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Lady Luck is on my side. Give her time. || 26 | Half-Halfling, Half-Human | 5’2 || D&D RP | Fantasy RP | MVRP ||
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Hmm… Bet her 5 silver that she coudnae dae a third one.

How many flips?

Kin she do one o'dose running flip ‘hings?

Now she's juist showing off.

“Gods 'bove, if ye a' need annuder pair o' hands, juist give a shout.”

… oh. Well then. Rest in peace.

Calm doon, boyo. I’m not accusing ye. Juist bein' nosy! We’re on t’ same side!

An' ye shuid come wi' a button tae mak' ye more tolerable. Bit, 'ere we are. So, how come did ye picked a fight with a dragon?

Maybe ah shuid consider protection next time a’m wit’ yer mum, so ah dinnae mak' any mair lik' ye!

Oi! Y’ lit’le shite, thae are mah nice breeks!

Sure did. Fucked yer mither while ah was at it to.

Highfalls, wee coastal town. 'n' where are ye from?

Wow! How wis it? Did th' scales cop guid or did it mak' everything harder?

Ye dated a dragon?

Weel, thank th' gods ye'r 'ere. Ah was afraid th' l that obvious wasn't gonna state itself!

Now ye'r thinking lik' a bard.

Imagine pissing off a dragon.


Ah, dragons. Muckle old lizards wi' no nice tempers.

“Then count yersel' lucky. Ah lost a poker buddy t’ one. Well, lost all o' him but his foot. They found that outside th' cave.”

“An owlbear! Muckle, feathery beast wi' th' body 'n' temper o' a bear, talons 'n' beak o' an owl!”

“Bunch o' ye sneezing lik' ye'r allergic tae owlbears 'n' ye'r rooming wi' yin at th' howf.”

“Kin some o' ye keep it doon? I’m trying tae concentrate!”

“Na, ah play for plenty o' other ‘hings. Info, food, drinks, or just for fun!” He grinned, motioning at the concourse. “Dinnae figure ye cud play fur gold right now, even if ye wanted tae!”

“We dinnae hae t’ play for gold. Ah just like th' gam. Tis easy tae follow. Four dice under a cup. Ah shoogle it, reveal one. Ye guess if most th’ o'hers are higher or lower. See? Simple!”

His offended look was gone in an instant, an impish smile on his face. “Aye, dice. How about we play a game? Ye win, ah will let this whole thing go, aye? tis not a hard game.“

Jacks looked aghast, a hand to his chest in a mixture of mock horror and real disgust. “Na! What do ye tak' me for? Ah win everybody's dosh fairly; in games o' skill 'n' chance, cards 'n' dice. 'Suggesting theft'? The nerve on ya! Ah should be demanding a sorry!"

He scoffed. “Ah’m not worried aboot blokes fightin' a dragon. They'll win 'n' dragon guts will be all ova’, or they'll lose 'n' there will be folk guts all ova’. Either way, boozer gets filled wi' folk who will git bladders enough t’ be a bit risky wi' their coin purses!"

“O' course ah do. Thay just thinkin’ it too.” He waved the imaginary debt collectors off but glancing back to Gil. “What? Don’t be lookin’ at me lik' that. A'm good for it! Just gotta win it first, s’all."

“Oh, ye know, had ta duck out, juke some blokes wha think ah owe them gold. “