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Gay, Anglo-Catholic Episcopalian who enjoys reading the work of Christian mystics. MA in English / MFA in Creative Writing. Trinitarian Pentecostal Pastor's son.
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If there was a Saint that should be on the Episcopal Church calendar and isn't, it should be St. Gregory of Narek. He is the only Non-Chalcedonian Christian that appears on the Roman Catholic calendar... #StGregoryofNarek #ArmenianApostolic #Narthex #EpiscopalChurch

Recently, I decided to challenge myself. I've been using the Venite app every day. My only complaint is that it leaves off the New Testament reading. I may switch to St. Bede's Breviary because it also includes readings from St. Benedict. What resources do you use? #Narthex #EpiscopalChurch

O Holy God, who said "Let there Be Light," and who separated light from darkness, we pray for those who have lost their way, who call themselves Christians yet, have left your teaching to love the stranger, to have compassion on the needy, and instead of retribution... #prayer #collect #Narthex

My parish, St. Gregory's in Long Beach, has a beautiful window depicting the Baptism of our Lord.

We will be praying two chaplets on Discord. One will be the Chaplet of St Aelred of Rievaulx. His feast day is today. Sunday, January 12. We will also pray the Chaplet of the Incarnation based on St Hildegard of Bingen's writing. #StAelredofRievaulx #Narthex #Saints

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the one God of the Nazarenes, the unchanging pillar of our faith, the captain of our ship that does not waver, the light of our lamp that is not darkened..." #GiyorgisofSegla #AbbaGiyorgisofSegla #Narthex #ChristianPrayer

Blessed Feast Day of St. Thomas Beckett! #stthomasbeckett #Saints #EpiscopalChurch #ChurchofEngland #catholicchurch #AngloCatholicism #narthex

Come pray with us this timely meditation adapted from St Hildegard of Bingen's writings.writings. Beginning soon! Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 840 1809 5381 Passcode: 498389 #sthildegardofbingen #sainthildegard #catholic #CatholicSaints #EpiscopalChurch #narthex

Come pray with us on Sunday this timely meditation adapted from St Hildegard of Bingen's writings.writings. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 840 1809 5381 Passcode: 498389 #sthildegardofbingen #sainthildegard #catholic #CatholicSaints #EpiscopalChurch #narthex

Join us for Compline at 8:45pm! Meeting ID: 847 6232 2622 Passcode: 851137 #Compline #EpiscopalChurch #prayer #Narthex #AngloCatholic #PrayerBook

Come join me to Pray the Joyous Mysteries at 8pm! #Narthex #EpiscopalChurch #WAT #Catholic #Rosary Meeting ID: 885 7841 7474 Passcode: 953114

The Holy Spirit makes music in the tabernacle of Virginity; for she always thinks of how to embrace Christ in full devotion... St. Hildegard of Bingen #sthildegardofbingen #holyspirit #virginmary #virginbirth #Christmas #Narthex #EpiscopalChurch #CatholicSaints #saints #ChristianMystics

Come pray the Rosary (Glorious Mysteries) with Ecumenical Christian Fellowship and Prayer tomorrow Morning at 10am Meeting ID: 337 373 3802 Passcode: 014336 #narthex #rosary #gloriousmysteries #catholic #anglican #EpiscopalChurch

Come pray with us on Sunday this timely meditation adapted from St Hildegard of Bingen's writings.writings. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 840 1809 5381 Passcode: 498389 #sthildegardofbingen #sainthildegard #catholic #CatholicSaints #EpiscopalChurch #narthex

I just finished my latest project, The Chaplet of the Holy Incarnation adapted from St Hildegard of Bingen's writings. If anyone would like to see it let me know. It's designed to be prayed using your rosary beads.

It’s because the Daily Office is a political act 😌

“Like a flower born in a field though its seed was not sown there, the Bread of Heaven arose in the Virgin Mary without originating in a mingling with a man and without any human burden.” St. Hildegard of Bingen. #sthildegardofbingen #sainthildegard #catholic #CatholicSaints #EpiscopalChurch

The Beautiful detail on the frontal of the Church Altar at St. George's. "Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariae. Et concepit de Spiritu Sancto..." #anglocatholicism #anglocatholic #anglicancommunion #episcopalchurch #advent

God’s being is my life. If my life is God’s being, then God’s existence must be my existence and God’s is-ness is my is-ness, neither less nor more.... Meister Ekhart #meisterekhart #ChristianMysticism #existence #Catholicism #AngloCatholicism #EpiscopalChurch #anglicancommunion

“O sweet life, O sweet embrace of eternal life, O blessed happiness, in which consist the eternal rewards! For You are always in true delight, and so I can never be filled or sated with the inner joy that is in my God.” St. Hildegard of Bingen #ChristianMysticism #catholicsaints

"God is the Father of all the bliss and happiness of His creatures and shows many and various signs in them; and the Incarnation of His Son dripped with the sweet taste of delight." Saint Hildegard of Bingen #sthildegardofbingen #jesuschrist #christiansaints #christianmysticism #narthex

"Let your heart’s good will overflow, so that you will not by among the lost sheep; sanctify yourself before God by giving of your substance to refresh those in want..." St. Hildegard of Bingen #sthildegardofbingen #sainthildegardofbingen #christianmysticism #saints #Saints #AngloCatholic #RomanCatholic #AnglicanCommunion #EpiscopalChurch #ArmenianApostolicChurch #Chaplet #Prayers