world stage.