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I'm going to try and be cheerful Because I need to be Even though the real world is really unsettlingly bad these days But, I was able to score a model today, something I don't have (damned rare that) And I went and got my new glasses paid and now I wait a few days while they are crafted for me

Appalling Infuriating Disgusting

Bitch thinks religious marriages are 'more' married In church there is the ceremony, and then you sign the legal document The legal document is the only portion of the ceremony the court gives a damn about In a hospital, in a divorce, it matters God doesn't matter

New month, new budget, and nothing to get excited about Alarm bells going off Those always seem to be the dangerous months :) Once again, playing the restraint game (which I suck at). Need to buy a garbage can (weird thing to be excited for, but I'm odd).

It's almost like when we stole the acronym TERF and made it a slur Now, it's "go antiwoke, go broke" Because as we speak, millions of Maga nutjobs are losing their farms, their jobs, and paying a fortune for things that were NOT expensive with Biden. Hate voted for Trump to spite Harris hehehe

I sure want my damned new glasses REAL soon :) Maybe tomorrow I can look into it I don't HATE video games they just don't deliver the same experience as board games PC game of Operation Barbarossa vs board game no contest Gary's War in the East vs AH Russian Front Not even a fair fight Sorry Gary

I'm a 62 year old woman I'm also an expert military historian Seeing what Trump is doing to the US I knew is massively depressing I know of all of the heroic battles that the US fought As the good guys It is 2025 and Trump is betraying your honoured dead And you are letting him shit on them

While I don't like the man I do wish more would watch Patriot Historically accurate? Unsure but it has emotional value C'mon America you fight hard and lost many so you could get rid of a King and now you want Trump? At least pick a decent person to be king You fought tyrants Why do you want one?

I like the economic boycott to a point. But one day will not actually get noticed against the backdrop of what Trump is causing. You need to quit using Amazon entirely Don't go back Buy only local No Walmart at all But people will claim hardship all for that 47 cent savings Nothing will happen

No shortage of people claiming pixel is better than paper but this much I know I've never been stymied trying to play a board game because I couldn't figure out the damned interface And I read rather well so no the instructions are not an issue Wish I had never gotten a computer sometimes

I think mother nature likes me I had to go out today, greeted by 3 inches of light powder and snowing like the dickens Get to my destination and the snow just stops Nice partial sunny walk home and the roads and walks are clean Thanks mom

Chris deserves more than a beer, I'd offer him a steak dinner to go with it.

I don't just believe everything out there I reserve the right to think it over and decide I only know one thing for certain: stupid is deadly Life is a long process of trial and error and mutation But life sometimes just kills enmasse Evolution is part luck part chance and no mercy

This will offend some Life is like that, it will eventually offend you Grow up and deal with it There are only males and females and people who life refused to make distinct versions of one or the other (intersex) You might be in the wrong sex body, but, you are not a dog or helicopter Stop it

Warning, I don't necessarily like the dude But damn it, I agree with him here Please, people, out there, just ... stop this crap I am not a joke and I don't appreciate being made to look like one either Just stop this shit It's not welcome

I'm making myself a promise I promise to be outside more this warm season Because you know the best alternative to the internet is not to have it present I don't have a cellphone, and I don't need my laptop or my tablet with me Nothing beats sunshine, a book, a drink, a snack, a bench, and quiet

Blah blah blah Americans don't want to invade and or take over Canada That's a bullshit thought process of just one asshole His name is Donald Trump And it likely was Elon's idea Because Trump has no brain worth mention Ask his business teacher I hate people that don't vote They elected Trump

The question was asked, can European Nato survive without the US? The real question is, can the US survive without the places that host their bases around the globe? Yes, it is good to have the US military around But it sure isn't any fun if it involves Donald Trump and his stupid statements

Sign the Petition Fuck off Elon, you are not one of us Get rid of Elon, sign it

1000s 100s of 1000s of American war dead would be disgusted with Trump. Their deaths in defense of freedom, and Trump has put it all at risk, and for what? So he can make me a non person? (I'm trsansgender) And then pretend that Putin isn't the vile dictator he is.

They are all offshore with their money (the rich) The real problem is the big corporations hide their cash Then they let the schmucks pay for everything And the schmuck know it's being done, and they do nothing Hard to feel sympathy for Joe middle class when they knowingly get fleeced.

All the hate for the woke blue states It is sure going to suck when the next hurricane season hits and somewhere red state gets whacked and they have to go begging to blue states Because going woke doesn't really mean going broke as much as being already broke in a red state Trump is your enemy

Unless ya been under a big rock, you have heard "go woke, go broke" I'm just going to say it, that's a Red state line of talk Here's my take on Go woke go broke Go red, go dead or unemployed, or just broke and lose the farm. Yep, go on hating the woke. But they are the blue states with the money

Humbling is when I a normally hardcore veteran wargamer, play a match of Squad Battles Advance of the Reich, and perform so badly, the only way it could have been worse, is if someone was watching me. That would go from humbling to humiliating. Generic image included

Are there fake transgender people out there? yes But that's no shock ever heard of fake evangelists? There is nothing special about being transgender but some seem to think it might be fun to fake being one I can't imagine why though I never decided to be my real self for fun that's for sure

