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Civil resistance, nonviolent action, social movements, democracy, authoritarianism, political violence, peacebuilding.
9 posts 954 followers 120 following
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Folks: work to organize faculty/staff/students. NOW. Push uni admins & local pols to defend everyone campus. Signed letters aren't enough. Direct action: leverage donors, local media, protests, strikes. Partner w/ & join unions organizing on this. Don't expect faculty/staff assemblies to do much.


Hmm, redline anyone?

On strategies, tactics, and the many acts of life-affirming defiance and non-compliance happening across the country to challenge federal government bullying and despotism and to show care for our communities.

Must-read by

Today from Timothy Snyder, author of On Tyranny:

There are currently FORTY THOUSAND PEOPLE signed up for tonight's call. We choose to fight. Join us at 8 PM EST to talk about how:

Cannot stop thinking about how Octavia Butler wrote a book in 1993 about climate change. It opens with deadly fires in LA in 2025. In the story, a fascist President has just won office with the campaign slogan "Make America Great Again." She was a modern day Nostradamus. If only we'd listened.

Amen. Hoping the great Syrian people finally have a chance at freedom, justice, and peace.

First Bluesky post: sharing insights about a multifaceted, inside-outside strategy for confronting authoritarianism and taking care of each other (solidarity in action) based on lessons from the US and globally.