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A knight in Satan's service. Betrayed by Christian MAGA "family" that I actively challenge & expose for what they are.
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Non-whites supporting white supremacy believe they will be spared slavery, when in fact they are already slaves to their racist masters.

Hey, fat piece of Jesus shit Timothy Hampton from Dillsboro IN, did you enjoy all the LGBT & BLM newsletter spam to your phone? That was me who signed you up. Enjoy, fucker. And continue to live in fear of what I will do to you as revenge for my lost cats, you inbred motherfucker.

Lyrics to the sing I posted on Rap Fame. Fuck you, E_Dugg. Prepare for pain because the truth hurts My life has been white Christians treating me like trash White schoolmates seeing me as a target of their wrath White family hating the fact I exist White parents hating that I wanted fair treatment

300 Tylenol. Nothing. Tequila + Unisom. Nothing. Tequila + 91% iso alcohol. Nothing. 100+ mix of bp meds, Aspirin, etc. Nothing. Cancer. Nothing. Why am I not allowed to die? Fine. I will do things to provoke the police into shooting me. All white people are a disease. Even "liberal" whites.

Multiple losartan potassium Multiple atorvastatin Multiple aspirin Visine Multiple doxylamine Large amounts of sugar Even if found before I pass my organs will be too damaged to save me. This time will succeed. I go to Satan knowing that God never loved me & never earned my love. Fuck you people.

My relatives should start looking for my body soon, I do not believe they will want the authorities to see the suicide note it will have on it. They might do some unwanted investigating into the family.

Lying about threats & being assaulted? Nancy Mace does what the right typically do.

Indiana's new diploma requirements lessen the academic requirements but now force children to work X hours to get it. The state is finding a way to revive slavery. Fuck Indiana with a nuke.

MAGA deserve no voice

Wanna bet on things like PrEP medications becoming illegal under Republican rule next year?

The same individuals who think Sonic the Hedgehog looks better with blue arms are the same racists who cried about black Heimdall in the Thor movies.

Ghostbusters 2 is a shitshow of an awful sequel to a great movie.

The police are not your friend. #acab The next cop I am forced to interact with, I Intend to attack.

Anti-suicide is a derangenent that needs to stop. I have no home, relatives stole my belongings & took the cats I love. I have cancer. I refuse to live in Trump's America again. I should have a right to leave the misery. It will NOT get better.

I would not object to any acts of terrorism that targets Indiana. The population is 90% MAGA.

I have spent the last 4 months missing the cats that were forcibly taken from me. I have not, however, missed a single "family" member that I have had no contact with. I hate them all. Family is trash. Rednecks are trash. Christians are trash.

Why did the world forget about all the sexual abuse allegations against Jamie Foxx when he got sick? Is it because he kisses god's ass now?

Johnny Depp, Marilyn Manson, Vince Mignogna, Bob Barker, Michael Jackson, they're all abusive pieces of shit that get defended by dumbfuck MAGA & other clueless assholes who need their hands busted with a hammer. Right-wingers don't even deserve free speech, they waste it on shit like that.

By now hunting is not about obtaining food. You can obtain food easier in a store. Hunting is about cruelty against animals.

"Stomp a mudhole" is dumb redneck language & any dumb fucker who threatens to "stomp a mudhole" in someone deserves their internal organs removed. Run, Timothy.

Wanna support some leftist causes? Venmo jand4321

God tries to tempt me with dreams promising my life will get better. I do not believe them. God is a liar. He does not want me to walk with Satan but it us too late. I have lost everything & will never get it back because of God's loyal worshippers. Their blood will flow.

Dear John Mellencamp & Jason Aldean- FUCK small towns!

Another day I get to post that I am happy that my shitty parents, Lloyd Melvin Anderson & Virginia Anderson, are dead. They were awful people who looked down on me. Lloyd was a child molester & druggie. Virginia was a racist who killed neighbor's dogs. They were white trash. Both are burning in Hell

Friday is the day Satan calls me to Hell. Nothing will stop me from going. I look forward. Earth is a shithole I want no more part of. Only 1 task left then my business here shall be done. Christians will suffer.

Everyone who supported Gamergate should have their throat cut.

Luigi Mangione being a Republican is surprising in that he went against corporate greed but did anyone expect a liberal to be responsible? They never do stuff like this. They whine on social media & wave useless protest signs. Libs are weak pussies.

Since August 1st I have been shown that family is garbage, that god is garbage & that the United States of America is garbage. No one has even tried to show me otherwise. The truth of the world just can not be denied by anything or anyone, they don't even pretend anymore.

God has done nothing for me but plenty against me, so don't get pissed that I worship Satan.

Thereis no reason for "religious" hospitals to exist.

In case I am not alive on December 14- Have a shitty birthday, Amanda Anderson! You are a gorilla our idiot parents coddled, you trashed our home, you are a violent thug & I hate having you as a sister. I hope the mental hospital is abusing you. Eat shit, bitch. I want to kick your sorry ass!

I do not consider myself to be a liberal despite my hatred of conservatives. Liberals are generally weak, whiny pussies who never actually help you or contribute, because they think someone else will do it for them.