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Jesus prays to the Father in the hearing of His disciples. He acknowledges that He has been speaking audibly so that His disciples would find joy in knowing that Jesus has personally petitioned the Father on their behalf so that they can do His work... John 17:13 NKJV

Jesus prays to the Father in the hearing of His disciples. He explains that they have been kept alive and well so that their prophesied mission might be fulfilled after Jesus is gone, except for the one of them that is destined to die... John 17:12 NKJV

Jesus prays to the Father on behalf of His disciples, in their hearing. Jesus explains that He will die and rejoin the Father, but His disciples will be left behind to carry on His work. Jesus prays that they will be act as one in love. John 17:11 NKJV

Jesus prays to the Father in the hearing of His disciples and explains why He is praying for them. He does so because everything that Jesus has belongs to the Father and all the Father has belongs to Jesus. The Father cares for His own... John 17:10 NKJV

Jesus prays to the Father in the hearing of His disciples, to witness His example and to give them insight. He explains that He is praying for those who believe in Him, since they had been chosen by the Father for Jesus to bring to Him... John 17:9 NKJV

Jesus prays to the Father in the hearing of His disciples as a teaching moment for them. Jesus says that He has done what the Father had Him do, and given them all that the Father had given Him. He tells how the disciples have come to have saving faith... John 17:8 NKJV

Jesus continues praying to the Father in the hearing of His disciples, continuing in His role as a teacher and a model of behavior. He speaks humbly, telling the Father that He has educated them about the nature of the relationship He has with the Father... John 17:7 NKJV

Jesus prays to the Father in the hearing of His disciples. He tells Him that, as a man, He has proclaimed His message to all those who were chosen by the Father, and they believed. They then came to abide in Christ - the Word of God... John 17:6 NKJV

Jesus continues to pray to the Father in the hearing of His disciples. He prays for His reinstatement at the Father's side, as it always had been, prior to the creation of the world. This He does for the disciples to know that He is God. John 17:5 NKJV

Jesus continues to pray to the Father in the hearing of His disciples. He declares that He has honored the Father by doing the work that the Father gave Him to do. The disciples again see that Jesus does not seek His own glory and will, but the Father's... John 17:4 NKJV

Jesus prays to the Father, within hearing of His disciples. He has been given authority to grant eternal life to all whom the Father has given Him. This life is the knowledge of the Father, and of the Son sent by the Father - Jesus Christ. John 17:3 NKJV

Jesus continues praying to the Father in the presence and the hearing of His disciples. He acknowledges that the Father gave Him the right to rule over humanity and to give eternal life to those the Father has chosen to give Him... John 17:2 NASB2020

Jesus finishes speaking to His disciples and starts to pray in preparation for His imminent arrest. He begins by honoring the Father, again modeling behavior that His disciples will witness and should imitate when they are praying... John 17:1 NASB2020

Jesus knows the challenges His disciples will face, so He prepares them by giving them resources they can draw upon for strength and comfort. Finally, He tells them that they should be brave, since He will have overcome their enemies in the world... John 16:33 NASB2020

Jesus replies to the disciples’ new-found expression of faith with an incredulous statement, for He knows full well what they will do that very day. Though they will desert and deny Jesus, He will still have the loving presence of the Father... John 16:31-32 NASB2020

The disciples continue their reply to Jesus. After being with Him for over three years, only now do they confess that Jesus knows all and that He came from the presence of the Father. Why do they seize upon this nugget of knowledge just now?... John 16:30 NASB2020

Jesus' disciples react to His words with surprise. They think that only now they understand what Jesus is saying, and declare that He is now speaking without the veiled words He began using after being accused of working for Satan... John 16:29 NASB2020

Jesus continues to give His disciples last-minute wisdom and instruction. He speaks of the near future again, telling them that He came from the presence of the Father to be with them, but He will soon return to the Father’s side... John 16:28 NASB2020

Jesus’ mission on the earth was to express the Father's ultimate love so that we all would have an opportunity to spend eternity with Him. Jesus tells His disciples that they will have access to the Father through the Holy Spirit’s intercession... John 16:27 NASB2020

Jesus tells His disciples that after He leaves them that they will be able to petition the Father by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will tell them of Jesus’ will, and by knowing and doing it, they can ask the Father... John 16:26 NASB2020

Jesus tells His disciples of a future time where the Holy Spirit will communicate plainly to them without barriers of language such as parables, but will speak as one spirit to another. The time of need to obscure His message to Israel has passed. John 16:25 NASB2020

Jesus tells His disciples that if they pray in Jesus’ name and according to His will, then whatever they ask for will be given to them. Until now, in the presence of Jesus, they talked amongst themselves, but they must learn to pray... John 16:24 NASB2020

Jesus tells His disciples that when they are indwelt by the Holy Spirit and in perfect alignment with His will, they will not need to ask Him anything, since the Spirit has already communicated with them. Also, everything they pray for will be given... John 16:23 NASB2020

Jesus tells His disciples that they will have grief after His death, but it will give way to greater joy that cannot be taken from them. They will have the Holy Spirit permanently abiding in them, guiding them according to the will of Jesus... John 16:22 NASB2020

