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A return to musicians. This one suggestive rather than more realist. I am generally suggestive to one extent or the other.

Here is the same image, shown on the left, cropped. Trying to decide which way I like it best. Do you have a preference? #poppies #watercolor#woman

A brief break from the sequence on instruments. #poppies #portrait #womeninart #watercolor #markkaufman

Saxophone It’s not Candy Dulfer but inspired by her. #saxophone #musician #watercolor #womaninart #Lilywashere

I’ve started a series of violin players. We will see if I complete it. Meanwhile I like this one.

Once a person but now becoming a machine? Or is it a machine becoming a person? Or is it simply both?

Not sure how I get so tangled up. She’s half machine or maybe kept functional by man made tools. Bipolar medication along with a dozen others for everything. It’s wonderful that we have them though.

A bit different. Admit to being torn and confused. The diet strategy for one problem created others. Now I have to stumble bumble my way to something else or modified. Any way this is for you all feeling your mortality. #watercolor. #mortality. #faces. #womeninart

I will now go back to posting art.

I seldom quote the Bible. This sums up Trump. John 8:44 You are of your father the devil. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Our to be leader and any number of his following deceive themselves and project their own sins onto others. They have no real grasp of the good, but put great store in being thought of as good. Anything, any wickedness, may be done. Yet they never put themselves on trial for their misdeeds.

I am wondering why Bluesky seems not to allow my comments on the soon to be President.

Triumph of music

I am playing with advertising as a subject. Entirely made up products. #watercolor. #butterfly. #figurativeart.

Someone suggested the Lady of Shallot. Hadn’t thought of that. Woman,boat, sorrow. #ladyofshallot , #figureinboat, #watercolor

My wife asked if there is a message to this one. If so I don’t know it. I was when composing it taken by its mood of sorrow or loneliness. Do you see a message. #womanstanding, #rowboat, #watercolor,

A dandelion fairy. #fairy,#watercolor,#dandelion, #ballerina

I finished it in time for her to go to the New Years ball. #bigdress, #watercolor, #greydress, #Newyear

It seems that the rate of expansion of the universe varies depending on the method used to measure it. One conclusion is that we have not understood something about the universe. I love it. A mystery to be solved though solving it isn’t something I am equipped by training to do.

Went out to see the lights at Rockwood on New Years Eve. didn’t see the image? Here it is

Pretty obviously the length and breadth of the dress are exaggerated in proportion to the figure. By quite some extent. That’s deliberate in case anyone wondered.

Almost completed this grey dress and figure. I am fond of fabric. Happy New Year to you all. Won’t be for another about 14 hours here on the east coast USA, but less than two hours in Sydney.

Another black and white image with a darker look. I am turning to a silver dress and a dancer for something lighter.

Christmas lights along the Riverfront. Hope you all have bright holidays. They can be a struggle.

A bipolar inspired black and white watercolor. It’s unlike most of what I do, but reflects my recent mood.

In addition to watercolors I went on a spree of carving wooden sharks. I ran out of room for them and have stopped. Now I’d have to learn the steps again. It would be easier with a band saw with a six inch throat but I don’t have one.

Alice is one of my favorite characters. I never tire of paintings based on Wonderland. Here she’s floating down the rabbit hole her skirt acting as a parachute. I don’t know about you, but when I fall down a rabbit hole it isn’t as gentle as her fall.

Now I didn’t separate the hashtags with commas. #watercolors,#figurative, #art, #markkau

Still practicing with this program. I posted another image with hashtags in reply to an earlier post just to see what happens. Now I post it direct complete with a few hashtags.#watercolors#figurative painting#dancers

Bipolar influences my watercolors sometimes more than other times. It does this one mirror of two moods.

I am a watercolorist whose subject is mostly figurative. This one is black and white.