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Anglo-Burmese. Parent of two daughters & Mika, the cat. I write for a living, mainly about education. Am also writing a book & dabble in poetry. Trying to get my shit together as I deal with invisible disabilities & the daily grind.
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Just finished making notes. Reckon by the time a new week starts, I’d’ve caught up with everything. I may be physically slow, but my mind is quick as a whip! Sometimes…

After a fairly severe flair up, I’m playing catch-up with my workload. Meanwhile, Mika’s skydiving in her sleep. To be a cat that dreams!

I’m literally crawling to the weekend. It’s always busy at work, but throw in A&E, and ex-in-laws that think you want to hear their opinions, it gets a tad trying!

I loves me a puzzle, I do, I do.

Time for some tunes to make the weekly flat clean somewhat bearable. Then I’m gonna chill out with a puzzle. Or a book. Living the dream folks!

So, today I found out I’ve been accepted by a uni to study their MA In Creative Writing course. I am so excited and ready for this. #education #learning #itsnevertoolate

Invisibility disabilities have flared up today… had to really push myself to avoid missing deadlines. Dinner and a wash to put on, then it’s meds and bed.

Just finished #reading Starvation Heights by Gregg Olsen. Unbelievable #truestory about how people were starved to death, believing it was beneficial to them. That is until Dora Williamson found the strength to avenge her sister’s death.