Jesus tells His disciples that often something of great value is preceeded by effort and pain. Lovingly, He comforts them by explaining that after they receive joy by the work of the Holy Spirit, their grief will pale to insignificance by comparison... John 16:21 NASB2020

Jesus comforts His upset and confused disciples by telling them most emphatically that though they will certainly go through a time of great sadness they will get through it, and will have an even greater period of joy afterwards... John 16:20 NASB2020

All that Jesus does is part of the Father's plan, and is essential and useful. Jesus is compassionate and sympathetic to the disciples confusion and shows this by asking them about what they are discussing so He can explain with comforting words... John 16:19 NASB2020

So just as Jesus intended, His disciples didn't fully understand His message. They had a sense that something was going to happen soon, but they desperately hoped that it wasn't Jesus' death, but instead it was travel from which He would return... John 16:17-18 NASB2020

Jesus again speaks prophetically to His disciples about His imminent death and resurrection. He uses ambiguous language that is meant to convey His intended meaning without giving specifics that might incite these men to intervene... John 16:16 NASB2020

Jesus continues to tell His disciples how the Holy Spirit works through them as part of the Godhead. Jesus only does the Father's will, being one with Him. The Spirit only acts according the will of Jesus, not of His own independent will. John 16:15 NASB2020

Jesus continues to explain to His disciples how the Holy Spirit will work through them as part of the Godhead. Just as Jesus did not seek His own glory, but only the glory of the Father who sent Him, so the Spirit defers to Christ... John 16:14 NASB2020

Jesus tells His disciples how the Holy Spirit will guide them after He is no longer with them. The Spirit will provide guidance as to what is true and will not act on His own initiative, but only according to what He is told to say... John 16:13 NASB2020

Jesus tells His disciples that there is much more that He has to tell them, but with all that is going on, they won't be able to take it all in. However, this is all according to God's plan and in time they will be told all that they need to hear... John 16:12 NASB2020

Jesus tells His disciples how the Holy Spirit will work through them. The unbelieving world will learn that they are subject to judgment for their sins, because their ruler has already been judged, so he can do nothing to save them... John 16:11 NASB2020

Jesus tells His disciples how the Holy Spirit will work through them in righteousness. The Spirit will show the world what Godly righteousness looks like in each believer as the world witnesses the change in how we conduct our lives. John 16:10 NASB2020

Jesus speaks to His disciples about how the Holy Spirit will work through them. The Spirit will work by convicting the people of their sin of unbelief in Jesus. He will cause a change in the hearts of unbelievers so that they will recognize their sin... John 16:9 NASB2020

Jesus tells His disciples about the Holy Spirit’s arrival in the future. The Holy Spirit will reveal the truth about righteousness through the lives of those He indwells. The world will see changes in believers and will be convicted... John 16:8 NASB2020

Jesus tells His disciples that, despite their suffering, it is necessary for Him to go so that they will have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is a greater helper than Jesus, since the Spirit is not limited by being man... John 16:7 NASB2020

Jesus tells His disciples that He knows about their grief over His words foretelling the future where He will die and they will suffer great persecution. They are greatly saddened, fearful, and do not seek to follow in His footsteps... John 16:6 NASB2020

After telling His disciples how they will be attacked after He is gone, Jesus asks them a convicting question. They have learned that Jesus will become a martyr for the sins of the world, but they are not too eager to follow Him there... John 16:5 NASB2020

Jesus reminds His disciples of the reason why He tells them about what will happen after His death when He is no longer present bodily. This is so they will be reminded that He told them about the future and they will be strengthened. John 16:4 NASB2020

Jesus makes it clear to His disciples that despite how fervently their attackers insist they act by the will of God, they don't. Even though they may believe they speak the truth, those that attack believers are actually doing the will of another: Satan. John 16:3 NASB2020

Jesus tells His disciples of the non-physical ways they will come under attack after His death - they will be ostracized from Jewish society. Those who attack believers will use God as an excuse for barbaric acts until judgment day... John 16:2 NASB2020

Jesus tells His disciples that He has given them commands from which they must not stray because their persecution will also come in the form of attacks on what they know and believe. They must base everything foremost on what Jesus told them personally. John 16:1 NASB2020

Jesus explains to His disciples that just as the Holy Spirit testifies spiritually, they will also testify physically as an act of loving obedience to Jesus. The disciples will display their apostolic power as the Holy Spirit enables and guides them... John 15:27 NASB2020

Jesus tells His disciples about the Holy Spirit, who will guide and assist them in spiritual truth and work. They will be called to do great things without Jesus’ physical presence, and need the Spirit to do what is beyond their spiritual abilities... John 15:26 NASB2020

Jesus explains to His disciples that the world's hatred for Him fulfills prophecy. They hate Him without cause since all who will not believe necessarily oppose God. His followers should expect the same hatred for who they are, and not what they do... John 15:25 NASB2020

Jesus tells His disciples about how the unbelieving world came to hate Him. Jesus had performed miracles that no one else could, and by that He had proven that He was the long-prophesied Messiah - the Light who will reveal their sin, judge, and condemn. John 15:24 NASB2020

Jesus has made it clear that to see Him is to see the Father, to know Him is to know the Father, and that He and the Father are one. It is impossible to hate Christ while loving the Father - to hate Jesus means hating the Father also. John 15:23 NASB2020