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Ph.D. Senior Research Fellow, University of Helsinki. Visiting Researcher, University of Catania. Media, death and memory. Digital afterlife and politics of remembering. Current research project: Death, Data, and Digital Media, funded by Kone Foundation
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We must all thank Alondra Nelson for putting some essential points on the table about AI:

I'm sad to share that the trans vet that took her life outside the VA last week was apparently Elisa Rae Shupe. She's someone many of us know - she was responsible for the mass email leak that let us know how the ADF, Heritage, etc planned to enact trans eradication we see today. RIP Elisa.

Hello, Bluesky community. Given the fact that Bluesky does not (yet) operate with algorithmic recommendations, it would be useful to like less and retweet/ share more, in order to find each other quickly. Thanks 😇

Exciting new #book in #death #studies coming out this spring, Death and Institutions: Processes, Places and the Past (Bristol University Press), edited by, Helen Frisby and Bethan Michal-Fox

It’s a coup! Please read or listen to Robert Hubbell’s newsletter!

This book sounds like one not to miss, particularly if you’re interested in datafication, the historical echoes of eugenics and anti-immigration movements in the context of techno-surveillance and algorithmic discrimination. Will try and tune in tomorrow!

Missed this in December, but good #books are always worth sharing! Our chapter w/ "Streaming Death: Terrorist Violence, Post-death Data and the Digital Afterlife of Difficult Death" features in this fabulous collection offering different takes on difficult death. Have a listen 😊

Registration for DDD17 #conference “The Politics of Death” has opened! In our panel "The Politics of Digital Afterlife" and I will discuss how authorship of digital afterlife iterations shapes its techno-affective contours and thus the memory of the dead.

Kuinka paljon #tekoäly kuluttaa luonnonvaroja ja energiaa? Eliisa Vainikka, Anne Soronen, Saara-Maija Kallio ja Laura Seppälä kirjoittavat Tampereen yliopiston Alusta-lehdessä tekoälyn piilevistä haittavaikutuksista.

Small step for a journal but a giant leap for the humankind!

Listening to an interview with & Deb Rawlings on death doulas, end-of-life education & problematic death euphemisms. 100% recommend - their back catalogue of episodes is epic #deatheducation #deathwork #deathrites

Jospa me kaikki tekoälyllä leikkijät mietittäisiin, onko se oikeasti tarpeen, järkevää ja eettistä?

Sharing for all the new people on Bluesky! *Black DH Projects & Resources* an open community list of 600+ links and counting! Add yours, and then help us learn about someone else's work too? #BlackSky

We’ve now been in Sicily for four months, and although I’ve been visiting the island for years and years, I love how little by little we are integrating into the local community. Fruit and vegetables a gift from a friend from their farm. Today, the first coffee on the balcony after winter started 😊

The first article of the new year is out #openaccess We look into the complex legacy of Queen Elizabeth II as expressed on social media after her death and the tensions between the views of ordinary citizens' and the official narrative.

Hi Bluesky friends! Just wanted to share my recent blog post with Digital Death (DiDe) research consortium. In this piece, I draw from our forthcoming study on how TikTok is emerging as a space for sharing experiences of grief and loss:

#AcademicJobs DIAS Professor of Media Studies at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Southern Denmark (DK)

The XLV VAKKI Symposium will be held on Feb. 13–14, 2025, in Vaasa. The theme is Communicational Relations. Please submit your presentation proposal by Dec. 9. CfP:

The first month of my research visit to the University of Catania, Sicily, has passed quickly. My research on materiality and relationality of death, data and digital afterlife acquires new layers in these historic surroundings where the dead are never too far away.

Super excited about the upcoming Digital Death: Transforming History, Rituals and Afterlife - the 7th International #Symposium of the Death Online Research Network we’re hosting! Check out the programme, very happy to see many new faces in the #death #online field

Published today, my article Theorising Digital Afterlife as Techno-Affective Assemblage: On Relationality, Materiality, and the Affective Potential of Data brings assemblage thinking into discussions of digital afterlife, theorising it as an emergent relational outcome:

Extended deadline / 2nd Call for Papers for DORS#7 in Helsinki, new deadline Friday 26th April - we warmly invite you to submit your work, please see the conference CFP for topics, themes, and the variety of approaches to what death and the digital might mean. Please circulate widely, thank you!

Last day to submit your abstract to the Death Online Research Symposium #DORS7, held in October 2024 at University of Helsinki - looking forward to receiving your proposals!

Kirjoituskutsu ylisukupolvista köyhyyttä ja osattomuutta kokeneille. Kyseessä on aineistonkeruu pro gradu-tutkielmaan. "Tutkimukseni tarkoituksena on lisätä tietoisuutta ja ymmärrystä siitä, miltä köyhyys ja osattomuus tuntuvat ja näyttävät lapsiperheiden arjessa sukupolvesta toiseen."

Nostaako #tekoäly tuottavuutta? Onko tekoäly poliittista? Aalto-yliopiston vieraileva tutkija ja Helsingin yliopiston yhteiskuntadatatieteen yliopistonlehtori Matti Nelimarkka kumoaa kirjoituksessaan tekoälyyn liittyviä käsityksiä.

Maaliskuussa Digital Death: Transforming History, Rituals and Afterlife -konsortiomme järjestää yhdessä tutkimusryhmän kanssa kaikille avoimen keskustelutilaisuuden Tiedekulmassa - tervetuloa mukaan! Lisätietoja tapahtumasivulla:

We are looking for a postdoc for our research group in digital sociology within DIGSUM. The research is about how false information is created and spread across digital platforms, and how it can affect public opinion and undermine democracy. Spread the word!

We are organising the upcoming #DORS7 symposium at @helsinkiuni October 3-5, 2024. Please see the 'Digital Death' CFP below for more details - feel free to share, thanks in advance! #death #media #research #digital #afterlife #immortality #data #socialmedia #grief #mourning

Here’s a short blog post on my current research on the intersections of #death and the #media, #data and digital afterlife. Check out the other blog posts as well to get an idea of the research our Digital Death consortium is doing: