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She/they, πŸ’, 28, Streaming (coming soon!) model credits to @Miss_Clerii on Twitter, DNI πŸ”ž https://www
140 posts 86 followers 185 following
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I am planning on raising money for Palestine, if anyone is interested in collabing for this and joining please let me know πŸ’› I plan on multiple days of this, and I believe together we can all help even if it's just a little bit.

Sorry for the lack of streams guys. I have been having a rough go of it and have been just exhausted. I miss y'all and I'm hoping to stream again soon.

BIG HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL THE WONDERFUL PEOPLE IN CHAT, TO @ewok176 and @CyphrVT for the wonderful times, to Suna_Kin, @Lula_Mari_Mouse for the raids, and for anyone else I may have missed! I love you all and you mean the world to meπŸ’›

So I don't know if I mentioned this or not but I will be streaming today at 3:30 pm Pacific!πŸ₯°πŸ’› I will be joined the wonderful beans, @ewok176 and @CyphrVT, and IM SO EXCITED!πŸ’›πŸ₯°


Wanted to let everyone know that my amazing friend @ewok176 will be streaming tonight at 7 pm Pacific!!!!!! While I won't be streaming, I will be over there on their stream chillin like a villain!πŸ₯°πŸ’›

I'm going to be taking a couple days for myself, my mental health is not in a good spot and I want to make sure to take some time so I can get betterπŸ’› I will be back in no time though!

Don't forget, @ewok176 has their debut stream today at 4 pm Pacific!πŸ₯° I will be there, just hanging out with themπŸ₯°πŸ’› SO EXCITED

I'm sorry everyone but no stream tonight, fireworks tend to be bad here, and my dog deals with a ton of anxiety from it (same as me). Tomorrow at 4 pm Pacific I will be over on my best friends @ewok176 's stream for their debut!!!!!!! PLEASE GO CHECK OUT THIS PRECIOUS BEAN!!!!

A friend sent me this, and I wanted to post this here tooπŸ’› I'm so incredibly thankful for everyone here, and all the love and support means the absolute worldπŸ’› I'm so excited and thankful to be on this journey with you allπŸ’›

THANK YOU SO SO MUCH EVERYONE!!!! Had such a wonderful stream and raided out to wonderful and amazing, @CyphrVT !!!πŸ’›πŸ’›

HAD SO MUCH FUN WITH EVERYONE THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! Y'all mean the world to meπŸ₯°πŸ’› We raided out to the wonderful @LulaMoriMouse! Check out this video "COLLAB WITH WONDERFUL BEANS @ewok176!!!!<3"

I want to wish those who celebrate a Merry Christmas, and if you don't celebrate I wish a happy and wonderful day to youπŸ’› You all mean the world to me and I am so thankful to be where I am. Remember that you are beautiful, wonderful, and amazing and never to forget that πŸ’›

GUYS LETHAL COMPANY WAS SO FUN!!! Had a lot of fun and I'm so so glad you were all able to be a part of itπŸ₯°πŸ’› Sent our love to @CaptainPapoTV πŸ₯°πŸ’›πŸ’› Honestly appreciate you guys all so much so thank youπŸ₯°πŸ’›

So we are shooting for a 3:45-4 pm Pacific Time start day for streaming!! Will let you know if this changes! πŸ₯°πŸ’›

COLLAB TODAY WITH SOME WONDERFUL BEANS!!! @effinanne, Eric and I will be playing..... LETHAL COMPANY!!! COME JOIN THE CHAOS! (still determining what time but will let y'all knowπŸ’›)

Hey everyone, just a heads up that I had to block someone in my community called doctor_azrael. They made both me and another streamer friend of mine incredibly uncomfortable. Please keep an eye out for them, as I would hate for them to make anyone else uncomfortable.

TYSM TO THE WONDERFUL PEOPLE WHO WATCHED THE STREAM EVEN THROUGH ALL THE GAME ISSUESπŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’›πŸ’› Special shout-out to Eric and @effinanne for being such sweet and wonderful people, and to chat, you are all amazing πŸ’› We raided out to the wonderful @Yukalyly!πŸ’›

Hewwo everyone!πŸ₯°πŸ’› Today I will be collabing with the wonderful Eric and @effinanne and I am SO EXCITED TO HANG WITH THESE PRECIOUS BEANS! πŸ₯°πŸ’› @effinanne will be streaming the collab on their channel too so make sure to support them as well!πŸ₯°πŸ’› See ya at 1:00 pm Pacific!πŸ₯°πŸ’›

BIG HUGE THANK YOU TO @PattyHayesJr FOR BEING WONDERFUL, AND FOR THE LOVELY COLLAB! I had so so much funπŸ’›πŸ’› Thank you to all the lovely and amazing people who stopped byπŸ’›πŸ₯° Also @DanTheDraconian IM SO SORRY I TRIED TO RAID YOUUUUπŸ’›πŸ’›

Hewwo everyone!!! Wanted to let y'all know I will be collabing with the wonderful, @PattyHayesJr today!!!πŸ₯°πŸ’› Patty will be showing me the ropes of FORTNITE!!!!πŸ₯°πŸ’› We are playing on streaming around 1:30 PM- 2 pm Pacific but potentially could push this time backπŸ’›

THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL THE WONDERFUL PEOPLE WHO JOINED MY STREAM! I had so much fun today with my friend Eric and with all of chatπŸ₯°πŸ’› You are all so amazing and wonderfulπŸ’› We raided out to the wonderful @smileforanny πŸ’›πŸ₯°

Hey guys a quick update, I'm going to move this to tomorrow my apologies!


