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Really enjoying painting Empire of Eternal Dusk. Dreadguard Cavalry finished I think. I like the idea of painting #Dusk a bit like Eldar. #Warmachine #Paintmachine #Warmongers

Next Chaos Marine is my Butcher w/2 Handed Chain Sword. A right proppa Choppa. Spent my evening just working on the sword #art #warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #40k #warmongers #skirmish #wargaming #minis #killteam #aos #ageofsigmar #miniatures #miniaturepainting #hobby

Winging It 🪽😇🪽 🤘🤘 #vulture #angel #Gwenom #atomicmassgames #mcp #amg #marvel #marvelcrisisprotocol #MCPFriday #minipainting #wargaming #miniatures #skyhammer #hobby #minis #warmongers #nerdlings #paintingminis

#warhammerageofsigmar #citiesofsigmar #nerdlings #waronthegrey #wingedhussars When the Winged Hussars arrive!!!!!

No I’m not sure what this is. Ghost? Spirit warrior? From pop culture? Well, I know it’s a 3D print from PS Yes I can see his Scythe is a bit bent 😂 #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #warhammercommunity #miniaturepainting #paintingminis #miniaturepainter #fantasy #ghost

Finished The Visarch!! So proud of him! I'll finish the base later. #WarhammerCommunity #40k #warhammer40k #aeldari #nerdlings

オールドワールドからブレトニアの騎兵スタンダードベアラー完成です😉‼️ #ウォーハンマー #warhammer

The Dialogus is done! Packed with as much religious preaching I was able to write in. Texts like ‘Papa John’s is Sin’ and ‘No ranch!’ Not the most thin text, but the holy war against the heretical pies must be waged. #Warhammer #W40k #WarhammerCommunity #paintingminis #paintingWarhammer #nerdlings

Finally finished all my Grots and got them on the Stompa that I started for Tanksgiving. #warhammer40k #40k #warhammercommunity #minipainting #orks40k

ゴシザールハーヴェスターと2セット目のモーテクガード完成です。 基本同じ塗り方なので変わらずです。 ベースはおどろおどろしい感じにしてみました。 スピアヘッド完成まであと少しです。 #WarhammerCommunity #warhammer #ウォーハンマー

Progress on my Lord of Change; another model that’s been a #WIP for a while (thanks #ADHD brain!) Making an effort to clear all my half-finished projects before I start painting my next army. It’s helping me stay motivated (mostly). #WarhammerAgeOfSigmar #TzeentchLordOfChange #MiniaturePainting

I just can't seem to stop painting minis. Great Unclean One as the latest offering to my addiction. #nerdlings #warhammercommunity

Avatar of Khaine. I'm loving all the new Aeldari models coming out. Painters dream. #nerdlings #warhammercommunity

Be'lakor is complete. With him done there are only 4 models left from the demons range I haven't painted yet. Need to get them all out for a family photo one day. #nerdlings #warhammercommunity

Some caterpie rippers and more work on Titus the Betrayer #warhammer #hobbystreak

Nothing is quite as gay as men trying to prove how straight they are

Forgot to take many pics but tonight was the Depot Raid flashpoint scenario concluding the first 1k point cycle of the #LegionsImperialis escalation campaign btwn & his Saturnyne Rams vs my own Dark Mechanicum. A narrow win for me but I’m excited to move on to 2k points!

I liked the older retributor design that gave them a powered gauntlet that helped them hold heavy weapons like this. Then again, this is an excuse to for people to depict Sisters with massive biceps

And every squad has that one basic B. #warhammerchallenge #warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #warhammer40000 #warhammerofficial #leaguesofvotann #killteam #rockandstone #day47 #miniaday2025

WIP #minipainting

I need more powerful reading glasses. 🤓 #warhammer #warhammerpainting #40k #warhammercommunity

Commander Sir Samuel Vimes, Ankh Morpork City Watch. #discworld #pratchett #miniature #figurepainting #nerdlings #warmongers #warhammerfantasy #theoldworld #dnd #pathfinder #dungeonsanddragons #warhammer

Ok I really don't have anything funny to say about a chappie with a big gun that fires a Helluva lot of spikes. #warhammerchallenge #warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #warhammer40000 #warhammerofficial #leaguesofvotann #killteam #rockandstone #day46 #miniaday2025

WIP on Hulkbuster for #marvelcrisisprotocol #warmongers what a model to practice NMM for the first time 😂

90's style Ghaz finished with custom banner! #warhammer

Few more rat boys finished up today #WarhammerCommunity #Warhammer #Skaven #AoS #Warmongers

