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Professor in Clinical epidemiology, with a focus on medical tests and diagnostic test accuracy #SystematicReviews. Interested in #reproducibility of science. #AcademicSky #EpiSky
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Anyone presenting an abstract at ESCMID Global: If you've been approached by a journal to publish that abstract (usually for a fee), you can say no thanks. As in 2024, CMI Comms will publish all abstracts #open-access for free #IDSky #Clinmicro #MicroSky #MedSky

DNA-tester 23andMe failliet, zorgen over genetisch materiaal -

What are some of the shortcuts taken when conducting a rapid review? Watch excerpt of the video abstract on JBI’s position statement on rapid reviews and the methodological rigour of evidence synthesis: #JBImethodology #EvidenceSynthesis

New milestone! 10km in 1hr08min.

The amount of evidence available when building the dataset on your chosen scoping review topic can be overwhelming. This editorial provides helpful tips for preparing to conduct a large scoping review with 100 sources of evidence or more: #JBImethodology

What is the difference between Scoping Reviews, Mapping Reviews and Evidence and Gap maps? Download the infographic and find more resources on the JBI Scoping Review Network, for example a template for your scoping review protocol Go to #JBImethodology #EvidenceSynthesis

★ NEW #Communicable out now! We return w/ the 2nd half of this special on gender dynamics in medicine 🎙️ #IDSky #clinmicro #MedSky #IWD2025

This is the last day to register for our course 'Publishing impactful clinical research'! About complete reporting of research and a practical "Fix my manuscript". 27+28 March, Hotel Casa, Amsterdam For More information and registration:

💡 I presented the #OSIRIS scoping review at the @METRICStanford International Forum, sparking key discussions on #reproducibility, research integrity, and the roles of researchers, institutions, and funders! ➡️ Watch the full talk: #OpenScience

We've just opened registration to 6 replication games: Montreal (May 28-all) San Francisco (June 19-econ) Madrid (June 25-all) Bordeaux (August 24-econ) Paris (October 3-all) Lyon (October 9-all) 🧵 with more details.

Looking for a PhD/Postdoc in Switzerland? English speaking lab, good pay, incredible scenery. There's lots of funding calls for projects related to my work on the meta-science of measurement, error detection and trustworthiness assessment. Reach out if you're interested in writing a grant together.

AI tools are spotting errors in research papers: inside a growing movement: Large language models are being used to check papers, but researchers warn they come with risks.

The PREPARED app for teaching about #researchethics and #researchintegrity during crises.

OSIRIS (Open Science to Improve Reproducibility in Science) is currently conducting several interventional studies on Open Science practices. We invite interested colleagues to register and join a group that may take part in these studies. More info and registration 👇

Had a very pleasant afternoon at the ASReview user meeting today. The following paper about stopping rules when screening with the help of LLM looks very interesting:

A new paper led by - how to know how good your search string is

If you are currently unemployed as I am, then you’ll have time to Stand Up for Science on Friday.

U.S. early-career researchers struggling amid chaos | Science | AAAS

Leuke tool die prachtig laat zien hoe je kunt manipuleren met grafieken: verander de y-as en het effect lijkt heel anders…… etc etc. Natuurlijk als je een grafiek goed leest trap je niet in dergelijke trucs, maar deze tool maakt e.e.a. heel inzichtelijk

ik zag deze oproep voorbij komen en dacht: die geldt ook voor kunstenaars. - óók als je naar de geschiedenis kijkt: rond de tweede wereldoorlog verhuisden veel kunstenaars van dit continent naar de vs en dat leidde daar tot een florerende kunstwereld. (met ook enorm economisch gewin - just saying)

Stop Investigate the source Find other trusted sources Trace claims and media Stop spreading of mis and disinformation.

Gisteren deelde ik dit bericht. Twee vrouwen lieten me weten niet op de hoogte te zijn en sterke verdenkingen in de familie te hebben. Willen jullie het nog eens delen? Het redt levens.

Naar aanleiding van mijn benoeming en oratie hebben collega's een kabinetje van ingezameld. Dus vorige week zijn we naar Zierikzee getogen om er één uit te zoeken. Nadat we de juiste plaats en de juiste pluggen hadden gevonden, hangt-ie sinds gisteren in de woonkamer!

Jason Bhugwandass in Podcast Het Uur van NRC. Iedere minuut is de moeite waard om te horen.

Our course on Publishing Clinical Research is still open to registrations! Also non-ESCMID members can register! The faculty consists of editors from several journals. So this is your chance to get relevant feedback on manuscripts that you are struggling with. #EpiSky #AcademicSky #PhD #science

Investigating fraud and errors in health research is obviously laudable. But we need to maintain high methodological standards. That means scrutinising each others’ work, and calling each other out when we err. There are so many errors in error detection. A few recurring errors:

Werk! Wij zoeken een UD Gezondheidsethiek / Assistant Professor Health Ethics: #philsci #ethics

𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝! Submit your proposal by February 14, 2025. This extra time allows you to contribute to this global metascience gathering, bringing together researchers, funders, publishers, and policymakers to examine the research process. 🔗 Learn more & submit:

Are you a #PhDstudent or starting researcher? Are you looking for tips and tricks in publishing your research? Do you want to talk to journal editors? Then we have a course for you! PUBLISHING IMPACTFUL CLINICAL RESEARCH Also if you are not into infectious diseases.

Heb je kanker en immuuntherapie? Zou je deze scholieren willen helpen door deze enquête in te vullen? En verspreiden is fijn !


Zo waar:"Onderling verschillen leerlingen ook helemaal niet zoveel (...): sterke vmbo-leerlingen scoren op een bepaald vakgebied soms net zo goed als een gemiddelde vwo-leerling. Dat kan op andere vakgebieden dan weer andersom zijn. Een eenduidig profiel bestaat niet"

Are you a #PhDstudent or starting researcher? Are you looking for tips and tricks in publishing your research? Do you want to talk to journal editors? Then we have a course for you! PUBLISHING IMPACTFUL CLINICAL RESEARCH Also if you are not into infectious diseases.

The Internet Archive has saved CDC data from the US government's modern book burning. Download your favorite datasets. Share data with friends:

Woooooooo ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Someone’s done it - archived the entire datasets of the US CDC before the orange toddler could destroy them. #episky #medsky #academicsky

‘Stamp out paper mills’ — science sleuths on how to fight fake research By Anna Abalkina, René Aquarius, Elisabeth Bik, David Bimler, Dorothy Bishop, Jennifer Byrne, Guillaume Cabanac, Adam Day, Cyril Labbé & Nick Wise

Winterweer - heerlijk!

PEPFAR will keep distributing HIV drugs for now. [Gift link]

Zeer vreemd en onzorgvuldig dat het MonroZiekenhuis in het AD de nadelen van #borstkankerscreening niet benoemt en niet uitlegt. Geef eerlijke informatie, ook over het feit dat we niet weten of het eigenlijk wel levens redt. Lees in elk geval mijn draadje:

‘Stamp out paper mills’ — science sleuths on how to fight fake research

A helpful and up-to-the-minute commentary on the development of trustworthiness tools for randomised controlled trials. This and other new work is in press and available online at J Clin Epi

MPs are much more likely to listen if they hear from constituents that evidence matters, and on what issues. Ask your MP to attend #EvidenceWeek by filling out the form - it only takes two minutes!

We're looking for a Junior Researcher (postdoc) in metaresearch to join the EXCELScIOR project ERA-Chair meta-research team at the University of Coimbra (, apply by Jan 24). Open to researchers from many fields who are working in metaresearch & research improvement.