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Zeeland. Where else? ~~Never explain. Your friends don't need it, and your enemies don't believe you anyway~~ Hubbard
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The leader of the free world. He didn't bow to KGB Colonel Putin, he didn't bow to KGB asset Donald Trump. Big respect!

Dit is het moment om de steun aan Oekraïne 🇺🇦 op te schroeven. De pestkop in USA #potus krijgt zijn zin niet en slaat toon aan waar de Oekraïnse president #Zelensky niet van gediend is. Wat een baas. Ongekend alarmerend gedrag van US president. #EU moet nu de kar gaan trekken. Kom op!

BREAKING: Dems torch Trump after his jaw-dropping, disgraceful shouting match with Zelensky in an Oval Office meeting that will go down in the history books. This is an all-time low for the United States of America... And I'm embarrassed to be an American!

Trump and Vance act as if the problem is that Ukraine is resisting an ongoing Russian invasion. The problem is the ongoing Russian invasion. If they want to use American power to stop the war, apply it to the aggressor. Abusing the victim is not going to end a war of aggression.

Russia does not want to end the war, and the Trump administration has shown no ability to induce Russia to end the war. And so, predictably, the Trump administration blames the victim, blames Ukraine.

That asshole in the White House will NEVER speak for me. Smash that 💙 if you stand with President Zelensky.

Trump's tiny soul is rotten trash, and he has a shriveled prune for a heart. He's an evil untreated narcissist & dry drunk who thinks he floats above everyone like a prideful balloon when he's really just a trough of pig shit 💩 FUCK THE USA 🇺🇸 LOVE UKRAINE 🇺🇦 FUCK RUSSIA 🇷🇺 LOVE MEXICA & CANADA 🇲🇽 🇨🇦

These are the actions of a true democrate. Stepping aside for the greater good of the country, not going for self-interest. Don't get fooled by comrade Trump calling Zelenskyy a dictator, that is Trump's disinformation bubble fed by Putin.


Today, Ukraine has been sacrificed on the geopolitical chessboard between Putin and Trump. Vladimir gets closer to his imperial wet dreams, and the tiny-handed orange shitgibbon gets his ego stroked as a peacemaker. Europe as always offsided. Pure betrayal. Poor Ukraine.

#breastfeeding #chestfeeding #breastmilk #humanmilk #pumpingmilk #exclusivelypumping #breastfedbaby #breastfeedingmom #pumpingmom #pumpingandwork #chestfeedingparent #lactation #breastfeedingsupport #breastfeedingsupportgroup #breastfeedingmom #chestfeedingsupport #lalecheleague

Milk too weak? NEVER! • Your milk has everything your baby needs. • Your baby will let you know when he or she has had enough. • Let your baby finish the first breast/chest. You can offer the other if baby is still hungry. #breastfeeding #chestfeeding #pumpingmilk #lactation #lalecheleague

Blowing apart the sham that the ‘Gender Critical’ movement has anything whatsoever to do with ‘Women’s Rights’. It’s a mainly middle-class fuelled hate movement. You can be a pussy-grabbing, sex offending, anti abortion, brute - but if you hate trans people, YOU ARE IN.

In the US city of Cincinnati in Ohio, armed Nazis decided to hang flags over an overpass, they were promptly removed by locals who chased them away and burned the Nazi flags. The police tried to protect the Nazis.

Of: you can give me 67 yéars to do something, and I'll do it on the last night.

I don’t know what they’re discussing, but I do know it’s serious. I mean get a load of that little face! (Thread 🧵)

The unpaid woman who has written most of Graham Linehan's Substack over the years, which - by his claims of number paying subscribers - nets him at least 70K a year, has decided to "retire" from being his unpaid lackey. He got people to line up to write flowing tributes. No money, though.

Waarom heeft Campina geen vaste doppen op hun pakken vla? Ze benne toch zo begaan met de natuur?

Fascist incompetency in 5 easy steps. 1) Trump freezes hiring of Air Traffic Controllers 2) Trump fires director of FAA. 3) Trump cuts $16 billion from transportation budget. 4) 1st US plane crash in 16 years occurs. 5) Trump: "I blame my predecessor!"

30 januari: het blijft een noodlottige datum sinds Adolf Hitler in 1933 met behulp van de destijds heersende elite in Duitsland aan de macht kwam. Ik schreef hierover op mijn website👇Het is een waarschuwing van de recente geschiedenis voor de huidige tijd:

URGENT pls share “HIV & Breastfeeding in Emergencies” : when antiretroviral (#ARV) drugs are not immediately available and replacement feeding isn’t available & safe, recommend exclusive #breastfeeding for first 6 mo & continue #bfing thereafter #IYCFE

Vandaag gaat mijn zoon naar de film met een van mijn idolen. Of goeroes, is misschien een beter woord. Ik zit hier helemaal te fangirlen

laughing so hard that Sam Altman needs 100 trillion dollars and 15000 coal burning power plants and all the IP humanity has ever produced to make AI work and then four dudes in China are like "we did it with a chromebook from 2009 and some pringles cans"

Cartoonist David Cohen, na de preek van bisschop Budde

** dit kabinet bouwt meer luchtkastelen dan droomhuizen **

1. Trump's policy toward China has changed dramatically since taking office. During the campaign, he was promising tariffs of 60% or more. Now Trump is down to 10% tariffs on China — or none at all How do you explain the sudden shift Two words: Elon Musk

Laat ‘opdat wij niet vergeten’ ook ‘opdat wij niet herhalen’ worden. #Holocaust #Auschwitz

Op zaterdag vis halen bij de visboer op het wijkmarktje, is een mánnending, heb ik geconcludeerd na eigen onderzoek. Dat eigen onderzoek voerde ik uit in opeenvolgende weken, waarbij ik in de rij stond bij de kaasboer. Met enkel vrouwen.

It’s always helpful when the trash takes itself out. My piece on why three well-known atheists just resigned from the Freedom From Religion Foundation—and why they won’t be missed.