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Assistant Prof & theatremaker. Shax, cyborgs, performing objects. Also Spanish Golden Age obsessed. Producer of Writ in the Margins podcast. Oh, and Coney Island superfan. Opinions mine. Trans rights are human rights. Tell me your fave tarot card!
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Coping with the world on fire with a new brand of intrusive thoughts that say things like "you know what you should get? Roller skates."

My island? Coney.

Working on lobby display for my uni's production of Boeing Boeing. We're celebrating the real women who worked as flight attendants from 1950-1999 to balance the farce. Is this you or someone you love? Would you be willing to share a photo and a few words about your/their experience? Lemme know. 💕

This week broke my heart but it won't break my spirit. Giving out a lot of extra hugs on campus -- and I'm not a hugger -- and working to fill my own cup to be ready to do it again next week. And for the next four years.

Grateful for lovely, kind students today. I had my first serious mid-lecture POTs episode & couldn't ignore/push through. I didn't faint but it was *close.* Hoping it's not repeated but good to know we can sit on the floor together! Here's to some sleep and a better hydration plan tomorrow.

Today, I got a massage -- my first in 3 years. In my meditation practice, I sometimes see colors when in the zone. In my massage, I found a glorious bright color. As I checked out, my massage therapist said my energy felt like bright [the color I saw]. Love that little synchronicity! #alittlewitchy

Morning Me booked a massage for Sunday afternoon... which makes aaaaalll the horseshit that Afternoon Me worked through feel slightly less bothersome!

Just finished what I *very desperately and fervently hope* are the final edits on a chapter for an edited collection that started as a part of my MLitt thesis. IN 2015. I never, ever want to see it again until it's published. 🤣🤣 #ladyacademic

Missed this back in April: “When will art institutions begin to pay respect to the legacies of our foremothers’ artistry? And when will we, as a culture, move beyond rigid hierarchies of value and celebrate domestic crafts in their own right?”

Anyone have a scan of Brian Friel's one act play" The Bear" to hand? Stuck in a "we keep sending the wrong book" ILL loop and am desperate. 💕 #academicsky

Tomorrow would be such a nice day to forgive student loans. 💅

Working on revisions for an editor who definitely has no patience for my bullshit. We're in the third draft and their comments hide exactly none of their irritation with me. I own it but geeeez this isn't fun.

I can already tell that ring splints are gonna save my life. A heavy typing day without locked joints in my thumbs, index and middle fingers? AMAZING.

Slow caturday over here with my littlest boy/arch-nemesis, Arthur.

Meet my best girl, Haggis. She has diabetes and cancer and so our time is limited. We fill it with snuggles, blanket burritos, and so many snooty snorts. Oh, the way I love her.

Reference check phone calls are terrifying. Here, take this thing that's so important for someone's future and let it hinge on a) me answering my phone b) while in a low background noise space so I can hear and c) an introvert's confidence in on the spot recall and expository speech.

Welcome all. Life in academia is particularly hard right now. Toward a modest improvement, consider sending Kudos Emails. Reach out to a stranger and say you liked their paper. This small mitzvah can make a world of difference. I’ve seen it happen.

This thread is full of invaluable resources!

I'm on my library's advisory board and I highly, highly recommend getting involved in this way if you can!

Yeah, Sarah McBride!

My loans are held by MOHELA and let me tell you the SHEER AMOUNT OF MAIL this situation has created over the past year is fucking ridiculous. I have literally stopped opening it because it is a clown show.

I'm not on the other place much anymore but really needed to hear from Sister Prejean tonight.

The Calm app congratulating me on using it 7 days in a row always feels weird. Thanks, I guess, but I'm a grown-up that needs to listen to 1 of 3 train stories to have any hope of sleep. Plus compression socks, eye mask, sleepy girl drink, perfect temperature, & just right noisy ceiling fan etc. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

Ok, mine is not fancy or classy but I think about it all the time. The Pittsburgh Macys department store used to have a tiny cafe on its skybridge. They used to make a griddled chicken salad melt that lives rent free in my tastebuds.

My article on FuenteOvejuna & the translation-that-could-have-been by Langston Hughes is now out & I'm SO proud. This was my pandemic baby & my first sustained foray into archival work. Thanks to the team & editor S. Barnden for being so supportive. #earlymodern #academicsky

My job is just email. Not lifeguard. Just email.

Since we're 10 days out from start of term and I'm still not fully prepped, I think Mel and Sue should have to come and potter around me while I work, murmuring nice things and holding up name brand items when I cry. It's the least the university can do. #academicsky

When I grow up, I want to not have an email address.

What (if any?) resources/support are out there for non-TT/contingent book authors? My colleague & I want to co-author but we teach *so much.* I'm curious if there's anything to help us. It would be a practical book on devised theatremaking w/e.m. source material, if that matters. #academicsky

I'm a natural-born pessimist, but this has reminded me what we're fighting for...

I got an email today from a former student who watched #TonyAwards and reached out to say how much they loved being in a show I directed years ago. I'm not gonna lie, that deeply deeply moves me. I treasure what I get to do and honor the young people who share their wisdom with me. #ladydirector💕

I teach a Theatre/Power/Revolution class. I am intensely grateful that I was able to create it & deeply sad that it's probably not going to have a long life, given *everything in academia* etc. That said, I get to teach it again in F24 and planning for it is the only thing giving me hope right now.

Ohmygod I want this to matter.

Although I don't regret doing MFA rather than PhD, I *do* wish I had had the pressure to continue studying Spanish because now there are SO MANY PLAYS I want to read in their original form and my hazy undergrad intermediate Spanish is not cutting it. Worst Spanish Golden Age superfan ever.

The fun thing about having a partner, a parent, and a pet who each have different serious long-term health problems when you also have a chronic illness is that you never ever get a moment where you're taken care of without also having to take care of someone else. Small & petty daily whinge.

My last class meeting of Theatre History II starts in four minutes. We're working on Macbeth. My students are gathering in the hallway and plotting *something.* I've either taught them very well or I'm about to be overthrown. Stay tuned, I guess?

Watching 20+ mandatory video clips for a required training on how to (checks notes) PUSH A BUTTON is not the way. Why must everything be in video form!? Can I not read the one page document version?!

There are a lot of problems that beset academia. This 👇 is one of the worst. How can we defend ourselves from the Rufos and DeSantises of the world when many of us can't even respect our colleagues enough to help equitably distribute labor?

I'm thrilled to say that MBU is a recipient of a TCG In the Stacks grant to reinvigorate our play library! So stinking thrilled for us and our students and grateful for these incredible resources. #LadyAcademic #BabysFirstGrantApp