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I live in SW Germany, but on social media I post in English in the main because most of the users do not understand German. Currently I´m on Twitter (now X), Quora and Printerest. NO PRIVATE MESSAGES - NO STALKING - NO BULLYING!!!
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Newsletters´re checked, some petitions signed & posted as well as updates/donation requests, now I´ll go offline for a TV crime series, news & a family series, before I have to go asleep after 8 pm German time due to #PostVac again, #Goodnight already. 💖💖💖

Stoppt das Jagdrecht für den Wolf in Rheinland-Pfalz, bitte unterzeichnen/teilen.

7 Smart Ways to Effortlessly Blend Your Grays, According to Stylists. I´m proud of my grey streaks, each of them is earned the hard way. Mom´d already gotten her first grey hair in her late 20s, so did me and my 2 siblings, I´m 54 now.

#ZDFplanB: Energiewende zu Hause Günstiger Strom für Mieter. Hier im Hochhaus mit 85 Wohnparteien, 2 Ärzten, 1 Physio & 1 Anwalt hab ich als Mieterin NULL Einfluss auf die Zentralheizung (mit Öl).

3 Simple Moves That Target Hidden Muscle Weakness. OMG I can´t do more than my 30 minutes of daily osteoporosis gyms with two 1 kg dumbbells, to strengthen my bone by keeping my muscles from weakening.

11 Grocery Items That Just Got More Expensive—And Prices Are Still Climbing. Here in Germany foods like butter, coffee, eggs, margarine, bread, dairy products in common and others cost up to 100 % more now.

Soziale Netzwerke als demokratische Kraft retten, wer noch nicht unterzeichnet/geteilt hat, kann das noch machen, die Petition ist noch offen und braucht mehr Unterschriften, deshalb poste ich sie nochmal auf X, Quora & Bluesky.

Soziale Netzwerke als demokratische Kraft retten. Immer mehr soziale Medien erlauben #FakeNews, #DeepFakes, #HateSpeech und andere Grausamkeiten und schaffen den #FaktenCheck ab, wir müssen selber checken.

4 Puppies Being Raised for Meat in South Korea Are Safe Now, they´re survivors of the Asian #DogAndCatMeatTrade. 🐶🐶🐶💖💖💖 Unfortunately the #YulinFestival & other cruel "events" still take place...

PRESIDENT’S VIEW: Animal Agriculture & California’s Inferno. #ClimateChangeIsReal. But less than 1 % of all humans are vegans, that won´t change because vegan life causes MASSIVE defiencies. I´ve been vegetarian for 40 years yet, I´m 54 now.

UPDATE: Mississippi Woman To Serve At Least 4 Years for Bestiality & Animal Cruelty. Lock that bitch up, throw away the key.

End Canada’s Senseless Slaughter of Seals, nobody wants to buy seal fur anymore, so #Canada sells body parts like seal penisses to #China for their fucking #TCM that´s as senseless as it can be, please sign/share.

Angriff bei #HolocaustDenkmal: Polizei: Tatverdächtiger wollte "Juden töten", der Tatverdächtige ist (leider) wieder ein Asylbewerber, der gehört erst bestraft, dann abgeschoben. Wir brauchen keine kriminellen Einwanderer.

Save Abused and Abandoned Animals. #SharingIsCaring, I post on X & Quora, and for good 3 weeks also on Bluesky. #SocialSecurity here as chronic sick/disabled/100 % unable to work person.

California Woman Starved To Death 80 Horses & Many Other Animals. #AnimalHoarding may be a mental disease, but this person needs to be sentenced to the maximum before she´ll get a therapy, please sign/share.

Testamente: Persönlich informieren auf den WWF-Veranstaltungen, für diejenigen, die dereinst was zu vererben, aber keine Angehörigen (mehr) haben. Derer gibt es sicher einige, ich bin auf #Sozialhilfe angewiesen.

Yoga für Artenvielfalt Machen Sie mit beim Yoga-Charity-Event. Für die Gesunden, ich bin schwerbehindert und außerhalb meiner Wohnung auf einen #RentnerPorsche angewiesen, da ist nix mit Yoga.

Verlosung: Mit dem WWF und der Deutschen Eishockey Liga ab ins Stadion! #SportIstMord und ich bin #Agoraphobikerin und schwerbehindert auf #Sozialhilfe, käme also gar nicht zum Stadion. Mein Instagram Account war schon einige Monate vorher von der @Meta KI gelöscht worden, aber da hatte ich ohne Smartphone eh nur folgen, liken & kommentieren können, aber nicht selber posten...

