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Biologist, science journalist, book author (last one: How to build an alien - Codice).
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This. Over and over and over. We must stand up and fight.

Society for Conservation Biology on one important aspect of the tragedy that is the Trump administration:

New research: birdlife soars on nature-friendly solar farms

taking black kids away from their parents and putting them on farms seems really familiar to me! what could it be?

Nice overview of the consequences of the Trump public health data purge... 🛟🧪😷sociology demography medsky health policy

As expected, the Trump team is already deleting climate info from government websites. In anticipation, our team at Urban Ocean Lab created a permanent archive of 100+ key resources and published a permanent archive: 👩🏽‍💻

🐟 Tiny fish faces giant threat 🚨 The UK is set to defend sandeels in an EU fishing showdown. The lifeblood of our North Sea, #sandeels feed puffins, seals, whales & more. A #fishing ban is critical & challenging it is a deep betrayal of our shared seas 🌊 #EndOverfishing

Government overturns Tory measure and bans emergency use of bee-killing pesticide. Emergency use of Cruiser SB, a neonicotinoid pesticide highly toxic to bees, to be outlawed in UK in line with EU

Labour MPs ordered to sink landmark climate and environment bill. Supporters of bill say Labour has already insisted on removal of clauses requiring UK to meet targets agreed at Cop and other summits

Our study led by from my lab found that especially pond vegetation is crucial if you want to provide a safe aquatic haven for the local biota in your garden - based on data from more than 800 volunteering pond owners in the #MyPond citizen science program 🔵🧪👩‍🔬🏡

The earth gets drier and warmer, and #megadroughts have been increasing for 40 years and will do so in the future. Substantial negative impacts on #water supply, #agriculture and all #ecosystem services are to be expected.

Climate change will NOT destroy the planet. It will end humanity. Planet Earth will recover and all its plants and animals thrive, long after humans are gone. Remember this. 🌍

This Nature paper will probably *not* get the same level of media coverage and hype as the doomsday stories…

Climate engineering faces hostility — here’s how scientists say it might move forwards

Une étude australienne montre que les oiseaux peuvent réguler leur température grâce à un contrôle de l'irrigation sanguine des pattes ! Un avantage en ces temps de changements climatiques.

Ice cores finger obscure Pacific volcano as cause of 19th century climate disaster

@ESA And @NASA Deliver First Joint Picture Of #Greenland #IceSheet #Melting - - - #GIS #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #earthobservation #cryosphere #CryoSat #satellite #ICESat2 #spatiotemporal #glacier #ice #radar #laser #iceloss #climatechange #altimeter

The Earth’s climate system is highly nonlinear The above is again getting the attention it deserves... Significance: we have no idea what we are in the process to trigger, as our current models can't simulate non-linearity... In the comments some studies on the matter #climate #uöäü1non-linear

La parolina magica è irreversibile.

"We are on the brink of an irreversible climate disaster. This is a global emergency beyond any doubt. Much of the very fabric of life on Earth is imperiled. We are stepping into a critical and unpredictable new phase of the climate crisis."

William Dwight Billings was born OTD in 1910. A founding figure in physiological ecology, he was committed to a view of ecosystems as “holocoenotic’—the ecosystem conceived as a network of radically interconnected relationships among biotic and abiotic elements. 🐋🌱🦫🦋🧪 #HistSTM 🌎

The last year of climate change also revealed that climate change impacts are accelerating. “The impacts of fossil fuel warming have never been clearer or more devastating than in 2024. We are living in a dangerous new era."

Yikes! The world's largest musk ox populations have declined by more than 50% since the early 2000s. They are such interesting animals and I hope we can make a future where they can exist. 🧪🦊🌎

🇩🇰 WINNING Denmark offers a high standard of living, key benefits including free healthcare and education, a great work-life balance with generous vacation time, a safe and stable society with low crime rates, beautiful natural surroundings, and a strong emphasis on gender equality and family life

Good news from green washing Italy.

🌍🌱 Global Vegetation Growth Slowing A new study found that plants are absorbing less CO₂ as vegetation growth slows. This weakens Earth’s ability to act as a natural carbon sponge, making it more urgent to reduce emissions & tackle #ClimateChange 🔗 #SciComm 🧪

Advent Sci-Fact 24: Classical Music makes Dolphins Sociable! When played classical music, dolphins spent more time swimming in synchrony, and gently touched other dolphins more frequently! These effects would last for 20 minutes after the music stopped! Paper: #SciComm 🧪🌍 🐬

Gli ecosistemi cambieranno, col cambiamento climatico. Ma come? In questo articolo un'introduzione al problema, con esempi della Sardegna. Interessante.

Do #ForestEurope indicators work for #biodiversity? We tested them against field-sampled multi-taxon data (a lot of them!) and ... only some of them moderately relate to species richness! Read the recent article led by #YoanPaillet Time for a data-driven revision!

The trophic structure was relatively resistant to acidification but not to warming. Warmed systems experienced a reorganization of trophic structure that was not rescued by functional redundancy or other stabilizing responses. Such inflexibility may be a precursor of ecosystem collapse

500,000 unique taxa documented on iNaturalist "64% of these 500,000 taxa were observed within the last year"

Even after factoring in storage to firm up PVs, that is still the cheapest source of electricity almost everywhere. 🧪🔌💡☀️💨🔋 #StopBurningStuff #FossilFuelsAreStrandedAssets

Just in time for holiday reading, LBNL released their updated report on energy use from data centers! Their projections suggest electricity demand from data centers could grow 2-3 times over the next five years.

Seems almost anticlimactic but maybe this is what it will take for some to realize that climate change is a real threat, including here in New Mexico. Not data. Not projections. Not attribution studies of "natural" events. But, a "Dear Policyholder" non-renewal letter from their insurance carrier.

Se c'è qualche fisico che ne capisce, sarei grato di pagare un caffè per la spiegazione.

"But evolution has no finish line. There is no end goal, no final state. Organisms evolve by natural selection acting at a specific geologic moment, or..." This is a great quote - especially for those of us trained in evolutionary biology. From Jacob Suissa, 🧪 #EvoSky

New paper in Animal Conservation using mediated data: #ClimateChange and #cetacean habitat suitability in the #Mediterranean Sea: a challenge for #Marine Strategy Framework Directive D1C4, D1C5 criteria #CiteTheDOI: ✅

Sinceramente, chi se ne frega dei soldi. L'importanza delle regole per questo governo è minima (basta vedere anche il condonissimo edilizio)

Bella la discussione sotto il post

An important review - The ecology of plant extinctions - "Recent warm-edge extirpations demonstrate the growing impact of anthropogenic climate change & show that predictions of massive climate-driven extinctions later this century are plausible" 🌾🌎🧪🌐

New #GlobalSharkTrends study published in reveals #overfishing has more than halved shark & ray populations over the past 50-years causing widespread erosion of ecological function and exceptionally high extinction risk 👉Full article 🧵1/20

Domande ingenue e dove trovarle

Wolf to be less protected in the EU. Later, we will give lessons to the African continent on how they should conserve their large predators.

Il più suonato di tutti (ed è un bel combattere) è un esempio della situazione degli USA.

New study confirms no-duh conclusion: "Our results show that beyond a certain point, increases in car dependence yield a decrease in people’s satisfaction with life."

No. What happens in Doñana DOES NOT STAY in Doñana. After more than two years of work, we’ve published an article demonstrating that the poor condition of Doñana negatively affects waterbirds across the ENTIRE continent! Thread below! 🧵