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Riding the timeline of existence and finding no logic, purpose, or meaning to life.
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Is saying you believe actually belief? If not, what is belief? I used to ponder this often. And then I realized that I did not believe. #atheism #atheist

I wish the word “remember” was actually “rebmember” so it would be a palindrome.

There are a number of fundamentalists who try to go back to the church of Acts, removing rituals and man-made additions, but these people fail because it exposes the powerlessness of christianity more quickly than the church that has kept these in place as a distraction. #atheism #atheist

The divisions in the church are enough to expose it as a con. No god-made entity could be so fucked up. #atheism #atheist

How could anyone look at the church and see anything that resembles god or heaven? #atheism #atheist

A foolish aspect of christianity is satan, a fallen angel who hates god so much he rebels against an all-loving god. Now, he wreaks havoc and want your soul. God then sets all of mankind up for failure because every weakness we have is sin. But he gave us a broken institution and a nonsensical book.

Virgin births must be real shockers

One of my favorite songs: Jesus, don't want me for a sunbeam Sunbeams are never made like me Don't expect me to cry For all the reasons you had to die Don't ever ask your love of me Don't expect me to cry Don't expect me to lie Don't expect me to die for thee The Vaselines #atheism #atheist

#noheavennohell #nogodsnomasters #nogodsneeded #goodwithoutgod #atheist #nondelusional

Anyone ever go to this madhouse? I have. Boy, do I have stories. #atheism #atheist

Any have the privilege of meeting this jackass? I have. Boy, do i have stories #atheism #atheist

Anyone ever have the privilege of meeting this jackass? I have. Boy, do I have stories #atheism #atheist

Christian leaders do not know god. They know what you want to hear. #atheism #atheist

I fell for grifts as a Christian. I deeply believed so many stories and products that showed the true power of god. I was desperate to believe. As my eyes opened to the truth, I saw these prophets and preachers, miracle workers and evangelists, as they truly were: cons. #atheism #atheist

Most people (christians included) do not truly/fully believe in god. They say they do, but they live their lives in ways that are counter to belief. They are self-sufficient, have backup plans, and make excuses for when god never shows. It’s fear and superstition, not belief. #atheism #atheist

I am a heathen in the eyes of the holy warrior, a hell-bound soul in the eyes of the evangelist, and a cautionary tale in the eyes of parents. #atheism #atheist

Do you bring up the fact that you are an #atheist when you speak with someone who knew you as a christian? If so, how? Tough for me. On one hand, it feels unnecessary to say anything. On the other hand, it feels deceitful to omit it.

I have a friend from my church years who was deeply entrenched in the culture, has since mostly moved on and admits how religion was bad for him, but he still prays with his small kids, but he is not sure what he is praying to. That feels terrible. #atheism #atheist

Sunday is my funday #nochurch #atheism #atheist

If you believe in any higher power, you have lost your ability to make logical decisions #atheism #atheist

During my years of religious activities, I cannot count how many times I prayed for things like healings or peace, and they never came to fruition. It’s almost like it was all fake. #atheism #atheist

I get why people believe in Jesus/christianity. I did for years. It provides so many answers to life and gives you purpose. They’re all lies and impossible requirements, but, hey, they’re in a magic book. #atheism #atheist

I’m not saying I want to die, but it will be nice to be done with everything. #atheism #atheist

There is never a good time to pray. Prove me wrong #atheism #atheist

The church forbade sex because it knew it could never compete with it when it came to joy, intimacy, and fulfillment. #atheism #atheist

Pastor: Lord, give us wisdom to sow into your kingdom and to give generously. All we have is yours, and we give it freely. We know you don’t need it. You are rich beyond compare, but we give our tithe and believe that you will bless it and multiply it Also pastor: I’ll take the red Bentley #atheism

I wish he was too! #atheism #atheist

Christian: Here is a bag of rice Starving person: Thank you C: Don’t thank me. It’s a gift from god SP: But you gave it to me C: It’s because god loves you SP: He does? C: Yes, and he wants you to believe in him, go to church, change your life, and live for him SP: For a bag of ~rice~? #atheism

Some christians do try to honestly help others. However, their efforts are so intertwined with the lies of the gospel, it does more harm than good. #atheism