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8 You think I’m saying thank god the ACA? No. God no. What Jon is trying to say is HAVE A REAL FUCKING VISION. OVERHAUL THE SYSTEM BECAUSE IT DOESN’T WORK. Why can’t you dems get that?! The whole thing doesn’t work. Start again. BE BOLD.
submitted 25 days ago •
0 comments That’s for one adult, a four year, and a one year old. My husband doesn’t have bay because that’s just too expensive. Our one year old needs a tear duct surgery and we’re being charged 2,600 out of pocket. Why have insurance? What’s the point?
submitted 25 days ago •
0 comments Just listened to you on the Daily Show pod, “it’s no longer an open question if healthcare is a right or a privilege…” in this country? Are you fucking kidding me. This just shows how wildly out of touch you guys are. We pay 1600 a month for healthcare through… (1/2)
submitted 25 days ago •
0 comments just listened to the latest pod. The bit about capitalism fundamentally changing did not just come from Milton Friedman’s op-Ed. There’s a lot more to it than that. You should read The Big Myth by Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway. Love your conversations.
submitted 73 days ago •