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Scientist at Stockholm university. Trying to unravel interactions between soil respiration, climatic drivers, functional diversity, and different management practices in the #HoliSoils project. Also navigating #momademia. Opinions are my own (she/her/hers)
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Key message on management of drained forested peatlands from the‬ policy brief below: "Avoiding clearcutting and applying continuous cover forestry on peatlands allows timber production with a higher water level [...], which can reduce GHG emissions" and I were awarded financial support through the new EGU EDI Participation Support Scheme, to bring our child to #EGU25. This enables EC scientists to attend without monetary punishment for having children and no local support system. I hope more such initiatives will follow!

Come and work with us! 2+2 year postdoc at Trinity College Dublin on modelling plant defence and resistance to pathogens. Going from first principles to near term forecasts and decision tools. Deadline 3rd of March, start date as soon as possible. 🧪🌏🌾

Although NOAA's page on atmospheric CO2 levels has vanished, you can still get this vital information from Ralph Keeling's team at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego Please follow for updates and share Don't let science be hidden

We have a *permanent* position open at , working on calibration and general awesome-ification of the CLM-FATES model, across a fun set of projects Flexible wrt career stage and the balance of science/technical work. Tell all your friends!

Super nice to see Martijn's work featured as editor's highlight on EOS!

Does anyone else have problems submitting an abstract for #EGU25? I contacted the Copernicus Office for support, but am curious if it's just me or a larger issue...

Best wishes for 2025! Ours started great with fresh snow and family fun 😄

Scientific identity crisis: "So, what do you do?" A simple question, but I struggle to answer after changing fields several times. Am I a vegetation modeller? Soil modeller? Does that then make me a land surface modeller? But my postdoc isn't like that, I'm analysing soil respiration datasets (1/2)

🚨 #AGU2024 alert! Come check out work from the with #HoliSoils data. presents our joint work on the relationships between microbial diversity and soil respiration in managed forests. Starts at 4:10 pm in room 149A-B, session B34A. See you there!

Our lab made it to Bluesky! Welcome, and we hope to see some of you in Stockholm next year for the upcoming Swedish Oikos meeting. It's in the beautiful museum of natural history! More info 👇

Many people take "non-traditional" career paths in academia. My Leading Edge colleagues and I did! We wrote for PLOS Biology about how non-linear careers are increasingly common, but funding agencies and search committees penalize these paths.

Registration for the #CESM tutotial (July 7-11th) is open! This s a great resource for all budding Earth system modelers (& there is no cost to apply or to attend the tutorial AND some travel support may be available to selected applicants....)

Can we disentangle climate and microbial diversity effects on soil respiration? Daniela Guasconi and I showed our first insights from the #HoliSoils project at the #BolinDays organised by Exciting two day event with climate scientists from different disciplines!

I'm learning about non-linear multiple regression and mixed effects models in #R. What are your preferred packages and functions? Any recommended reading?

This week I attended the fantastic #HoliSoils annual project meeting in Freising. The wonderful people, two site visits, posters and keynote presentations gave a great overview of the sites, management/disturbance types, and tremendous amount of measurements. Looking forward to analysing the data!

Here's what I do according to my scholar profile. Something with models, carbon and water, soils and plants. With my new project, to be followed by the link with microbial diversity. Exciting times :)

My beautiful new workplace at Stockholm University! The building looks a bit dark in the morning, but what a warm welcome I received. It felt great to meet everyone in person. I can't wait to submit my PhD thesis and prepare to move our family to Sweden over the next few weeks.

So true! #AcademicSky

With both problems & solutions clearly identified, there is little excuse not to act. It is now on stakeholders to take urgent measures to [...] prevent the continued use of public funding to perpetuate sexism and harassment (what a depressing plot 😧⬇️)

I'm looking for a Scientific Programmer/Data Scientist to work on a wide diversity of research projects, applying machine learning and data assimilation methods for modelling climate impacts on ecosystems

New to bluesky! After a social media break, I want to reconnect with fellow scientists/individuals who write about (soil) biogeochemistry, mechanistic modeling, ecophysiology, women in STEM, R, volleyball, parents in academia, ... , . Following suggestions are welcome!