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Getting Started

Yay new books

My review list is updated and changed the colors. Started All I Have Part one. #bookreview #Allihavepartone

Omg i finished most of my books on my excel sheet holy crap. I feel like the books i read. Can tell you what kind of person i am lol #spicybooks#Booknerd#booklover

Why is hard to come up with music when the lyrics are finish but i cant think of what kind of music i want it to be

Just finished Onyx Storm now it time to start my new book. Haunting Adeline. #Booknerd #bookworm

We start to learn who we are after we have fully destroyed ourselves. At that time we start to learn who we truly are. We learn how love ourselves for who we are. By then we fully understand who we are. #loveyourself #quoteoftheday #quotesaboutlife #quotestoliveby

We ask for Serenity to helps us as we can’t change our past and how other people that act around us. We ask for Courage to give us push that we need to focus on our future. Last, we ask for Wisdom so we have the knowledge to know what the difference is between the choices.

I take one day at time. One breath at a time. And let myself look at whole picture and not just part of the picture. Each day i come out a better , stronger , and smarter woman then i was a day ago. Because i learn as i take things slow. #onedayatatime #recovery #hope #loveyourselffirst #stronger