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Tutkija Pelastusopistossa, kv. pol. väitöskirjatutkija. Yksityiset sotilas- ja turvallisuusyritykset, #BJJ #showpaini. Researcher at Emrgency Services Academy, IR PhD candidate, thesis on private military and security companies. #BJJ #prowrestling
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Not shocking same week the Trump administration attempted to defund the organizations like that defend these kids in court, this news breaks. This is a concerted effort to target the most vulnerable. Just like w/ family separation, he hopes people will look away. Please don’t!

Ian Fleming's original James Bond novels haven't aged well. For example, Moonraker - published almost exactly 70 years ago in April 1955 - features a villain who's a super-rich industrialist and rocket-maker seeking to cause chaos because he's a secret Nazi. Such a silly idea!

Tällainen karkea kiristyspolitiikka tietysti rapauttaa entisestään Trumpin hallinnon uskottavuutta liittolaisena. Asiaan liittyy tietysti myös yleisempikin, kriittisen infrastruktuurin hallintaan ja omistajuuteen liittyvä ongelma.

What's the difference between firing someone "for DEI" and firing them because they are Black?

Jenkit ovat siis kieltäneet Ukrainalta iskut Venäjän puolelle toimittamillaan aseilla ja nyt uhkaavat katkaista StarLinkin jos kaivosoikeussopimusta ei hyväksytä. Ei pidä uskoa hetkeäkään että meitä kohdeltaisiin eri tavalla jos joutuisimme pulaan.

Dozens more pregnant and postpartum women have died in Texas hospitals since the state banned abortion, ProPublica’s analysis shows. As the maternal mortality rate dropped nationally, it rose in Texas by 33%.

Olen hihittänyt koko illan sille, että jenkit yrittävät nyt tuputtaa Ukrainalle samanlaista diiliä, jonka venäläiset tekivät Wagner-ryhmän avulla Syyrian hallituksen kanssa mutta Trump tarjoaa huonompia ehtoja kuin Putin.

"Ensimmäinen johtopäätös on, ettei kunniattomaan valehtelijaan kannata luottaa. Yhdysvalloista voi olla hyötyä, mutta sen varaan ei voi rakentaa. Se ei lähetä joukkoja Viroon, Puolaan tai Suomeen."

The Trump administration is now bringing the postwar era to an end. No one should be surprised: this is what they said they would do. America's European and Asian allies need to adjust, quickly.

Vice President Vance doubles (triples?) down on Trump’s criticisms of Zelensky. Ukraine’s president is “attacking the only reason this country exists, publicly, right now. And it’s disgraceful,” said Vance.

I wonder if engaging Trump on his false claims about Zelensky's approval rating is missing the point. Trump doesn't actually care if Zelensky is popular or legitimate. What he's saying is that he wants Zelensky replaced. That's Washington's new position, not that Zelensky has an xyz rating.

Valvira on rajoittanut useiden lääkärien oikeuksia, jotka ovat määränneet lääkekannabista vakavasti sairaille. Sen sijaan kuuden potilaan seksuaalisesta hyväksikäytöstä tuomitun lääkärin oikeuksia ei rajoiteta, koska siihen "täytyy olla hyvät perusteet".

President Donald Trump and Elon Musk have repeatedly affirmed Musk’s leadership of the so-called Department of Government Efficiency. But according to a new court filing from the White House, the administrator of DOGE isn’t Elon Musk after all. Who is? No one knows.

Did Musk fire hundreds of Federal Aviation Administration employees to increase "efficiency"? I don't think so. There is a better explanation:

Last week Vance made an offer to Europeans and in particular to Germany. Back the far right. Align yourselves with Trump and allow Russia to have a sphere of influence and you won't need to spend big on defence. Quite an offer.

Elon Musk posted these two tweets on the same day

As a political scientist who studies countries that managed to stop the slide into authoritarianism, I can assure you that ***refraining from provoking the authoritarian*** is not how it works. Without further ado, I will now go tear out another chunk of hair.

I am old enough to remember that just last week, the U.S. Vice President was lecturing Europeans about free speech.

Important to know, but relevant only in the reality-based community.

History buffs will know that every authoritarian leader eventually converges on some version of: "I *am* the state. I can not break the law, I am the law, the law is instantiated in me." Our march to authoritarianism so far has been excruciatingly by-the-book. Hitting every beat. No surprises.

