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🔮Psychic & Medium. 6th Gen Whitelighter. Life Coach. Rootworker. Online Shop.🧿
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Everything around us may feel like it is falling apart, but know this is happening because change is required. What you know will be no more! Breathe and prepare 😌! We are with you! Accept this change, and we promise you it will be worth it! ❤️ xoxo Ancestors 😘 #spirituality

Never forget who you and where you came from! Honor those before you and pave the way for the future generations! ✨ With Love, Your Ancestors! 😘 #Spirituality

My child, you are loved & protected! We are always here with you! We see & feel your loneliness, pain, frustration, anxiety, & stress. You are alone now, but we are sending you the right partner! We ended the other relationships because they are not serving your highest good nor your new journey.

Angel Number Message for today! #spiritual

My Lilith & Hecate Energy is extra high today! Come play! 😜🫦 xoxo Capricorn ♑️ 😘 #spirituality #baddie

It is time to move on! To level up! Put self first and to be around people who appreciate, cherish, and support you! Love is all around you and money 💰 is coming in now! You have found your path. Many will not understand at first. Many of you are moving for love and others are moving for new job! ✨️

I really need people to keep weak minded, low vibrational people from around them. Stop thinking it is going to get better or they will evolve. Stop thinking you can fix grown people. You are not Captain Save!✨️ xoxo Capricorn ♑️ 😘 #relationships

I am tired! Tired of doing it alone! Tired of coming home to an empty home! I am tired of being tired! xoxo Capricorn ♑️ 😘 #relationships

You can be the most handsome man to approach me, BUT if you can't give me mental stimulation, then I have to send you on your merry little way - back to the streets! ✨️🤣 xoxo Capricorn ♑️ 😘 #dating

V-Day at the boat show working!😘💘🌹 #valentinesday

Happy Valentine's Day 💗! Hope your day is filled with love & happiness! Let know one F*** with your happiness today! You are my Valentine! 🫶🏽 xoxo Capricorn ♑️ 😘 #valentinesday

As of right now...I am a free agent! No one has asked me to be their Valentine's! So I am going to spend my money at the liquor store! 😜 xoxo Capricorn ♑️ 😘 valentinesday

Why are you crying yourself to sleep at night? We told you that we were working on your prayer request. Stop being impatient! Trust and know it is coming! Let go! We have never failed you, maybe delayed, but never failed you!😉 xoxo Ancestors 😘 #spirituality

Sometimes, you have to be the bigger person in communication with those you love - when it comes to hearing and trying to understand their emotions/feelings 😔🥺. xoxo Capricorn ♑️ #Relationships

Happy Friday! Enjoy this Venus day! Spread Love 💗 and Happiness all day!😘 #Motivation

You: "I have no clue what is coming for me?! I have a feeling of anxious & anticipation! Ancestors: "We do know and it is going to lift your spirt and fill you with love❤️, happiness😊, and financial freedom 💰! Let go of control! Hold on it is coming quickly!" xoxo Ancestors✨️ #blackheritage

Morning, beautiful child! We want you to breathe! Do not work yourself up with worries! Everything is working out! Outside seems like it is falling in chaos, but we warned people! They didn't listen! You and the others who believe in us are safe! xoxo Ancestors 😘 #spiritual

You need to get out and smell the MF roses 🌹! Stop the self-imprisonment because you don't want to get hurt again! Pain is lessons to make you a better person. #motivation

Morning! Did you know that your blessings are here?! They are all around you! Pay attention to the signs! Give gratitude! ✨️ #motivation

Happy Black American History Month! To my fellow brothers & sisters, this is the time for us to educate our children, community, and others on our contributions, blood, tears, and success in this land we were brought to. It is time we ALL stand together & STOP letting them DIVIDE us!