GhostNetZero.AI – Wie KI marines Leben rettet. Na, da ist ja die KI endlich mal nützlich, die von @Meta hat mir in 09/24 meinen 11+ Jahre alten Facebook Account gelöscht, kein Geld für einen Anwalt, um Meta zu verklagen = Account ist futsch.

Meeresklima: Marine Hitzewellen. Korallen sterben ab/bleichen aus, während Algen sich im Übermaß vermehren. Fische sterben oder wandern in kühlere Regionen ab, Wale finden kein Plankton zum Fressen mehr. #Klimawandel

Von Fallen und Geburten: Die Arbeit des Team von Elephant Aware 💖💖💖🐘🐘🐘

WWF Zukunftswahl-Check zur Bundestagswahl 2025. Noch NIE wurde uns die Politik dermaßen um die Ohren gehauen wie in DIESEM #Wahlkampf, ich hab schon Anfang letzter Woche meine #Briefwahl Unterlagen abgeschickt. ES REICHT JETZT!!! 🤬🤬🤬

Earlier I had to BLOCK a JERK on #Bluesky who´d sent me a DM "Can I ask you a question", although I noted at my profile "No private messages", I´m not online for chatting, I´m online for posting, liking, commenting and sharing. Period.

So the stupid German here just learned a new English word, bobby pin = Haarnadel, I had such as a child, nowadays I tie my hair together in a ponytail. It´s simple and the hair doesn´t fall into my face all the time. LOL 🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪

The weekly #Caturday @Cheezburger mewsletter hasn´t arrived yet, so here´s a post from their homepage: Cute and Caring Cat Children Who’d Happily Help You in Your Old Age =^..^= 😹😹😹😽😽😽💖💖💖

10 Dangerous Signs You're Drinking Too Much Alcohol, According to Doctors. Due to my 10+ longtime meds, among them oxycodone (Targin), I do not drink ANY alcohol, even on #NewYearsEve I drink alcohol-free fruit punch.

Depression Raises Your Risk of These 3 Serious Health Problems by 30%, New Study Finds. From our whole family I´m the only one who NEVER had a depression, all others had or have depressions, my sister even tried to commit suicide due to them yet.

Eating More of This Vitamin Could Protect Against Kidney Stones, Scientists Say. Niacin is also called vitamin B3, veggies and/or vegans often get a defiency because it´s contained in animal products in the main. I´m lacto-veggie.

How to Use Vinegar in Laundry to Eradicate Smells and More, but I wouldn´t recommend to use the (dark) balsamico vinegar LOL. Or any other dark vinegar. You can also use diluted vinegar essence. 🤪🤪🤪🤣🤣🤣

This Is What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Eating Carbs. Sooner or later you´ll get kidney stones, we need carbs, proteins, healthy fats and fibers to stay healthy. That´s our human nature.

“Here’s How I Knew I Had Stomach Cancer”: One Patient’s Story Illustrates the Value of a Second Opinion. Mom´s dad died from stomach cancer in 1969, two years before I was born, only my 2 older siblings met him as kids.

5 Worst Foods for Your Immune System, Say Experts. I´m lacto-veggie and I HATE sweet foods. I drink 2 big cups of black coffee/day, but get heartburn from green tea. White bread tastes like straw, I prefer whole grain products.

The Toothbrushing Mistake Everyone Makes. 8 molars had to be extracted due to osteoporosis, of the remaining teeth all, except for 1, have crowns. I floss every day and in Germany all toothpastes contain fluoride.

Look for a Red-Naped Sapsucker in the Rocky Mountains 🐦🐦🐦💖💖💖

For my US online friends, we do not have hummingbirds in Europe. 7 Natural Ways to Keep Bees and Wasps Away From Hummingbird Feeders 🐦🐦🐦💖💖💖

Who can please donate on #WorldSpayDay, for me who depends on #SocialSecurity #SharingIsCaring. 💖💖💖

JUST IN: Special-edition T-shirt now available, for me who depends on #SocialSecurity and whose wardrobe is so full yet that it´s almost bursting anyway #SharingIsCaring. 💖💖💖 I post on X, Quora and Bluesky (where I joined good 3 weeks ago too).

XOXO on Quora I uploaded the 2nd of 2 albums for today with 30 new Adobe REAL CAT screenshots, on X & Bluesky I uploaded them in 2 - 4 packs. I know that premium members can tweet longer comments & upload more pics, I´m none of those. I´m a basic X member.