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Though he wrote this when Obama was in office and undoubtedly has no memory of it, the Internet is forever.

Never has a movie or literary quote had such dire import for our country as Paul Atreides' statement in Dune, "He who can destroy a thing controls a thing." I'm absolutely certain Musk knows this. I think it's his motto.

I think the Tekdestruktors (aka The Muskrats)want as much as possible of our government privatized so they can buy it outright. I think it's that simple.

From now on, I will refer to the FOTUS as "Hector." (I really hope that's his Secret Service code name. That would be awesome. Also telling.)

I'd call this call this an accurate assessment of the situation.

Oh, but they're Russian. He loves Russia.

Every. Single. Word. 🎯 🎯 🎯

Long article, but vital to understanding the method to the current (apparent) madness. It's not madness, it's brutality.

According to BlueSky, I have 65 followers. When I tap on the link to make sure they're all people I actually know, I only see 32 profiles. So where are the other 33, and how do I prevent their following me? I may have to bail on BlueSky over their clear lack of transparency.

I've got a better idea. How about Speaker Johnson resigns for not standing up for our country against a couple of thugs who lied, cheated, threatened, and wormed their way into the POTUS and Veep jobs? I could have sworn he also took an oath to defend our Constitution from enemies, which they ARE!

America's current administration is the utter antithesis of this admonition. 🥺

I propose we start referring to Herr Twittler as Ozymandias II! 1. He won't get the reference until one of his sycophants explains it to him with crayons and small words. 2. It projects his final resting place in history. 3. It will irritate him no end to be called "The Second [II]" of anything.


History is repeating itself on an almost day for day matching timeline. #KeepCalmAndCarryOn*

Why isn't anyone stopping them?!?!? Well, there's an answer to that...

Everything our gallant military and intelligence communities fought the Cold War over is lost. Trump just became Putin's strongest ally by throwing Ukraine to the Russian wolves. The gravest threat to our nation's international interests and security is the current POTUS. #CryMyBelovedCountry Deleting my AirBnB account.

Red Caps are evil little 💩s from the Winter Fae Court who mislead people, then bring out their knives when that person is isolated and dip their caps in that person's blood... appropriate description for the MAGA minions of the Mango Mussolini, no?

To everyone who stayed home on election day or voted for a third party in protest because you didn't like your choices, I have a question. Enjoying the hostile takeover of your country?

Which reminds me, can someone local hook a gal up?

Pt 4 So no, the only way they'll turn on him is if they find someone else 8 who will promise to stick it to the ones they hate even more severely than he is currently doing. That they go down with the ship is irrelevant to them so long as *we* drown first. That's it. And at that, he's successful.

Pt 3 The only promise he's kept to them is the only one they care about. He promised to stick it to the people they hate. He's pwning the Libs. It's frightening how deep their hatred is. And he has anyone with an ounce of compassion howling, so he's their friend. See Pt 4

Pt 2 Unfortunately, someone said something the other day that made absolute sense of a heretofore senseless situation (WHY doesn't his base seem to care that he doesn't intent to give them anything he promised them to get their votes? WHY are they still devoted to him?) See Pt 3

Pt 1 Everyone is waiting for the MAGA rank and file to realize Trump has used them, and they're not getting anything he promised he'd give them, if only they'd vote for him. It's not going to happen, and here's why... See Pt 2

Hear! Hear!