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We’ve been overtaken by greedy, narcissistic, cruel thugs, devoid of any empathy. Get out all your monster hunting equipment—- it’s time to suit up.

Goldilocks and Baby Bear in the first ever “ meet cute”. Gotta change those white pom poms, though— they look like teeth. That would be a whole different story.😱







Can you tolerate another fairy tale painting? I can’t seem to stop🤷‍♂️

No matter how many draconian measures they take to try and minimize their pitiful, weak, cowardly white male-ness, all the different kinds of people will still be here, fighting back and laughing at them ✊🏽 ✊🏼✊🏾

Snow White. Seen it all. Done it all. Bought the t-shirt. Done with the dress, done with the bow, done with the forest animals everywhere. Just done.

2 more paintings for my Fairy Tales: Behind The Scenes collection. Collection for what?, you ask. I have no idea. For my sanity? Maybe a calendar? Certainly postcards. The point is to keep my brain and hands occupied. So far I am proud to say I have been wildly successful. Sorta.

To absolutely no one’s surprise except MAGA voters, the Trusk administration continues to gleefully screw everyone , including their own base

How I spent my Sunday.

How I spent my Saturday


You go on and have some fun this weekend! Just be sure you come back, because reality will still be here and we’re going to need all hands on deck.😳

Have a peaceful night and a good sleep!

Don’t hide out. We’ve all got to do something, no matter how small. Make phone calls, donate money to democratic candidates and/or groups that now need money, join marches, donate food—- SO many ways, big and small, to resist.

Valentine crafting has begun!!! I definitely want to resist and fight back and call my useless congresspeople, but I also want to make Valentines.


Just keep working. It’s all good👍

Hi Mary Engelbreit here! I am here to share my art, inspiration and peek into my colorful world!