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Teacher/Instructional Coach/Curriculum Director/Consultant/Author working with others to design Tier 1 in teacher-friendly ways for learning. Learning is the job!
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Need a way to get Reading to happen in any class? Try these out: They can be used with groups, pairs or even individuals who are examining nonfiction texts. Feel free to share, use or change! #EduSky #EduCoach

Are we DESIGNING FOR or HOPING FOR Learners to Show Up? NEW POST!! Read it HEREπŸ‘‡ #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

If we want the kids in the room to be: Motivated Self-directed Critical thinkers Reflective Self-regulatory And a lot more. Then we have to ask this: Are we designing what we do in the room that gives the kids the opportunity to do this? Or do we just give them work to do? #EduSky #EduCoach

Need help designing a progressive SUCCESS CRITERIA for your learners & their task? Try this FREE AI tool HERE πŸ‘‡ It will also ask if you'd like tools & pathway suggestions for learners to move upward in their learning. More on #EduSky #EduCoach Love means never having to say, "I Love You, Too" Happy Valentine's Day

NEW META ANALYSIS ALERT! Academic Press; Effect Size=1.12 or 3 years' learning potential. #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead Read more about it HERE πŸ‘‡

Educators are uncomfortable... But we still have a choice. Read HERE #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

#EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

Don't jump on a new initiative. Don't add more interventions. Don't hire more staff. Don't buy a new curriculum. Don't invest in the latest technology. Don't bring new mandates. Don't. DO go look at Tier 1 learning & ask the hard questions. That's where the answers are. #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

New Post! Just Another Brick in the Wall. Time to stop adding the bricks. It's time to bust them up. 3 areas that adults in schools build up the wall when we can break it down instead. Read it HERE! πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

Leaders in schools, Build trust Instill belief Solicit ideas Celebrate risk Accept missteps Banish excuses Cheer innovation Support professionals That's how we give power back to our teachers to design learning for all learners. #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

What if... We decided not to make any excuses that get in the way of our & our learners' success AND Not to be afraid to fail with any idea we try? We'd change our classrooms, our school & our world. The only thing stopping us? Us. #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

Designing for learning in daily Tier 1 requires: Knowing the learners Knowing the standards Knowing the science of learning Using this knowledge can result in a design that gets you nearly 2 years' learning potential. Start designing Tier 1 today! #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

Educational Leaders: This new post is for YOU! πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

Change the matra #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

Science says this: We, as human beings, all learn in the same way. The principles are the same. HOW learning works. However, knowing WHO is in the room is the first step in customizing the HOW for our learners to learn WHAT we need them to know. WHO HOW WHAT Design #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

Learning doesn't always happen because of teaching. Sometimes no learning happens at all. But our teaching should be a direct result of knowing how to make learning happen. Design for learning has an effect size of 0.70, nearly 2 years' growth. #EduSky #EduCoach

From my latest post: Rigor Because of Relationships "When learners encounter rigor in a relationship-rich environment, they don’t see it as insurmountable. Instead, they see it as an opportunity to grow because they trust their teacher & know their teacher trusts them." #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

Teachers, Want more from your kids? Leaders, Want more from your staff? Earn their trust. Trust doesn't come with your position or title. It comes from you investing in others, pouring value into them first. Not just in words, in action. Then, we can ask for a withdrawal. #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

Hey Adults in Schools, Kids will not care about "your work" until they know you care about their worth. This shouldn't be a surprise or something to be offended by. We're the adults, after all. #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

New post for the New Year! "5 Things to Try in 2025" (for Learning) πŸ‘‡ #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

Becoming a better teacher isn't about knowing more content. Becoming a better teacher is about designing ways for kids to become better learners. #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

Head over to to check out FREE AI tools! Standards break downs, learning target creation, task generators, scaffold designers, success criteria creation, opener & closer ideas. Tried to address the most common "learning designer's block" issues. #EduSky #EduCoach #EduAI

Visited a successful school last week What made it successful? The adults They came together & committed to building positive relationships with kids. They held the kids to high standards. They made the classroom about learning. The school is what adults make of it for kids. #EduSky #EduCoach