Guys I'm so so thankful and happy for everyone and all the kindnessπŸ˜­πŸ’›πŸ’› To top it all off my partner went out of their way to get me a really nice, new laptop for an Xmas giftπŸ˜­πŸ’› I just feel so thankful for all of the support and love lots of people have shown meπŸ’›

Thank you so incredibly much for all the love and support πŸ’› I had so much fun and I'm so glad I was able to spend my morning with you allπŸ’› We raided out to the lovely @DanTheDraconian who is collabing with the lovely @MagusAgrippa…

Be on the lookout! Tomorrow this bunny is planning on streaming Potion Permit at an unknown time!!πŸ’›

I would like to do a special stream for when I hit 100 followers! I haven't done a collab or hosted one, would anyone like to collab together and play a game? I was thinking maybe 3-5 people but idk if that would be too much. Or would there be anything you guys would like?

Thank you so incredibly much to all the wonderful people who joined my unscheduled stream<3 I appreciate all of you for sticking with me through my tough emotions, depression, and major game scuff<3 We raided out to the lovely and amazing TinyLolaGaming !

I had such a fun stream!!!πŸ₯°πŸ’› Thank you so so incredibly much to all the wonderful people who came and supported, you are all amazing and wonderfulπŸ’›πŸ₯° I was raided by the adorable @KingOfBawk, and raided out to the precious @CaptainPapoTV !!!!πŸ₯°

Considering doing a stream later at 3 pm. Today is hard day for me but I would like to stream and say hi to you guysπŸ’› I may do a super short stream maybe like 1 hour and 20 minutes πŸ’›

Thank you so incredibly much to all the support and loveπŸ₯°πŸ’› I love streaming and interacting with y'all πŸ₯°πŸ’› had so much fun with this game!!! We raided out to the amazing @NightWolfyChaos πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ’›πŸ’›

Okay everyone, stream today at 3 pm PacificπŸ₯°πŸ’›

Everyone I'm so sorry for pushing the stream back again another day, but I have a lot of IRL stuff that I gotta take care of😭 I'm going to stream tomorrow, Sunday, and Monday at 3 pm and I'm super excitedπŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›

I plan on tomorrow at 2 pm Pacific playing the demo of the game, Oberak!πŸ₯°πŸ’›

Okay, even though I'm feeling better today I'm going to take today to just rest and see about tomorrow for streaming πŸ’›

I'm feeling a lot better todayπŸ’› I'm considering streaming later at 3 pmπŸ₯°πŸ’›πŸ’›

OMG THIS GAME MADE ME SO FRUSTRATED! I still had so much funπŸ₯°πŸ’› Thank you to everyone who stopped by and saw my suffering LOLπŸ₯°πŸ’› We raided out to @GalenosAelius Check out this video "Adventures with Mirabelle! (in mouse form??) (18+ stream)"

Stream today at 3 pm Pacific!πŸ₯°πŸ’› Based on the poll results I will be playing Post Mouse!!!πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ’› Don't worry though! I will play the other games I listed at some point too!!πŸ₯°πŸ’›

Awwww thank you so much to an anonymous person for the mouse gift!!!!😭😭😭 That is so sweet thank you 😭 Thank you to the anonymous person too who suggested House of Leaves as a gift idea😭

Change of plans so sorry!!! Moving this to tomorrow at 3 pm Pacific!

Stream today at 3 pm Pacific Time!!! I'm thinking of playing either Children of Morta, the Oberak demo, Shining Resonance, or Post Mouse!πŸ’›πŸ₯° We could also finish up At Winters End (comment at Winters End if want) if you would like! Which would you like to watch me play more? πŸ₯°

Thank you SO MUCH for all the support! I am so sorry for technical difficulties:( I appreciate all of you who watched! Special shoutout to @Zaxu131, and @GoldenRoseVT for the raid, THANK YOU BOTH SO MUCH!!!<3 We were able to raid out successfully to @OrionEscalus !!

Just a quick update! I'm going to play Summoners War instead today because my wired mouse died on me, and Potion Tycoon is mouse and keyboard only😭 I will play Potion Tycoon once I get a new mouse!πŸ’›

Today at 3 pm Pacific time, I'm going to be checking out Potion Tycoon!!!πŸ₯°πŸ’› I am planning on checking out Summoners War tomorrow at 3 pm Pacific time also!πŸ₯°πŸ’› Next week, I'll be jumping back into Potion Permit!πŸ₯°πŸ’›

My mother-in-laws kitty passed away last night