Kotimaisella showpainila menee lujaa. Parhaillaan Ruoholahdessa käynnissä oleva Wrestling Show Live! taitaa olla FCF Wrestlingin 5 eniten myydyn tapahtuman joukossa. #showpaini #fcfwrestling

Laittakaapa merkille yksi juttu. Kolme tahoa puhuvat toistuvasti samankaltaisia juttuja: Vladimir Putin, Trumpin hallinto, perussuomalaiset. (KETJU)

Vancen puhe oli kulttuurisotapitoinen ja löysi kohdeyleisönsä. Talking pointti rukoilevasta miehestä varmasti iski Riihimäelle. Näiden vuoksi Räsäsenkin puheesta tykkäsi. Mitä sitten, että kansainvälinen järjestelmä, joka Suomenkin olemassaoloa turvaa, laitetaan nyt polttouhriksi Moolokille.

NEW: Elon Musk and his team have posted classified data on DOGE's new website

En ole mikään maailman suurin Disturbedin fani mutta opin tänään että bändin laulaja, David Draiman, on käynyt signeeraamassa Gazaan ammuttavia tykistökranaatteja ja nyt pitää vähän siistiä soittolistoja.

“Be careful. When a democracy is sick, fascism comes to its bedside, but it is not to inquire about its health.” Albert Camus

The U.S.A.I.D. chaos has already had deadly effects. Tom Cotton said in 2021 that agencies like U.S.A.I.D. are “strategic instruments to beat China” in influence. Marco Rubio said once that U.S.A.I.D. is 5 “critical to our national security” Both are silent. An evil shroud is enveloping us.

"Ihmisoikeusjärjestöt ovat jo pitkään raportoineet palestiinalaisten vankien epäinhimillisestä kohtelusta Israelilaisissa vankiloissa. Hamasin ja muiden äärijärjestöjen lokakuun seitsemännen päivän terrori-iskun jälkeen otteiden on kerrottu vain koventuneen."

Alex de Waal in reviews the science and politics of declaring famines, focusing on Israeli starvation tactics in Gaza. The article ends with USAID's shameful coverup of emergency work by the Famine Early Warning Systems Network.

BREAKING: White House confirms it has lost at least 12 cases, at least temporarily, since becoming president. Acting illegally and losing cases is a hallmark of Trump.

Tämä on ihan oikea Yhdysvaltain kongressiin tuotu lakialoite. SEC. 3. Renaming of Greenland as “Red, White, and Blueland”. (a) Renaming.—Greenland shall be known as “Red, White, and Blueland”.

In the three weeks Elon Musk has been in charge of unilaterally slashing government spending, the U.S. government has paid one of his companies, SpaceX, more than $43 million.

Raskin: "Yesterday, Donald Trump banned the Associated Press, a 179-year-old newspaper organization, from the White House because it declines to call the Gulf of Mexico the "Gulf of America." This is straight up press censorship based on retaliatory viewpoint discrimination."

This morning, President Trump and his crony Elon Musk illegally seized $80M in congressionally-appropriated FEMA funding from NYC bank accounts. Trump and Elon stole tens of millions of dollars straight from our bank accounts--this is highway robbery, and NY cannot take this lying down.

Ehrnroothin kolumnin pääviesti on, että Suomen kannattaisi taas liittoutua fasistisen imperiumin kanssa, koska eivät kansainväliset säännöt kuitenkaan merkitse mitään vaan voima. Parempi liittoutua jonkun hirmuhallinnon kanssa, jotta emme joudu toisen hirmuhallinnon tuhoamaksi

#KatulehtiRohee #Tampere

Shredding your SIGINT apparatus to own the libs.

Palestinians displaced from Gaza to neighboring countries under a U.S. proposal would not have the right to return to the enclave, President Donald Trump said in an interview with Fox News about his proposal to “own” the Gaza Strip and develop real estate there.

1. EXCLUSIVE Today, the NSA is planning a "Big Delete" of websites and internal network content that contain any of 27 banned words, including "privilege," "bias," and "inclusion," a NSA source tells Popular Information. The massive purge is creating chaos, taking down "mission-related" work

En allekirjoita Hesarin näkemystä, että Trumpin suosio on korkealla, jos katsoo muiden presidenttien hyväksymisprosentteja kauden alussa. Abrove / Disabrove Barak Obama, 68% / 12% Bill Clinton, 58% / 20% Donald Trump, 47% / 48%

Microsoft's own research confirms something that was already pretty obvious: relying on a text generating machine to come up with answers erodes critical thinking, and is a method favoured by those who never liked doing critical thinking in the first place

"The DOGE campaign has generated chaos on a near-hourly basis across the nation’s capital. But it appears carefully choreographed in service of a broader agenda"

NEW: The US is in the midst of a political coup that, if successful, would forever change the nature of its government, writes Eryk Salvaggio. But this coup is not taking place in the streets. It's taking place cubicle by cubicle in federal agencies and in the mundane automation of bureaucracy.

EXCLUSIVE: Candidates for national security roles in the new administration have been posed loyalty questions, such as: Was Jan. 6 an inside job, and Was the 2020 presidential election stolen? They were asked to give straight "yes" or "no" answers. Here's our story.