All the stuff that makes schools great... They start with us, the adults in schools. All the stuff that holds schools back... They end with us, the adults in school. We claim the power. We take that power. We use that power. And that's how things change. When we do. #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

Adults in schools, The more we genuinely & consistently celebrate & praise ALL kids, the easier & more effective our corrective feedback will be when the time comes. Leaders, this also works for staff. Connect & praise before correcting & prescribing. #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

8 yr olds are kids 18 yr olds are kids SPED students are kids Gifted students are kids RTI students are kids ANY LABEL YOU WANT students are kids ALL our kids are learners & ALL can learn 1st Treat them like kids & like learners. 2nd Design their learning at high levels. #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

Scaffolds are meant to be TEMPORARY. Otherwise, we'd still be looking at the Statue of Liberty like this... It's no different for learning. Scaffolds were meant to be used & then eventually taken down. #EduSky #EduCoach

We want things to change in our classrooms & schools. We seek it out, target it, work hard at it. But often, we don't see the change in those things. Why? Because WE didn't change in the first place. We change to cause change. #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

What do you notice about SCAFFOLDS? -Designed for access to make things "reachable" -Specific to the task at hand -Support & safety focused -Can be modified or moved -Meant to be temporary No different than the scaffolds we put in place for the learners in our rooms. #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

Sometimes our teaching gets in the way of their learning. Why? Because we started our plans for teaching with "What do I want to teach today?" instead of... Beginning our design for learning with "How will my kids show they have learned _____ today?" #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

New post from Let's Quit Teaching! From TV Dinners to Culinary Exploration: Rethinking Teaching and Learning Read HERE πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

Teaching vs Learning One produces cooks who heat up the dishes given to them. The other trains up chefs who become masters at inventing culinary creations. One is status quo. The other gets us the improvement we've been chasing. Time to change the recipe. #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

Whew, it sure is cold outside! A chillier environment for some of our kids can be a classroom with: Little trust Little care Little belonging No amount of scarves or overcoats changes that. The adults in the school can & should. #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

Improvement in schools doesn't happen because of things on the outside. It happens when the adults on the inside commit to doing what it takes for learning to happen regardless of the outside influences Internal change leads to school wide solutions Don't look outside, look in. #EduSky #EduLead

Does your school have: High numbers needing Tier 2 & 3 services? Fix Tier 1 Low achievement? Fix Tier 1 High misbehaviors? Fix Tier 1 Low morale? Fix Tier 1 High disengagement? Fix Tier 1 Low growth? Fix Tier 1 If you're tired of ups & downs, get off the ride & fix Tier 1 #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

We can be the reason a kid loves school/learning & passes that love on to his children OR We can be the reason a kid grows up to tell his kids why he hated school & passes that apathy on down What you do today WILL echo for generations Our choice is what will be resounded #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

Reflecting this past week, I find myself thankful for all the fellow educators here seeking to share with & grow from each other. No stronger community around & no greater mission. We are better together. Always. #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

The fact that my job was not to teach, but rather create the best conditions for learning to happen & my kids create it & evaluate their evidence of learning was lost on me during the first half of my career. So glad I know better now. #EduSky #EduCoach

Instead of judging & labeling kids: Bad kids Low kids Slow kids ____ kids, What if we started wondering & studying them: Their interests Their strengths Their abilities Their ______. We might make some discoveries that affect how we design the learning for them. #EduSky #EduCoach

#EduSky #EduCoach

#EduSky #EduCoach

Free course for educators from OpenAI on how to use ChatGPT in the classroom.... #EduSky #EduCoach #EduAI #EdTech

We can teach our hearts out having the most energetic charisma, but if no one learned anything.... Well, that was just a nice presentation. The point of learning design is making evidence of learning center stage in the room for all to see, both teachers & learners. #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

Today's the day! I'll be drawing this afternoon and reaching out! Last chance to like and repost to an educator who wants to design learning.

It's the classroom more about teaching or more about learning? It's our choice. #EduSky #EduCoach #EduLead

Friday Challenge Adults in School: 1. Make sure the most "challenging" kids you have know you are glad to see them today 2. Ask them about their weekend plans 3. Tell them about yours This 2 min convo might just help change them from challenging to cherished if you keep at it. #EduSky #EduCoach