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HamKam supporter
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Getting Started

EUROPE against trump and putin.....

This is serious shit, and we have the potential to out-perform the US. #europe #eu #democracy

❗️The future of Europe is not going to be decided by Russia or by Washington - President Macron in his address. He emphasized that Europe needs to be able to defend itself and increase military spending, re-industrialize Europe and transform according to the new global context.

Consumer impact and power should never be underestimated. #buyeuropean

In turbulent times on the globe, there may be a real possibility that Norway will finally choose a binding partnership with all our European sisters and brothers, and join the union. We must stand together to defend peace, freedom, human rights and democracy. #europe #eu #democracy

There’s still hope…

Hvis fotballtinget stemmer for å beholde VAR, bør toppforballen vurdere å bryte med NFF. Det må tenkes utenfor boksen og nytt. Er det mulig å se for seg at Norsk Toppfotball (NTF) tar fullt eierskap til eget produkt og lager et eget seriesystem? Så kan NFF innføre VAR i breddefotballen? #neitilvar


Det er helt fantastisk at styret i Norges Fotballforbund (NFF) enstemmig beslutter at de vil beholde VAR. Hva er det NFF forstår som toppklubbene misforstår? #neitilvar