PhD Student, Radboud University (Netherlands). Researching how our social and cultural environments shape our implicit biases. Big Team Science & Statistics enthusiast.
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Very cool!
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This is sounds like a form of spatial autocorrelation and can be addressed with spatial lag or spatial error models. There's a fantastic tutorial with code here:
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Our research contributes to a growing literature linking (historical) environments and biases and demonstrates that the effects of historical inequalities do not end when the inequality ends.
#SocialPsy #PsychSciSky
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Across a multiverse of analyses and robustness checks we find that a historical legacy of sundown towns robustly predicts higher levels of implicit and explicit present-day racial bias within US counties.
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Using geolocated responses of 1.3 million Project Implicit vistors we investigated whether US counties that had sundown status or contained sundown towns showed higher levels of racial bias compared to counties with a historical sundown legacy.
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Though civil rights legislation largely put an end to their official aspects, the cultural legacy of sundown towns may have persisted within geographical regions.
In a new pre-print and I examined the historical legacies of these sundown towns.
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Awesome, thanks!
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Could you share the poster on ecology-driven stereotypes with me? That seems right up my alley (can't be at SPSP unfortunately)
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In den Niederlanden gibt es eine nationale Forschungsagenda wo Bürger abstimmen dürfen und dann gibt's extra Geld für diese Forschungsgebiete.
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Awesome, thank you!
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I'd love the slides from your old presentation! I'll send you an Email!
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Are you sharing your slides somewhere publicly by any chance? :)
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Thanks, I'll have a look at that :)
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We have a new imagined contact intervention and want to compare it to the most common control group! Doing the same intervention without the contact component would be very difficult to do unfortunately.
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I'm intrigued, do you think it'll push teenagers to be more conservative?
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We provide R Code and a companion tutorial video to make our paper as accessible as possible. While the paper is aimed at Social Cognition researchers and uses examples from that literature, it might prove useful for anyone interested in making causal claims from non-experimental data.
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Balancing weights are one such strategy. Balancing weights balance groups of participants on important covariates. Balancing on these covariates closes alternative pathways through these variables and ensures that they cannot distort your causal effect of interest.
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DAGs thus explicate all assumptions a researcher is making, which makes pointing out shortcomings and discussing disagreements very easy. DAGs also allow researchers to derive strategies to estimate unbiased causal effects given the assumptions outlined in the DAG.
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Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) allow researchers to formalize their underlying theoretical model. This includes noting down all variables researchers deem relevant and the causal relationships between these variables.
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Amazing, thank you! I'll send you a PM with my Email address:)
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It's not intended as a dating app (albeit some people use it as one) but I made friends with multiple people in longer relationships there (meaning it's not only singles)! Took some tries to find people I vibed with though.
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I moved to southern CA for a few months and I had great success with the TimeLeft app. It pairs you with strangers for dinner at various restaurants :)
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The effects of the BLM protests on attitudes subsided even faster - by the end of 2020 we were back to almost pre-BLM levels.
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Alright, thank you so much for your input! I'll write to our IRB office :)
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Thanks! They don't actually work with data, they create the models based on their expertise and opinions. But IRB approval probably is the safe route to take.
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Oh sorry! So basically I'm asking dozens of research teams to draw a causal diagram (with all variables the researchers think relevant and all causal connections between them they expect) for a research question. We'll later analyse the casual diagrams across research teams.
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Oh like a ManyAnalyst project, just that people draw DAGs instead of running analyses!
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It's something I like a lot though! When I want to gauge whether somebody is suitable for a collaboration not having a website or otherwise accessible CV disqualifies those I don't know / haven't heard talk.
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That would be fun!
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I got a Bloodborne quote into one of my papers recently!
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I like the term linkedinfluencers 😂
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Sorry to hear that 😔 I don't have wise words but I have a motivational cat picture.
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Perhaps you'll be more lucky with the current Psych Science editorial board given how Open Science they are.