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Cambridge University loses bid to ban pro-Palestine protests on university sites -

Ifølge Elon Musk er DOGE - Departementet for Offentlig Effektivisering - i gang med at effektivisere USAs bureaukrati. Det er også en forklaring man vil høre hvis man lyttede til Genstart 12. februar. Men er det nu også effektivisering vi er vidne til? Lyt med!

These are, to put it mildly, absolutely insane numbers to charge developers for GPT 4.5, a model with no real featureset difference I can see other than Sam Altman saying it's "more conversational" where Sam is already saying it won't benchmark well! WASHED!

This is the disgusting person Trump wanted released to the United States despite his heinous human trafficking charges. Listen to him describe how he’d grab women by the neck. MAGA can officially shut the fuck up about the Epstein files.

Donald Trump just helped free Andrew Tate from his rape and human trafficking charges. Tate has bragged about grabbing women by their necks, breaking their jaws, and said “I am absolutely a misogynist.”

Dansk Folkeparti har fremsat et beslutningsforslag, der i praksis vil udrydde transpersoner fra det danske samfund. Det er straight up anti-trans fascisme. Lille hurtig tråd 🧵

Liberal Alliance - her eksemplificeret ved Henrik Dahl - er det danske svar på Trumpismen: Populistisk, autoritær og nationalkonservativ. #dkpol

"Ej, ikke en tegneserie. Du skal vælge en rigtig bog" Sådan har jeg hørt MANGE voksne sige til børn de guidede til at finde en bog på biblioteket eller i boghandlen. Men der er masser af gode grunde til at børn (og voksne) skal læse tegneserier. Her er 10 af dem. Fra mig og Martin Rovang Jensen.

Har du hørt om Cass rapporten? Læs med her og del gerne med din Ligestillingsminister eller andre relevante personer på området. Fx i en quote post

Hvad mener ministeren om Trivselskommissionens forslag om at hæve klasseloftet for de mindste børn, og mener ministeren, at det er problematisk, at Trivselskommissionen er blevet nedsat med et opdrag om at være udgiftsneutral, sådan …

this doesn't "raise concerns" it is a flagrant and illegal theft. Hail to the thief.

David Icke, notorious English peddler of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories about lizard people, is calling out Elon Musk on Twitter and it is fascinating to watch:

Mens verdens øjne er rettet andre steder hen, bliver tusinder fordrevet på Vestbredden i igangværende sikkerhedsoperationer. Røde Kors appelerer til at civile beskyttes og den nødvendige hjælp ydes.

50'erne har ringet og vil gerne have deres avis tilbage. Oberstvældet i Grækenland vil gerne tegne abonnement på avisen, hvis de kan få den leveret til deres plejehjem. Individualisering af systemiske samfundsforhold er politisk ansvarsforflygtigelse.

‘project woke 2029’ priorities: -ban online gambling -ban crypto usage in the united states

Federal workers are being asked to report on colleagues who are involved in after-work groups for LGBTQ employees:

Det tager i forvejen 6 hele måneder at få skiftet cpr-nummer, som transkønnet. En i forvejen helt absurd behandlingstid, selv inden for offentlige processer. Og dog vil politikere indskrænke retten yderligere, uden nogen former for evidens eller grundlag, der er relevante.

I morgen skal Folketinget snakke om at begrænse retten til juridisk kønsskifte, så lad os lige tage den her en gang til

The fact that a trans woman is in a British newspaper calling JK Rowling a witch is making me squeal with laughter haha - British libel laws mean we can’t talk so openly here but since Vera’s American she can say what she likes

Det her er vanvittigt. IDF viser stolt billeder af deres krænkelse af libanesisk luftrum. Vi forventer bare at libaneserne skal finde sig i det. Forestil jer at Rusland sendte jagerfly indover Kbh og pralede med det på soc. med.. Hvordan kan vi tillade det bare fordi det er Israel?

Today is the last day to download ALL the books you paid for from Kindle, cos Amazon are about to pull a fast one. 😮‍💨 Spread the word!

Puha, heldigt det hverken var det ekstremt stressende samfund eller 20+ års fejlslagen folkeskolepolitik fra #dkpol der var skyld i børns mistrivsel.

trans women will be raped to death. they know this will happen. this is a crucial part of the steps to our genocide.

Jeg taler med og om anti-wokeness, tech bros og højrepopulismen i Skandinavien den 7. marts. Det er online - kom med. Skriv dig op her

Join us for a conversation about anti-wokeness and the reactionary right for a Scandinavian perspective on the recent tech-bro turn. Speakers include and 7th of March 12-13pm Sign up here: Please share widely

New: DOGE's spending has been secret. No longer. My colleagues have uncovered it.

elon musk is the generational case study of how lust for power, unlimited wealth, and the desire for a century long legacy can make you one of the most evil people curruently alive in the world

The National Park Service just took down Marsha P. Johnson's page.

Det er nemt at erklære sig enig, men seriøst, borgerlige typer: Indtil for få mdr. siden ikke bare klappede i af USA, men støttede dem aktivt, når de brød international ret i Mellemøsten, Sydamerika, you name it. Måske vi skulle have sagt fra for længe siden?

Mænd 50+ på tinder be like

reposting with alt text for accessibility BREAKING: Indigenous activist Leonard Peltier released from prison after nearly 50 years.

Hey, sorry but no more Yosemite. It’s getting more efficient.

Not to flex but anyone who followed Elon's hyperloop arc saw this coming a mile away. He said he could save 90% over high speed rail by ... buying land cheaper. That was it, he never offered any further specifics and the media utterly failed to convey how much of a charlatan he was.

This needs to be required reading for all democrats and lefties. We need a shared language for our time. “To that end, I’m going to list the potential resolutions from best to worst:”

Along with 10 other Danish adoptees, I am a co-signee of this "citizens initiative" to demand that the Danish state investigate all transnational adoptions for the past 50+ years, and places a legal responsibility for all possible irregularities. 🥚

i need a 52 year old man with $800 billion to impregnate my wife . i am worried our offspring wont be sufficiently feeble and/or annoying

When the Nazis took power and gutted the Weimar era civil service in government, they also claimed the need to increase efficiency and to ensure loyalty to the nazi party. They did it through the law for the restoration of the professional civil service.

Trump administration wants to un-fire nuclear safety workers but can’t figure out how to reach them

Tak for i dag 🇵🇸✌🏻