You are so magnetic & mesmerizing! You have worked hard on your confidence ✨️. Time to step out & attract all the good! Natural beauty is going to win! Good girls & good guys are going to be victorious! 😍🥰💯

You are everything & more to your future king/queen! ❤️ You've opened them up again to LOVE...they've never experienced before! You two have healed & emotionally ready! Don't be afraid of the intense feelings & things you would do for this person that you've never done before! 🤣😍

Many are not going to like you & your soulmate together! Many feel like they are better suited for them or vis versa about you! See, soulmates are not supposed to make sense to everyone! You two have a divine, scared contract. So tune out the haters when ya'll come into union in 3 to 6 weeks.

You have to know that the releasing of people, places, and things is required for you to have a new beginning. Your ancestors are saying, "Let it go! We have everything ready for your new life - new job, new love, and healthier lifestyle! It is time to step into your purpose!"✨️

The planets align with the sun creating one of the most powerful cosmic shifts in the universe! Use this timeline shift to shatter all obstacles/blocks by saying “I release ALL obstacles/blocks that are keeping my manifestations from flowing to me now! I reclaim ALL powers from all areas of my life!

Morning! Your ancestors want me to tell you that your hard work has not gone unnoticed. "We got you and love you so much! This is temporary & your new life is about to start!"

Today, on MLK Day, I rereflect on where we are as a society! The freedoms that are being quietly 🤫 taken away. I reflect on my families fight for equality while living in Jim Crow-Alabama (Birmingham). We must continue to fight the good fight for ALL! #goodtrouble #resist #equality

Beautiful morning in Huntington Beach! Nice walk! Relaxing and journaling on the beach near the volleyball courts! ✨️ #Blessings

Morning Glory! Today you should smile really big because you are through the crazy of the week! See your ancestors want you to know that your purpose is clear! Stop 2nd guessing and put your plans into action! Yes! 🙌🏽 this is the right decision! #Spirituality

Pay Attention to the signs!✨️🪽 #angel #divine #spirituality

Morning! Your Ancestors and Angels want you to know that ALL is taking care of. Relax and be present in your life right now. Enjoy the little victories & simple laughter from the unexpected situation! Enjoy life right now! When life give you lemons 🍋 make lemonade! ✨️🥰

Pay Attention to the signs!✨️🪽 #angel #divine #spirituality

Morning! Your ancestors want you to know that they are so proud of you. You have gone through a lot and you have healed and are moving now with so much purpose! You are their wildest dream come true! You are never alone! ✨️ #TarotReading #ChanneledMessage

Birthday Energy! Thank you Father God & Mother Goddess for allowing me to see another year - stronger, wiser, happy, healthy, and loved! 🎉🥳🧁 #Capricorn #CapricornSzn

Happy New Year! 🍾🎆 May all your wishes come true. May you walk in abundance and love. #2025

Capricorns...we are through the 16yr storm now! No longer will we waste time with people and places that are not pouring back into our cups! 2025 is the GOAT year... blessings, miracles, and opportunities everywhere we turn and speak into existence!✨️ 1/12 🥳🎉🧁 Share your Bday for the Cappie Family!

HATERS GOING TO HATE…You have been grinding away for a while now and some do not like how fast your success has come. These people are close to you not strangers but those who are family and friends - trusted confidants. #tarot #success #haters #oracle

You will get marriage/engaged in 2025. Caution is needed for those dealing with TOXIC Partners-it is time to move on! Many of you are FRUSTRATED with love & dating and your spirit team want you to be more specific & detailed about person! 💗 #lovestory #marriageadvice #toxicdating #redflags #tarot

🔮Trust & Believe that everything is working in your favor! Bank on yourself now! The new love coming is from the West who you could've met on Social Media or is. Tourist in your area! Take nature walks to ground yourself!✨️ #tarot #channeledmessage #spirituality #love #newbeginnings

Merry Christmas! Wishing you a day filled with love, laughter, family and friends, and blessings!🎄🎁🎅

Today…you are the Alchemist of your life. 2025 is your year! Prayers Answered and everything you are manifesting will bloom next year! Your cup will runneth over! ✨ #spirituality