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Old Korean dude ranting about all things Korea (mostly in English, but might get a bit 짬봉, if you know what I mean). 영어 ㅈㄴ 잘 하는 한국인 꼰대
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So-called “Korea experts” pontificating about how this self-coup was not well thought out. You fucking fools. This village idiot isn’t capable of simple thought, let alone tactics. #윤석열 #martiallaw

How fucked up is South Korea’s conservative party (People’s Power Party) right now?

Jesus Christ, Oh Se-hoon is such a snake.

Comment heard while looking at youtube videos late at night, in bed, half-asleep: “Kpop is music made by a society that doesn’t do drugs." 😄😄😄 #kpop

One of the interesting things about these Myung Tae-gyun tapes is the way they are being released - drip-drip-drip over weeks, like a Chinese torture technique - and not all at once. It’s annoying the press who have to cover it at the last minute, and paralyzing the conservatives. #명태균 #윤석열 #김건희

My piece on the current South Korean president. #yoonsukyeol #윤석열

And now, at #46 of our #kkondaekpopTop50 #korea #kpop #꼰대 #꼰대음악 It’s Pink Lady and their big hit “SOS.” You may ask yourself why a 70s Japanese female duo is on the #kkondaekpopTop50. Well, their Korean tour was the moment when I realized that I was indeed heterosexual. #pinklady

Don’t want to be harping on about this press conference, but... 1) never mind that he thinks it’s fine to sit his ass down during an address to the nation 2) never mind that he thinks it’s okay to address people who work for him in banmal (familiar speech) #korea #yoonsukyeol

“소설 역사왜곡” 이란 표현이 모순이란 것도 모르는 작가들… 진짜 한심함 소설 미술 연극 모든 예능이 왜 역사앞에 무릎을 꿇어야하는지... Did Hillary Mantel “distort” history? Did Shakespeare, for that matter? Of course! These are the materials for fiction!

I get that you can have a diversity of opinions about the author #hangkang #한강 And her novels, and her themes, may certainly not be to everyone’s tastes. But when is a novelist a prisoner to “historical accuracy”? The level of sheer, green-faced envy towards her is disgraceful, and pathetic. #한강작가

And now, at #47 of our #kkondaekpopTop50 #korea #kpop #꼰대 #꼰대음악 It’s Lee Ji-yeon (이지연) with “Please Stop the Wind” (바람아 멈추어다오). I would translate it as “Dear Wind, Please Stop." Ah, if this doesn’t bring back memories, I don’t know what will.

Lee Jae-myung found guilty. One year in jail, two years probation. An absolute disgrace.

Here is #48 in our #kkondaekpopTop50 #korea #kpop #꼰대 #꼰대음악 It’s none other than Kim Heung-gook’s (김흥국) “Tiger Butterfly” (호랑나비). Given how well-known the song is, it should probably rank higher. But it’s got little artistic value, and Kim’s a bit of a right-wing prick, so it only gets the 48 spot.

If J. Mark Ramseyer and Johnny Somali got in a boxing ring together (a lá Tyson and Logan), who would win? #ramseyer #johnnysomali

Here is #49 in our #kkondaekpopTop50 #korea #kpop #꼰대 #꼰대음악 It’s Linus (라이너스), and their hit song “Kite” (연). Look at these boys with their outrageously long hair. They had a fight with the broadcasters about not cutting their hair (these were Park Chung Hee days). Such rebels!

It took a few tries and some new skill acquisition, but this is what I'm using to delete Twitter. I haven't used the site since 2022 when TweetDeck died, but I also don't want anyone using my work and my words to train an AI.

윤석열 대통령이 당선인 시절 2022년 지방선거 일부 공천에 개입했다고 '깜짝 폭로'를 한 이준석 개혁신당 의원이, 연이틀 작심한 듯 폭로를 이어갔습니다. 윤 대통령이 시장 공천에 개입했다는 이야기를 "포항시장 공천 과정에서 김건희 여사를 만났다"고 더 구체적으로 공개한 겁니다. 여기에 윤 대통령이 경북도당위원장의 의견을 들어 특정인의 공천을 압박하면서 "역정을 냈다"고 말했습니다.

SK 3 - 1 Kuwait Son (2) and Bae Jun-ho (1) are the goal scorers. Bae is a very talented young man who is destined for great things (IMHO).

Kim Tae-woo is in the news. This dude won the election for Gang-seo District Mayor in 2022, and then got convicted for leaking state secrets (공무상 비밀누설죄) and had to vacate his seat. /1

I’ve been seeing a lot of videos like this lately. Right wingers going to Korea and waxing poetic about what an honest and harmonious society etc. it is. If you don’t know what’s going on, American racists have changed tactics in recent years. #korea #crime #racism

In order to entice new followers to this lovely new bsky account of mine, I’m going to do a Korean music Top 50 countdown where I will post a song every day. I’m calling it my #kkondaekpopTop50 #korea #kpop #꼰대 #꼰대음악 First up at No. 50 is “Wanted” by the Dooleys.