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Meta will stop fact checking. What will that result in? Not sure but the old system helped undermine the West. Anyone speaking out against woke ideas got silenced time and time again. Exmuslims speaking out against islamism, would suddenly find themselves shut out of facebook for “Islamophobia”.

Statistics would imply the attacks were linked: the probability of two attacks on the same day carried out by (ex-)soldiers, both using cars, both rented on Turo, not being linked is small.

My view on abortion: I don’t know when an unborn person becomes a human so I don’t know when the “right” abortion limit should be. Hence I believe that women (and their partners) should be able to make this choice based on their personal morals up to a certain maximum age based on relevant science.

Thinking about what the AI developments will mean for the world. I am really scared now. Will they start taking the jobs of software engineers and marketing people? ALL THEIR PREVIOUS WAGES NOW BEING PAID TO TRILLIONARIES. We will get huge societal upheavals and I can’t see how we can avoid it.

Ukraine. Det stærkest mulige argument for at have atomvåben. Eller for at menneskehedens største svøbe er vores kunstige konstruktioner; nationalitet, “nationers skæbne”, ære og religioner.

Mon ikke den store aftale der arbejdes på mellem Israel og Saudi Arabien inkluderer samarbejde om at få Houthierne knækket.

Israel har vundet en af sine største sejre siden grundlæggelsen skriver Weekendavisen. Mit håb for 2025 er at at Irans regime nu slår ud en sidste desperat gang - og derefter bliver knust som Hizbollah og Hamas er blevet det. Sådan at Iran kan blive frit. DET ville være fantastisk for verden.

One day Iran will be free. Free of the religious yoke and the Mullahs. As a strong democratic country allied with Israel, giving the Arab wastelands around them anchors on which to start pulling themselves out of their poverty.

Prediction: Al-Julani turns out to be an islamist and Alawites, Christians and other minorities end up persecuted and on the run. No it was not a hard predition to make. Quran 9:29: Fight those who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day, nor comply with what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden.

Artikel om Obamas overskridelse af røde linje, i Berlingske i dag. Eftertidens dom over Obama bliver hård. Han talte flot, men lærte verden kaos; fra Putin i Georgien og Krim, Kim Jong-Un med Sony hacket, Libyen der blev efterladt uden styre og sin egen ledelse vha. dekreter som Trump har overtaget.

Skal grænser være ukrænkelige spørger Weekendavisen? Måske er rystelserne i disse år begyndelsen på enden for Senmiddelalderens forældede ideologier: nationalisme, religion, osv.

Med al snakken om at mange syriske flygtninge nok snart tager hjem, så lad os være realistiske: hvilken muslim ønsker i virkeligheden at leve i et muslimsk land? Hvis de ikke har olie eller naturgas er de alle uden undertagelse disfunktionelle, antidemokratiske, undertrykkende og fattige.