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Cymraeg/Kernewek yn Aberplym (Plymouth). Enillydd Dysgwr y Flwyddyn 2018.
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'Un o'r mwyaf dylanwadol erioed' - teyrngedau i Geraint Jarman

Gruff Rhys leads the tributes to Welsh music pioneer Geraint Jarman

Nant Gwrtheyrn: 'Anwybyddu pryderon' am ddiwylliant 'afiach a gwenwynig’

Investigation uncovers evidence of ‘unhealthy and toxic’ culture at Welsh learning centre

Mae'r canwr, y bardd a'r cynhyrchydd teledu, Geraint Jarman, wedi marw yn 74 oed

Ger an Jydh/Word of the Day Choklet tomm - Hot chocolate Ni a werth te, koffi ha choklet tomm - We serve tea, coffee and hot chocolate Choklet tomm gans dehen, mar pleg - a hot chocolate with cream, please Hear these words here: #Kernewek #Cornish

‘We spent £100,000 doing a gig in a scout hut!’ The Beta Band on debt, disastrous decisions – and their defiant comeback The Beta Band’s UK tour starts at Barrowland, Glasgow, on 25 September. A deluxe reissue of The Three EPs is released at the same time, with more to follow.

Every single word you say in Welsh makes a bilingual Wales more real, and it’s as simple as saying ‘diolch’ whenever you can ✍️Aran Jones, Say Something in Welsh

Mae Prifysgol Wrecsam yn cynnig cwrs newydd, sy'n canolbwyntio ar ddiwylliant, treftadaeth a'r Gymraeg, gyda ffocws ar yr Eisteddfod

A new short course, which aims to provide a unique insight into Welsh culture, heritage and language with a focus on the National Eisteddfod, is to be offered in the run up to the event taking place in Wrexham this summer

Observer book of the week Dream Count by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie review – candid conversations with friends

It looks like The Beta Band are teasing a reunion tour

Cyhoeddi beirniaid, dyddiadau pwysig a lleoliad seremoni Llyfr y Flwyddyn 2025 Bydd Seremoni Wobrwyo Llyfr y Flwyddyn 2025 yn cael ei chynnal yn Theatr y Sherman, Caerdydd ar nos Iau, Gorffennaf 17

Largest annual rise in scale of low pay on record means 4.5m UK workers now paid below the real Living Wage

Pay soars at Barclays and HSBC after end of UK banker bonus cap One HSBC banker was paid up to £16.6m in 2024 while figure at Barclays was £14.8m after loosening of pay rules

Is there complicity in Breton’s decline? "A recent study shows that the number of Brezhoneg / Breton speakers has plummeted from around 200,000 a decade ago to just 107,000 by the end of 2024"

Koffi ha kows rag dyskoryon Kernewek ha Kernewegoryon yn Aberplymm dy'Gwener 7ves a vis Meurth 5.30-7.30pm yn Caffeine Club. Pubonan yw wolkom! (1/2)

Ger an Jydh/Word of the Day Nerth - Energy Nerth mowes - girl power Nyns eus meur a nerth dhymm - I have very little energy To hear these words, visit 'geryow an jydh' in the resources section of the Speak Cornish website #Kernewek #Cornish

Welsh producer digs into iconic Welsh music archives for latest project - a psychedelic journey of discovery into the back catalogue of Wales’ oldest independent record label

'Hynod o bwysig': Cyhoeddi Gwobrau Cerddoriaeth Pobl Ddu yng Nghymru

As energy prices soar in Britain, Spain keeps bills low with renewable energy Overall costs of electricity, heating, cooling, water and waste disposal are 40 percent cheaper in Spain, where the cost of living is, on average, 26.5 percent lower than in UK

Mynnu’r un parch i ddiwylliant ag i’r amgylchedd Mae’r Comisiwn Cymunedau Cymraeg i’w ganmol am ddadlau’r angen ar i gadarnleoedd Cymraeg gael yr un math o amddiffyniad ag ardaloedd ecolegol

The Welsh Government says it has welcomed a new report examining how town and country planning impacts Welsh-speaking communities, with recommendations for strengthening policies to protect the language

St David: Ten things to know about the patron saint of Wales

Ger an Jydh/Word of the Day Gwennel - Swallow Gwennel dhu - Swift Yma lies gwennel y'n ebron - there are lots of swallows in the sky To hear these words, visit 'geryow an jydh' in the resources section of the Speak Cornish website #Kernewek #Cornish

St Piran's Day 2025 in Cornwall: Where and when to celebrate The celebrations will be held all across Cornwall in the lead up to and on March 5

Newyddion yr Wythnos (Dydd Gŵyl Dewi) Straeon mawr yr wythnos gyda geirfa i siaradwyr newydd

Pwy oedd Dewi Sant?

Who was St David?

Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus! Gool Dewi Lowen! Happy St David's Day! #DyddGŵylDewi #GoolDewi #StDavidsDay

Law Banning Use Of Irish Language In Court Has Been Repealed A 300-year-old law that banned the use of any other language than English in courts in Northern Ireland has been repealed

Rhagor o gerddoriaeth Gymraeg ar orsaf radio gymunedol Bro Morgannwg Mi fydd Bro Radio’n darlledu mwy o gynnwys yn y Gymraeg wedi llwyddiant eu cyfraniadau at Ddydd Miwsig Cymru

Ger an Jydh/Word of the Day Gwylgos - jungle Gwylvos - wilderness Eneval gwyls - wild animal To hear these words, visit 'geryow an jydh' in the resources section of the Speak Cornish website #Kernewek #Cornish

Koffi ha kows rag dyskoryon #Kernewek ha Kernewegoryon yn #Aberplymm hedhyw 5.30-7.30pm yn Caffeine Club. Pubonan yw wolkom! (1/2)

Hanes difyr dyfodiad argraffu i Gymru

Released tomorrow! Panda Bear: Sinister Grift review – Animal Collective star’s bad trip through divorce to the dark side

Seized, settled, let: how Airbnb and help Israelis make money from stolen Palestinian land

Daily Mail labels second home restrictions ‘anti-English attack’

Ger an Jydh/Word of the Day Telyn - Harp An gwella telyn yw an delyn geltek - The best harp is the celtic harp To hear these words, visit 'geryow an jydh' in the resources section of the Speak Cornish website #Kernewek #Cornish

Mae cyn Archdderwydd ymhlith nifer sydd wedi galw am gyfarfod arbennig o Lys yr Eisteddfod i drafod atal y Fedal Ddrama y llynedd.

British militarism has devastated countries who then are made dependent on British aid to survive. Starmer's decision to cut aid to fund more war will strip the victims of British militarism of any support while lining the pockets of arms dealers.

Ymgyrch i achub siop lyfrau Gymraeg rhag cau

Dream Count by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie review – a tale of four women The Nigerian-American author returns with an astute and moving exploration of female experience

Early Welsh poems depict Merlin as environmentalist "A re-examination of Welsh poems dating back to 10th century have shown Myrddin – Merlin – as a prophet and environmentalist"

‘Diffyg gwersi nofio Cymraeg yn amlygu diffygion Mesur y Gymraeg’ Yn ôl Cymdeithas yr Iaith, mae methiannau parhaus yn codi cwestiynau am ymrwymiad y Cyngor i’r Gymraeg ac am weithdrefnau Comisiynydd y Gymraeg

Modryb a nith am ddysgu Cymraeg ym Mhatagonia Bydd Anna ap Robert a’i nith Lleucu Haf yn teithio o Aberystwyth i’r Wladfa

Aberystwyth family set off to champion the Welsh language in Patagonia