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πŸ‘ This is THE fan page for all things Manos! History. Legacy. Trivia. Memes. And more! πŸ‘ MERCH: EMAIL: [email protected] FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:
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Here’s a Fan Of Fate rockin’ the Master’s Robe proper! Torgo even has his dirt pile brew in-hand! πŸ‘ #fans #fansofate #manos #manosthehandsoffate #mst3k

Comin' in with the big questions! πŸ‘ #manos #manosthehandsoffate #mst3k #rifftrax

Want to know more about the mysterious man behind "The Mads Are Back" and other great content from Read my interview with and find out how it all began.

"You cannot have any more polygons. You have failed us, Torgo. For that, you must die." Did a PS1-style low-poly model of The Master from Manos: The Hands of Fate.

MANOS. πŸ‘ #manos #manosthehandsoffate #mst3k #rifftrax #bmovie #horror #film

I’ve felt the pain, and learned to love it. πŸ‘ #manos #manosthehandsoffate #mst3k #rifftrax #badmovies

Torgo pioneered the 'stanky leg'. Change my mind. πŸ‘

A big thanks to Fan Of Fate Robert for sending pictures of his furry fella, Selkie (who seems to be The Master of his domain) decked out in a custom Master's Robe made by none other than the great Jackey Neyman Jones herself! πŸ‘

Just snagged the last one from Valley Lodge

"Get in." πŸ˜†πŸ‘ It's the crossover we always needed but never got! What would YOU call it?!

I hope everyone had a great holidays! Did anyone watch or get anything Manos-related?! #happyholidays #happynewyear #timeoff #movietime #manos #manosthehandsoffate

πŸ‘πŸŽ„ MERRY MANOSMAS! πŸŽ„πŸ‘ #happyholidays #merrychristmas #happyhanukkah #happykwanza #festivusfortherestofus #seasonsgreetings

Dumb Industries resident artist, Carmen Cerra, does some great work! πŸ‘ #manos #manosthehandsoffate #manosreturns #mst3k #horror #movie

Our deepest sympathies go out to the family, friends and fans of Bryan Jennings. He played The Sheriff in Manos Returns and was the son of William Bryan Jennings who played The Sheriff in the original film. Rest in Peace, Bryan. #restinpeace #rip #manos #manosreturns #manosthehandsoffate

This might hit a little close for some. πŸ˜†πŸ‘ #mst3k #manos #manosthehandsoffate #badmovies #worstmovie

In 1966, a brave fertilizer salesman and a group of local theatre actors set out to make the worst movie no one has ever known! πŸ‘ #mst3k #themadsareback #rifftrax #manos #manosthehandsoffate #horror #movie #cultclassic

Is it just me, or were the real victims of Manos the makeout couple that never got past 2nd base? #iwonder #justathought #puppylove #manos #manosthehandsoffate #mst3k #rifftrax #themadsareback #horror #movie #cultclassic

Each and every time. πŸ‘ #amazon #amazonprime #delivery #manos #manosthehandsoffate #horror #movie #film #cultclassic #mst3k #rifftrax

When it comes to tough choices, I stop and ask myself, "What would Torgo do?" πŸ‘ #manos #manosthehandsoffate #decisions #choices #adulting #horror #film #bmovie #cultclassic #mst3k #rifftrax #themadsareback has got the goods! There's even some really awesome Manos merch you should get your 'hands' on! πŸ‘ #blackfriday #sale #moviemerch #dumbindustries #supportsmallbusinesses #mst3k #themadsareback #rifftrax

It's a gem! As pleased as The Master over that gag! #MST3K #MST3KTurkeyDayMarathon

Who's ready for leftovers? We're reairing our #MST3KTurkeyDay marathon episodes all weekend long on The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Channel! Visit for details.

Here's a fun pic submitted by Fan Of Fate Meagan! Who looks more surprised? Her and her, or Torgo? Thanks for the submission! πŸ˜†πŸ‘ #themadsareback #mst3k #mysterysciencetheater3000 #manos #manosthehandsoffate #bmovie #cultclasslic #horror #movie #film #fan #fanart

Is it just me, or would Torgo make an ideal poster boy for People Of Walmart? πŸ€”πŸ‘ #peopleofwalmart #peoplewatching #walmart #manos #manosthehandsoffate #mst3k #themadsareback #rifftrax #mysterysciencetheater3000 #peoplearestrange #torgo #horror #movie #cultclassic

Check out this stunning illustration of The Master by Fan Of Fate Brian Walsby! Exceptional work, Brian! πŸ‘ #dumbindustries #themadsareback #mst3k #mysterysciencetheater3000 #manos #manosthehandsoffate #cultclasslic #horror #movie #film #illustration #artwork #sketch #creative #illustrationartists

Us on a search to find all the wonderful Fans Of Fate on Bluesky like... #manos #manosthefansoffate #fansoffate #torgo #mst3k #rifftrax #themadsareback #community #bmovie #horror #movie