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Senior Research Scientist with the Canadian Forest Service. 🍁 #Landsat super-fan. #Lidar. #Forests. #Remotesensing. 🌲🛰 Member of the #OrderOfCanada. 🎖 📎
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The 2024 Annual Crop Inventory map of Manitoba is finished. Note: Class 130 (Too Wet to Seed) is found in the Interlake and Parkland regions of the province. Due to excessive spring rainfall it wasn't possible for farmers to plant crops. #CdnAg #WestCdnAg #CropMap24

The evidence of beavers in the Canadian boreal zone is widespread and often dramatic in satellite images. Our research with Environment and Climate Change Canada is using the 30 m Landsat satellite archive going back to 1985 to derive indicators of beaver activity (i.e., ponding) over large regions.

🚨Context, review, insights and direction- paper has it all! White et al. Enhanced forest inventories in Canada: implementation, status, and research needs. 🔗 Plus, stay current with updated national #lidar coverage status maps:

"Since 2000, glaciers have lost between 2% and 39% of their ice regionally and about 5% globally." Zemp et al (The GlaMBIE Team). Community estimate of global glacier mass changes from 2000 to 2023. 🔗

The Faculty of Environment and Natural Resource, University of Freiburg invites applications for a Full Professorship (W 3) for Fire Ecology in the Department of Forest Sciences.

#Rstats package sits 1.5.2 is now on CRAN! An end-to-end solution for LUCC mapping of big Earth observation data using ML and AI. Full support for multi-source analytics (SAR + optical + DEM +...). Operational and efficient. See

🆕💽 NEW DATA from🍁 ➡️ AAFC has produced its Annual Space-Based Crop Inventory since 2011. We map everything, including non-cropland, within Canada's agricultural extent! 🔗 The entire 2024 dataset is downloadable for FREE as it becomes available @ at 🧪

📣Whorl detector extracts branching features of standing timber to predict internal wood quality. ➡️ Pehkonen et al. Identification and segmentation of branch whorls and sawlogs in standing timber using terrestrial laser scanning and deep learning. 🔗

New: Parks et al. A fire deficit persists across diverse North American forests despite recent increases in area burned. Data: tree-ring fire-scar network (NAFSN) 🔗 Figure illustrates the impacts of fire exclusion and suppression on area burned and fire severity:

🌍 New paper: Generative networks for spatio-temporal #gap_filling of #Sentinel2 reflectances 🆓 Free access the first 50 days to the #ISPRS paper Work developed in the context of Xaida Project. #AI #EarthObservation

New paper! 📣 Advances in #LaserScanning to Assess Carbon in #Forests: From Ground-Based to Space-Based Sensors 👉 see thread for more! #OpenAccess🔓: ✍️ Coops, Irwin, Seely & Hardy 🙏 #NSERC #RemoteSensing #ForestCarbon #Lidar #Drones #Salitte #Aircraft

If you don't think the IRSS flies #drones in the winter, you've never done field work with Leanna ( & Kirk! ❄️ Leanna was out collecting leaf-off #lidar & #ThermalImagery of winder conditions for trout-bearing steams in Alberta with!

📢Call for Abstracts📢 is OPEN! #Silvilaser2025: an international gathering of researchers, professionals & industry leaders in #LaserScanning, #RemoteSensing & other technologies for assessing & managing #ForestEcosystems! 🗓️ Submissions close Feb 28 💻 📨 Share with your networks!

Travers-Smith et al. Vegetation structure and #soil organic #carbon storage across northern forest-tundra ecotones in continuous permafrost. ➡️Topography & landscape drainage patterns found as important predictors of SOC storage. #Landsat #drone

IRSS lab members in the news! 📰 PhD candidate Sarah Smith-Tripp talks to #Landsat Science from #NASA about her research and exploring how forests recover after major #wildfires in BC using Landsat and #Lidar Check out the article below! 👇 #remotesensing #wildfireresearch

Hey there! Please join us for #SilviLaser2025 for a great conference on cutting-edge technology in laser scanning and forestry 🛰️🌲 🚩 Quebec City 📅 Sept 29 - Oct 3, 2025 📃 Abstracts due Feb 28. 2025 Learn more at! 🌍 Please like and share this with your networks! 🙏

In cooperation with colleagues from Australia (T. Poblete and P. Zarco-Tejada) and New Zealand (M. Watt), we published a study on comparison between empirical models, scaling-up algorithms, and radiative transfer inversions for chlorophyll content estimation:

I'm so happy and proud of this decision 🙂. It is very important now to use the data, and compare the performances obtained with 2 and 3 satellites in your future communications. It will be the good way to thank and #Copernicus.

