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Dad of twin micropreemie now almost 9 year old girls. Dealing with understanding autism and cerebral palsy. Husband to a wife that makes our world work. Avid Wisconsin college and pro sports fan (except Marquette). New to the road cycljng world.
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I’ve gotten to be more consistent over the last couple weeks on the bike. Struggling for an avg 185 output to my heart not wanting to explode at least today hitting 207 for an avg. #peloton #onepeloton #twindad #girldad

#peloton that was a fun fricken ride! #superhero #teamalex

Pretty nice job tonight on dinner if I do say myself. Tenderloin and sirloin steaks on the stove. Great sear on them and great tenderness. Mashed sweet potatoes and asparagus. After dinner Kaitlyn and the girls did chocolate covered fruit for dessert.

Injuries, illness rinse repeat. Feeling better so 2 rides in the last week at least. This one felt way better than the last. #peloton #drdenismorton #mitochondrialenzymes #glycogenreserves biology class was in session with this #powerzoneride

Looks like my wife and I are no longer needed. Woke up this morning to find my girls having made their own breakfast, unloaded the dishwasher, made their lunches for school. Not much left for me to do but drink coffee. Year 9 going on 19! #growingup #twins #sisters

It’s long over due but Sterling Sharpe is finally and rightfully being inducted into the #nflhalloffame #gopackgo

Not that it matters to most establishments but if I am paying at the counter for food and you flip it around and the tip suggestions start with the highest % you are now getting the lowest (if it’s a sit down) if it’s a to go or fast casual im not tipping. Tipping is out of control.

While the girls are at cheer camp Kaitlyn and I took the opportunity to grab brunch at Marigold Kitchen downtown. #onwisconsin #brunch

Tomorrow is my girls 9th #birthday each year we do a picture of them holding their picture from the year before. They spent 101 and 106 days in the Nicu. They have come so far! #nicuwarriors #twins #twinsisters #happybirthday #inmybirthdayera #autism #cerebralpalsy #anxiety love them completely

Our girls turn 9 on the 28th but having their bday party today. From 1lb 6oz born at 24 weeks to now. It’s their birthday era! It’s a #taylorswift inspired birthday! #nicuwarriors #birthdaygirls #twinsisters #happybirthday

Listened to this song tonight and man it hit real hard. A lot of “maga” are starting to get what they wanted and it’s not pretty. A lot of fafo going on. isn’t the news supposed to back freedom of speech. Cowards for firing Sam because she spoke her mind.

Only 1460 some days (+ or minus maybe a couple) left to go. 1 day at a time.

This ride kicked my ass. I maybe should have eased back into it after a couple weeks off due to not feeling well but what’s done is done! #peloton #dadswhospin #onepeloton

He’s such a good dog! Sometimes does some weird things with his face but I still love him. #pets #bostonterrier #mrwilson

It’s been a rough week for my family and extended family this week. My aunt passed away Thursday and then earlier this week my uncle Al passed away. Great memories at the cabin with him at the helm of the pontoon, trips to Menards, arguing about the refs.

One of my daughters for a student award this quarter “a swimmy” it was great to surprise her (our other daughter got one last quarter). They both work hard at being really good kids and students!

Fuck cancer and fuck Alzheimer’s! Within a week my family has lost two amazing people. An aunt & basically uncle Both were expected because of cancer. One had stomach cancer one had brain cancer and Alzheimer’s. Neither are in pain any longer and I personally am at peace with it. Still sucks though

It’s amazing the packers are only down 10 right now. They are sleepwalking into the first half.

Had a nice little tour of Epic today from our neighbors. It is amazing and a great place to explore in a cold day.

Emma lovewells first day back in what 5 months. Thought she would take it easy. She did not! #onepeloton #welcomebackemma #kickedmybutt Seeing that pic behind me I want to go back to Italy. I miss eating pizza, pasta and gelato every day. #rideyourbike

I don’t know how bad it is and maybe it’s just being cautious because you are already in the playoffs but in a rivalry game and we need our best players out there and Jaire not playing when he has practiced is crushing. Especially when going up against the Vikings.

Family went to Great Wolf lodge for a Christmas present. Brynn loves water slides. Kaitlyn and I enjoy them. Harper… well she’s hurt herself in some fashion on every single one and only wants to do the wave pool. Family time, building memories. Thankfully no trips to the hospital.

As much as I love seeing extended family driving all over I really need to think about just staying home next year. We are very fortunate to be able to but damn I’m exhausted.

How to keep everyone quiet on Christmas morning! Scratch off tickets! Merry Christmas!!!!

Merry calories don’t count week! Got my workout in anyways! Seriously though enjoy your holiday whichever ones you celebrate!

Love has been off a little bit tonight. He really hasn’t had to throw to get into a rhythm since they have been so effective running the ball. Almost just making sure he doesn’t make a mistake tonight

Now don’t take your foot off the gas! Put this game out of reach and keep on it! #GoPackGo

The packers staff tried to out coach themselves at the goal line. With that stiff arm alone by Jacob’s getting them down there he deserved 3 straight cracks at the endzone but we tried to get cute. They still ended up with 7 but felt bad for Jacob’s. #gopackgo

No packers today/tonight so I figured I’d make a cheesecake for Christmas. I think it turned out just fine.

I’ve had redwing boots for years. Hell I used to sell them at my uncles store. Stopped in today to meet my parents and drop off my dog to have them watch him and my wife saw a pair of Irish setter redwings that were “dressy enough” for me. So comfortable. Jokes on her I actually wanted them too.

I did a ride tonight to not feel so bad about eating pizza in my new pizza oven. I love me some kitchen gadgets! #pizza #tasteofitaly #takemeback it’s not going to be the same as wood fired but hopefully it’s close

The girls aren’t going to be home for Christmas so we did ours with Santa stopping early for them. #merrychristmas #santaclauseiscomingtotown

I feel like I’m seeing a lot more fake profiles on not that I don’t mind being followed by people but most that have followed have either nothing in their profile or just seem fake. Can’t discern if it’s a real or fake profile but definitely many feel fake.

We live in a country where a 2nd grader has to know to call 911 when they are at school to report a school shooting. The only supposed civilized country in the world where this is the case it makes me sick that my girls are in 3rd grade and should be playing with toys and friends not running drills

Today was a say Just a few miles away we had a school shooting here in Madison while it was miles away from my girls school it still shook my wife and I. The girls thankfully not aware so after Harper’s therapy tonight we did family night things to keep our minds busy.

I’ve never said this before. I may have drank too much coffee and ate too much cheese today. Send tums! Oh and #GoPackGo