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Getting Started

The culture war is a class war in disguise. The oligarchy is currently attacking our government from within. Their inhumanity and greed has no boundaries. These are the last weeks of the government we have lived under our entire lives. The Jan 6 coup has been completed. MAGA = traitor.

2. Housing for Low-Income Families: For 320,000 units 320,000 x $225,000 = $72 billion. 3. Maintenance and Operations: For 348,000 units (28,000 + 320,000): 348,000 x $12,500 (average) = $4.35 billion Initial Construction: $78.3 billion (homeless + low-income). Annual Maintenance: $4.35 billion.

Why do I do this work. It is because I want that a politician aims to correct this situation which in my opinion is unnecessary given our riches. 1. Homeless Population: For 28,000 units: 28,000 x $225,000 (average) = $6.3 billion.

We have allowed billionaires to come into existence. We are paying the price in that they have enough power now to harm our democracy. I think it is time for the political realm to deal with that immoral concentration of power.

Average world energy use goes up 1.5% a year people, on average, use 75 gigajoules 7.5 x 10^16 The world uses about 620 Exajoules 10^18 Population increases 80 million = 6 Exajoules overall rise is 9 Exajoules per year. Therefore, the population increases world energy consumption significantly?

We can't just preach to the already converted to work on this problem. I don't think arguing is going to get us anywhere. I think the answer is economic (sort of the price of eggs) and we have to decide how to start to solve that issue.

I want to read about the demise of America though it is very hard to stomach/not despair. I also know that 75 million people in this country would not put any stock into this type of news. a podcast person said to women that if they are dating a trumper should immediately dump mther