If you're using the `lidR` package and looking to expand your point cloud analysis capabilities, the **lidRmetrics** package might be worth exploring. It offers a variety of additional metrics designed to provide a more detailed characterization of forest structure

📢New: Khatri-Chhetri et al. Synthesizing field plot and airborne remote sensing data to enhance national forest inventory mapping in the boreal forest of Interior Alaska. -Fine grained 1m maps of forest type -CNN outperformed XGBoost #GLiHT #Lidar #NFI

The USGS, in partnership with NASA, is calling for applications from federal and international partners to serve on the 2025-2030 #Landsat Science Team. Applications are due February 28. Learn more here: #eochat #gischat #remotesensing

NEW PAPER 📢 Detection of disturbances using Harmonized #Landsat #Sentinel2 time series #OpenAccess🔓: ✍️ Brown, Coops, Mulverhill, Achim 💰 NSERC, #Silva21 #UBCForestry #remotesensing #forestdisturbances

2024 mid-summer image composite of Canada's forests. Updating compositing methods and data sources. Now using #opendata from Harmonized #Landsat #Sentinel2 (HLS). Data is key input to National Terrestrial Ecosystem Monitoring System (#NTEMS). 30 metre products. 🖥️

Hello!. Today in “One day, one paper”, tropical forest clearance impacts biodiversity and function, whereas logging changes structure. Logging affected the environment, but biodiversity and ecosystem functions only showed strong responses to total forest conversion 🌎🍁

An exciting job opening in our Geoscience Australia #DigitalEarthAU program: a Director role developing and managing the high-performance ICT systems and data pipelines that power our continental-scale #EarthObservation and #geospatial data science! 🛰️🌏👩‍💻

We have developed a National Terrestrial Ecosystem Monitoring System (#NTEMS) for #Canada. ➡️Goal: science supported product development. #landcover #biomass #forestchange #forestrecovery #Landsat 🚨UPDATED 🚨 for background or your own literature review:

Congratulations to Weiwei Wang (early career researcher) on her paper in Science out today - 'Canadian forests are more conducive to high-severity fires in recent decades' largely due to increases in fuel aridity.

How unique is branch arrangement—unique enough to be like fingerprints? 🧐 Yrttimaa et al. Quantifying architectural uniqueness of Scots pine trees using terrestrial laser scanning: toward individual tree fingerprinting. Forestry. #TLS #lidar #openaccess 🔗

Mega super cool permanent position to work with us on remote sensing, lidar and AI for developing tools for monitoring nature. Please spread the word!

Detecting defoliating insects in natural forests is difficult! Shi et al. Characterizing the spectral-temporal signatures of eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) using #Sentinel2 satellite images and #phenology modelling.

the {anytime} R package is my new favorite when it comes to converting text to dates. Super easy to use and works even if dates have some weird formatting! #R #Rstats

Scientific underpinning for a global, high resolution (30m!), accounting of aboveground #biomass. 🌎🌲🛰️🔦 ➡️Neuenschwander et al. Towards global spaceborne #lidar biomass: Developing and applying boreal forest biomass models for #ICESat2 laser altimetry data.

Share widely and raise your hand in the comments if you want to be added to the starter pack! #SciComm #OpenScience #CdnGovernment

Preprint is up for one of my dissertation chapters 🎆 We systematically explored the use of lidar and landsat, separately and together, to model and predict bird habitat.

Hyyppä, M. et al. Concepts Towards Nation-Wide Individual Tree Data and Virtual Forests. Finnish national #lidar (5 pts/m²), processed 3896 km² of data, detected >100M trees w/ RMSEs of 4.5% (height), 16.9% (diameter), & 30.2% (biomass). Plan to be operational by 2026.

Moan et al. Site index determination using time series of airborne laser scanning data. #LiDAR Bi-temporal ALS data enables broader spatial coverage but doesn't significantly improve accuracy vs 2-point methods. Models validated w/ 20+ years of field data.

Hello! 👋 The IRSS is excited to try out this new platform! We'll continue to share the latest new from IRSS, recent publications, job opportunities and everything fun related to #RemoteSensing and more! 🛰️ #RemoteSensing #Lidar #ALS #drones #SatelliteImagery

Refollowed list 1/2 as it grew. Plus, there is also now a second EO and RS list (guess first one maxed out). This will definitely get you going! Earth Observation & remote sensing 🛰️🌏 (1/2) Earth Observation & remote sensing 🛰️🌏 (2/2)

NEW PAPER📢 Seasonal vegetation dynamics for phenotype using multispectral #drone imagery: differentiation, #ClimateAdaptation & hybridization of #InteriorSpruce 🔓#OpenAccess: ✍️Grubinger, Coops, O'Neill, Degner, Wang, Waite, Riofrio, Koch 🙏 NSERC #UBCforestry #remotesensing

Time series tree species maps for Canada’s forested ecosystems from 1984 to 2022 at 30 m spatial resolution using #Landsat imagery, topographic and climate data, with cal/val data from Canada’s NFI. 37 species, 39 years, 650 Mha! Paper: Data:

We use satellite data to map Canada's forests. 🛰️🌲 National maps represent forest status and trends. Peer reviewed methods & accuracy statements. #landcover #biomass #wildfire #Landsat #Sentinel2 Access open data here: Info/pubs:

It's great to have a space to share some of our work! :) This paper tackles the spatial mismatch between GEDI measurements and French NFI plots, helping link French in situ forest data to GEDI profiles. Check it out here: May the Forest Be With You! ✨:)

Year 14 of the national-scale application of our Annual Space-Based Crop Inventory. The entire dataset will be downloadable for FREE via at:

Canada's new satellite-based forest inventory (#SBFI) uses image segmentation to create detailed, stand-level maps for forest science & monitoring, including tree species and #biomass, available via open access. #Landsat 📜Paper: 🔗Data:

Let's go!!! 🔥🔥🔥