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Painted this multimelta squad over the weekend while listening to videos. Can recommend. It’s like listening to your good friend explaining their newest well informed hyper-fixation

Bold of Halsey to become a Le Tigre cover band

Haven’t painted Death Guard since September! Thought i knew my way around transfers but the new video by has really improved my game. They look so flat! Now for enamels and basing

Watching Memento for the first time since it came out on DVD. I did not appreciate how funny Guy Pierce is or how good looking he is

4 weeks to get these highlighted, battle damaged and enamel washed for some dice rolling with

Xaran takes aim In my head canon the individualistic and heraldic armour markings I’ve given my minis fell out of favour after the Howling Griffons’ crushing defeats in the Badab War, pushing them to adopt the more codex compliant style they’re traditionally described as having.

Marksman Tarses is entrusted to clear out the narrow corridors of the Gallowdark This was my test model to see if I could make an interesting Howling Griffon. I wanted to capture a bit of Blanchitsu and thankfully has a great tutorial for getting a lively, textured yellow

Peleus patrolling the Gallowdark I like the Badab setting because you can easily make it fit into Heresy or 40K stylings. So I decided to use Heavy Flamers as proto-Infernus Marines with some green stuff tubing for flavour #warhammercommunity #heresy #40k

Infernus Squad Sergeant Lycades The 40K Plague Marine kit continues to dominate for ways to make interesting firstborn Space Marines. Only issue I had with this guy is figuring out what colour the sergeant helmets should be for Howling Griffons. Obviously red won’t pop so I just went with black

Quartered space marine schemes rule

My Howling Griffons Combat Patrol assembled for the To4G on the channel #warhammer #warhammercommunity #40k #badab #heresy

I’ve got to get all these tanks painted up in Death Guard colours for the Heresy Tallarn event is running in 6 weeks 😬

Took some photos of my Howling Griffons Combat Patrol #warhammercommunity #badab #warhammer #40k

I’ve no idea what the new Mechanicus tanks are, but they look cool

Got to play a bunch of 40k Combat Patrol at Warhammer World as part of the Badab Tale of Four Gamers ran by Lots of lovely people and lovely Badab armies

y'all ever see a take so bad you are forced to immediately go to sleep?

Why are the Blood Angels using flamers against robots? Are they stupid?

1st company captain Otho wielding the Talons of Mancora #warhammercommunity #40k #badab

Was going to wait until I can get some better photos, but I’m too excited about finally getting my Terminator Captain onto a base #warhammercommunity #40k #badab

Had to take a break from finishing my Combat Patrol to actually play a practice game before the Badab event this weekend. It was very narratively fitting that it went terribly for the Howling Griffons! At least I’ve finally played a game of 10th edition #warhammercommunity #40k

The hobby desk this weekend, though I just want to play Factorio #HowlingGriffons #Badab #WarhammerCommunity

Basing and some tidy ups left, but my Howling Griffons Terminator Captain is almost finished #warhammercommunity #badab #40k

Badab War Veterans -

Started working on my Combat Patrol HQ. No idea what colour cape to give a guy who is rocking yellow and red 🤔 #warhammercommunity #badab #40k

Progress on my Howling Griffons Infernus squad #warhammercommunity

Howling Griffons Terminator coming to say hi during some boarding actions Pretty easy to put the video together using the app Splice #warhammercommunity