As seen on #aloadoftoby More snaps, and my first posted on Bluesky. First picture is Gregor the Crazed firing thunderbolts everywhere like a fella down the pub last Saturday night looking for a fight! #miniaturepainting #oldhammer #windsofchaos #warmongers See and read more on my blog

Greenstuff in bluesky for redneck in bayou. #paintjob ##marvelcrisisprotocol #miniaturepainting #manthing #werewolfbynight #marvel

#chaos #sorcerer finished, really enjoyed #painting this mini, #ttrpg #miniaturepainting #warmongers #warmaidens #warhammer #thousandsons #40k #traitor #gamesworkshop #gw

I've never been able to paint cloth. It always ends up chalky and patchy. I'm trying to improve, but I'm still nowhere near. #warmongers #warhammer #aos #nerdlings #paintingwarhammer #luminethrealmlords

Painted a little guy this evening. 🧟‍♂️ #dnd #zombie #miniaturepainting

#Warhammer40k #Wh40k

Georgie Pordgie, mutie bounty hunter for Wanted: Reward CC$10,000 #wrcc10k #warmongers

Still working on the last one here… what? Like night 3 on my Dialogus. End is in sight. At least I can stay up tomorrow night to finish her and other things I need to prep for this weekend. #Warhammer #W40k #WarhammerCommunity #paintingminis #paintingWarhammer #nerdlings

I'm live on Twitch, come hang out! Part two of this fella coming up! #warhammercommunity #warhammer #warmongers #nerdlings

Dungeon Saga cleric. #miniatures #miniaturepainting #dungeonsaga #d&d

Yesterday for day 415 of the #HobbyStreak I brought these Infernus Marines to the point of almost completion #Warmongers #WarhammerCommunity #Warhammer40k #Warhammer40000 #SpaceMarines #InfernusMarines #DarkAngels #Ultramarines

Not my best work, nor my best photo, but happy to get another painted unit on the table for my Aeldari. Working on a Wave Serpent next! #warhammer #40k #aeldari #warhammercommunity

Hierotek Circle: Technomancer . . #Warhammer #Warhammer40k #Art #Miniatures #Killteam

Finished Lieutenant Titus & very happy with how he turned out, payed a bit more attention to his face & I think it worked! #Warmongers #WarhammerCommunity #PaintSlam24 #Warhammer40k #Warhammer40000 #SpaceMarines #AdeptusAstartes #Ultramarines #Titus #LieutenantTitus #SpaceMarine2 #PaintingWarhammer

Finished! Sakura Seraphon! Lots has changed since the last photo, but I'm really happy with the changes! What a lovely pair of dinos! #MiniaturePainting #Warhammer #AgeofSigmar

The saga of the golden-hilts continues. The halberd was a bitch to get the brush at from some angles. #warhammer40k

Small steps on my Shrivetalon.. Eye black or glowing? TBD #art #warhammer #WarhammerCommunity #40k #warmongers #skirmish #wargaming #minis #killteam #aos #ageofsigmar #miniatures #miniaturepainting #hobby

So we've started a bit of the metals this time. A way more to go, but we're definitely getting Emperor's childish. #warhammercommunity #warhammer #warmongers #nerdlings

I think that works. #warmongers #warhammer ##aos #nerdlings #paintingwarhammer #luminethrealmlords

Been a while since hitting up the Napoleonic period, which meant having to do some reading on Lieutenant Colonel James Macdonell. What a bloke! Miniature very kindly provided by from the upcoming SALUTE 52 - be there and get yours, 12th of April!

That's him... about 80% completed? Pack, base, decals, and weathering to go 😁 #WarhammerCommunity #warmongers #nerdlings #wip

My Troll Horde! Will add more photos, have so far painted around 2500 pts: Ogdruz Swampdigga Troll Hag x 2 15 River Trolls 9 Stone Trolls 2 Common Trolls Giant Bonegrinder Giant Looking forward to playing Warhammer TOW! #WarhammerCommunity #nerdlings #warmongers #paintingwarhammer #oldhammer

Got some Infernus Marines for the Ultramarines finished up today #Warmongers #WarhammerCommunity #PaintSlam25 #Warhammer40k #Warhammer40000 #SpaceMarines #AdeptusAstartes #Ultramarines #InfernusMarines #PaintingWarhammer #PaintingWarhammer2025

I also finished a Dark Angels Infernus Squad too #Warmongers #WarhammerCommunity #PaintSlam25 #Warhammer40k #Warhammer40000 #SpaceMarines #AdeptusAstartes #DarkAngels #InfernusMarines #PaintingWarhammer #PaintingWarhammer2025