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Historian of modern South Asia, interested in humanitarianism and rural development & women, Berlin and Oderbruch fan
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Birds of Mumbai

Mumbai‘s past

A few snippets from the Day 1 panels of the #workshop on #GlobalTransit

The participants of the #workshop on #Refugees in #GlobalTransit warmly welcomed by Ute Frevert, the President of the Max Weber Stiftung

Thanks to for his insightful review of Nico Slate‘s biography of Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay for

Looking forward to be back in Mumbai and to participate in this conference with

Here is the English translation of my essay on South Asian humanitarian aid under colonial rule. It provides some insights of my forthcoming book on this theme with CUP this summer.

Looking forward to close our History Department‘s colloquium at with a talk by Rosalind Parr on „Multi-scalar histories of gender and decolonisation in South Asia“

📢 Join us for a book discussion on Querying Childhood: Feminist Reframings. 📅19 Feb, 6 PM 📍IIC & Zoom: Edited by Mary E. John, Barbara Lotz & Elisabeth Schömbucher, this Open Access book is part of the ICAS:MP-Routledge Series.

Home 😊

Thanks to Margrit Pernau for her insightful review of Tithi Bhattacharya‘s Ghostly past for H-Soz-Kult.

Dear colleagues, please consider submitting an abstract for our co-convened panel "The Gender of Expertise in and beyond Colonial and Postcolonial South Asia" at this year's European Conference for South Asian Studies at Heidelberg University.

Manuscript sent 😊

Call for proposals for a new Handbook of the Histories of Internationalism, deadline 1 March 2025. Looking forward to your proposals! More info here:

Beautiful cold mornings

Hier ein kleiner Einblick in ein Thema, das ich lange erforscht habe und zu dem in den nächsten Monaten mein Buch erscheint.

For anyone attending #AHA25 interested in publishing on in the Journal of Global History (soon to be on bsky), get in touch! Happy to discuss potential submissions and our broader process.

Found this gem in my files — a Third World feminist power-troika at the UN: Artati Marzuki (Indonesia), Begum Ra’ana Liaquat Ali Khan (Pakistan) and Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit (India) engaging in discussions at the 7th Session of the UN General Assembly, 1st October 1952. Credit: Alamy photos

Ein Post über den Kontrollverlust von To-Do-Listen ⬇️ Ob wir die Kontrolle über die To-Does verlieren oder die To-Does bewusst loslassen - wir können uns ziemlich sicher sein, dass die To-Does uns treu bleiben. Sie sind auch nach dem Kaffee noch da ☕️

Happening right now at the University of Freiburg - annual conference of the RTG “Empires” on the topic of imperial biographies 👇🏼

My favourite archive in India, at NCBS in Bengaluru, is looking for a distinguished professor to work with their collections.

The South Asia Institute at the University of Heidelberg is looking to appoint an anthropologist, and the search is open rank. Please share:

Looking forward to present my research on the history of South Asian women and development tonight at the South Asia Insitute Heidelberg.

CfP! My colleague Razak Khan and I are co-hosting the panel "Unfamiliar. Family, Law and Democracy in South Asia" at #ECSAS 2025. We're especially interested in changing parental rights and child custody.

Thanks to Gifty Tabiri for writing a report of our wonderful workshop this July

Thanks to Satya Shikha Chakraborty for this insightful review of Douglas Haynes‘ The emergence of Brand-Name Capitalism in late colonial India for

Jetzt draußen 🎉 Der Sammelband "Märsche der Moderne" widmet sich einem wichtigen Element politischer Partizipation und Herrschaftsinszenierung in der Massengesellschaft des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts. Herausgegeben von, Miriam Pfordte und mir.

A big thanks to Eleonor Marcussen for her insightful review of Harald Fischer-Tines The YMCA in late colonial India for H-Soz-Kult

Thanks to Florian Stadtler for the insightful review of Arunima Datta‘s Waiting on Empire for

Stark-Watzinger 👉weil SPD & Grüne "in der Ampel schon genug Ärger mit der FDP haben, fassen sie die Bildungsministerin nicht so hart an. Auch das ist eine Art, die Wissenschaft zu missachten und zu beleidigen."👏🙏

Heute in Leipzig! Freue mich auf die wichtige Diskussion über Lehre und Forschung zu Südasien in Deutschland.

Joanna Simonow's super exiting article "Sexing the history of Indian anti-colonial internationalism: White women, Indian men and the politics of the personal" is finally out. A must read!

I am really excited about the amazing presentations we've got lined up for our workshop on "Voluntariness, women and development in late colonial and postcolonial societies" on 4-5 July at Erfurt University, organised together with Rosalind Parr.

Das erste Symposium zur Lage der Geschlechtergeschichte an deutschen Universitäten startet - Teilnahme auch online möglich. Morgen erzähle ich kurz was zur Abschaffung der Geschichtswissenschaft an der Uni Magdeburg....

A big thanks to Madhavi Jha for her insightful review of Joanna Simonow's wonderful book "Ending famine" for Hsozkult.

Heute das Kalenderblatt im DLF zu Jawaharlal Nehru mit einigen Einschätzungen von mir.

Hi! I look for literature on the Unitarian Service Committee and the Council of Organisations for Relief Services Overseas (CORSO), especially on the subject of development aid and India, I know the book by Sanger on Lotta Hitschmanova. Any hints are welcome.

Today I have the honour of talking to Leonie Wolters about her wonderful book on M.N. Roy and other anti-colonial activists at the FU Berlin.

🗃️ George Lansbury archives are now online. This is a great resource for labour historians and a fascinating insight into the life of the Labour Party politician and one-time party leader

Digging into sources on women's rural development work for tomorrow's class, happy to think again about Krishnabai Nimbkar and her work in postcolonial India

CfP on gender and violence in colonial wars, colonial rule, and anticolonial struggles, rt welcome

'Aidland in South Asia: humanitarian crisis and the contours of the global aid industry in the long 1970s' Forgive the self-publicity; I wrote this article a few years ago, but I've now uploaded it to our University repository so it's open access. 🗃️

Insightful essay by Nitin Sinha in The Wire on: India's Troubled Relationship with Law, Authority, and Justice

Check our CfP "Refugees in Global Transit: Encounters, Knowledge, and Coping Strategies in a Disrupted World, 1930s–50s", February 2025 in Mumbai, deadline: 30 April 2024.

It’s a great read Ole!

Rez.: J. Hauser: A Taste for Purity J. Hauser: A Taste for Purity

Am Institut für Geschichte, Arbeitsbereich Zeitgeschichte der Universität Graz wird ein/e Mitarbeiter:in (PraeDoc), Schwerpunkt globale Zeitgeschichte, gesucht. Deadline für Bewerbungen: 27.03.2024

And another review from the South Asia desk of @hsozkult. A big thanks to Varun Vivian Mallik for his insightful review of Joseph McQuade‘s Fugitive of Empire

Rez.: C. Banditt u.a. (Hrsg.): DDR im Plural C. Banditt u.a. (Hrsg.): DDR im Plural

Thanks to Melitta Waligora for her insightful review of Banned and censored edited by Devika Sethi for