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"tree equity" is the kind of thing that columnists like to make fun of when why it works is actually instantly apparent to anyone who's ever walked down a street in the summer

looking back everything went to shit when Schoolhouse Rock stopped airing

Le spectacle de la désunion à gauche donnerait presque envie de pleurer. Certains voudraient devenir rois d'un cimetière, mais ce n'est pas à la hauteur de la gravité de la situation. À l'heure de la montée globale du péril fasciste, on a le devoir d'être à la hauteur.

On résume : - les chiffres de l'Insee contredisent l'idée de "submersion migratoire" - ceux de l'Enquête sociale européenne disent que 69% des gens ne ressentent pas de "sentiment de submersion" Bayrou ne reprend pas que les obsessions de l'extrême droite, mais aussi ses infox.

the idea that these tech guys are opposed to "government waste" is so completely fucking ridiculous. they feast on government waste. DOD budgets are a bloated mess. the pentagon has failed 7 straight audits. the big beneficiaries are tech companies providing defense services.

La #LDH a saisi Apple en justice pour violation de la vie privée, et rappelle son engagement dans la défense des droits et libertés fondamentales, notamment le respect des données personnelles.

hey by the way a fake right wing consumer group named "Consumer's Research" is pushing the Supreme Court to kill an $8 billion program that brings affordable broadband to schools and poor people

The "large scale social deception" contract Musk is conspiracizing about was: * first awarded under Trump * paid to Reuters' data division, not the newsroom * for researching *defenses* against deception * not revealed by "DOGE investigations" and was a public record, visible online for many years

“On the streets of Paris, thousands of trees are being planted, the city’s distinctive grey zinc rooftops are getting a makeover and workers are installing drinking fountains that release a cooling mist. The changes are part of the French capital’s fight against heatwaves.” Via

Someone at the American Bar Association ate their Wheaties this morning.

Birthright citizenship remains the law of the land.

Elon Musk a atteint le stade du « le gouvernement américain a financé des armes biologiques, dont le COVID, qui ont tué des millions de personnes » On est à un degré de stupidité pure qui dépassent l’entendement Cet homme a (illégalement) les clés du gouvernement fédéral US

is it good or bad that a billionaire oligarch with close ties to foreign dictators is currently downloading the most sensitive information the us federal government has about its citizens to his own private servers?

I really can’t wrap my head around congressional Democrats’ response to the past 12 days of crises. It reeks of pathetic capitulation. Trump is asserting dictatorial powers of absolute control over the entire government and the reaction is “we don’t swing at every pitch”? An appalling abdication.

Women deserve to know the TRUTH about the impact of Texas' total abortion ban. Today, I along with Rep. Gerry Connolly, Rep. Summer Lee, and Rep. Ayanna Pressley sent ANOTHER letter calling on Texas to explain why it won't release maternal mortality data from the past 2 years after Dobbs.

It’s important to know that a lot of productive activity is happening in person and offline, too. Not all of it can be broadcast online, but we’ve had hundreds of people showing up to our trainings, mobilizations, and more. Keep going. Tyranny is eroded by a sea of small acts. Everything matters.

Une fois de plus les avocats sont attaqués dans une publication nauséabonde , attaqués avec et les associations aidant les étrangers notamment. Des noms d'avocats sont donnés et désignés comme les coupables, terrifiant ! CP de Barreau de Bordeaux ci dessous ⤵️

If you made this argument back in the day you were smugly dismissed as an economically illiterate lefty.

My lawyer hot take is that the lawyers defending the birthright citizenship EO should be driven from the practice. They shouldn't know a day's rest and should never get to practice law again.

À la Une de La Croix, mon reportage a Mayotte sur les raisons qui poussent de nombreux habitants à quitter les Comores. Économie, manque de perspectives, répression... des raisons multiples, loin des fantasmes sur lesquels surfe l’extrême droite.

ICE Homeland Security Investigations is the law enforcement agency which goes after child sex abuse material online. Trump issued an executive order last night saying that for HSI, arresting undocumented immigrants must be more important for them than going after pedophiles.

La résolution adoptée par l'assemblée générale du CNB, Conseil National des Barreaux, dénonçant les attaques inacceptables à l'encontre de la profession d'Avocats

Bryan MacCormack, the executive director of a New York-based immigrant rights group, was pulled over by CBP with two undocumented passengers in the vehicle. He knew his rights, refused to acknowledge their "warrant", and despite CBP threatening him, the agents eventually were forced to let him go.

50 ans. Un droit si jeune et si fragile.

Don’t be glum about the long, cold winter. Look around: the trees are busy, not sleeping. When the temperature permits, cells in this bud are dividing, maturing into flowers, leaves, stems. The cambium, maker of all the trees, is preparing for its spring festivities. Be like a tree: keep growing.

Coucou, il y a du monde ici? Je crois que je vais être de plus en plus actif sur cette appli où le ciel est bleu. On va parler astronomie, sciences et apprendre en s'émerveillant! N'hésitez pas à partager pour recréer une belle communauté ici!!