The only thing we have to defend, is a LOT of waters off of a LOT of coastlines We need a decent navy a whole lot more than an airforce or army. I'd rather add a lot more maritime to our forces That and decent surveillance of our US borders

Regarding defense spending in Canada We have no threats other than Trump I want our government to support our troops when they elect to use our troops But do we even need to send troops into places where our small sum of troops can hardly impact the situation Support doesn't need to be troops

The US used to act/think of themselves as global cops Now with Trump threatening portions of his own country it's nuts to call them 'leaders of the Free world'? They have ruined democracy in their own country Up here in Canada, frankly, I have better levels of freedom I'm glad I am not them

Are the Americans needed? Japan, do they NEED Americans? The Middle East do they NEED Americans? Europe is the American military needed? Yes they have nukes Last I checked others do as well No one gets to use them though So is the US military needed? It's not like no one else has good militaries

Ways the nutjob right is the same as the social warrior left Odds are you are both pawns being controlled by the corporate elite who are likely laughing their asses off at them Tariffs, who gets the money? Clue, it's not you dummy Since Donald was elected, I have lost respect for both sides

Sad reasons you might not see as many older transgender persons in media They're dead Common reasons you don't see as many older transgender persons in media That shit is too complicated to understand for persons my age We didn't have this stuff when I was under 30 Trans is not just for kids

Transgender allies are nice You are NOT required to be one You are not required to date us or even like us You ARE required to treat us like human beings Otherwise, you WILL be treated as poorly as you treat me And trust me, you can be made to suffer Life can make anyone suffer And it does

I pick my friends very carefully I don't call a person friend willingly You need to be more than the same gender, the same age, the same skin colour the same anything Being trans doesn't make you a friend And I have witnessed more than a few trans persons I want nothing to do with

If I had a cabin way into the mountainous wilderness Just me and the local wilderness wildlife, I'd have still needed GRS Because I was NOT sharing life with that thing But, I wouldn't need to care I was transgender As there wouldn't be any assholes to bug me about it The animals wouldn't mind

What is Canada to me? Well I think he's cute, but I'm not really in love with Justin It's not our government making me happy to be Canadian I'm here for the snow and trees And mountains NOT the black flies I like moose bears beavers and wolverines It's the land I love, not some temporary people

Now in the event of a magnetic shield flip and connected major shift of continental plates forcing Canada into the tropics I just want to make it clear, that will definitely get me to move out of Canada :) I'm definitely going to go wherever the snow is Regardless of what that country was before

Foooooor the record Bunny will NOT be asking to be saved in the event of a nuclear winter or climate changing onset of an Iceage I am fully aware that chances are Canada would not survive either And I won't mind a lot of snow taking me Sort of like dying in bed in my sleep Keep that in mind

AI is not the enemy, it is a tool But remember, a crazy freak with insane beliefs, can do a lot of damage with the right tool So when thinking and acting, be careful, because you might be unwittingly reacting to a nutcase with the power of an AI tool Question everything needs to be the advice

Keep in mind, Red, Blue, whatever, the rich won't be likely to be involved They will sell weapons to both of you and then get rich while you die Because the rich quite frankly are not YOU They are not red or blue And they are not gullible twats with signs Find out where the rich live

Remember blue states, HE said it not YOU He wants to see YOU wiped off the map He wasn't attacking numerically unimportant little ole me the transgender woman, he was talking about YOU, basically Democrats Still interested in just carrying a fucking sign? No a poster with the 2nd on it and a gun

Calling Trump a 'Russian asset' sounds a bit too generous When I think of the word 'asset' I think of something that has worth The word worth and Trump spoken together? Nah Maybe worthLESS But the obsession with red states, I dunno, sounds a bit too much like commie Better dead than red

It needs to be said... The Blue states are where the money comes from for the Red states. Canada and Mexico would gladly welcome them Come on over Vermont It's nice up here Red states, sounds kinda like commies? Has he not thought of that? Oh wait, it's Donald

Remember, you do NOT actually have to have children Babies are awesome, but you do NOT have to have one The only people who want you to have children are the controllers of religions and corporations To them you are just numbers (more than the other religion) And taxable workers who buy stuff

When you transition, do you want to LOOK ordinary? Ok, tone down the makeup Cover the facial hair discolouration that's it Avoid looking stunning at 8 in the morning Try to avoid looking too perfect If you stand out, people WILL look They ain't clocking you, they just wonder why you look too good

How to dress like a girl... yah, right Have you seen the way most girls dress? Ok you will need pants that are badly ripped A gray to black upper body article of clothing likely hoody Over worked running shoes all year Most cis females are not worth emulating actually Most look homeless

A child is not a shield, stop using them as one Own your bigoted bullshit. I'll respect you more Children are not stupid They are likely nicer than you too It takes time to becomes a genuine asshole Kids should not be indoctrinated by the religious Stick to math and language and PE under 13

According to science blah blah I'm guessing enough of the planet is one form of religious belief or another... Please don't attempt to tell me anything about science If you believe in the imaginary I don't care what you have to say about science Your intellect is questionable I know my science

To all my trans brothers and sisters who bravely share your before and afters, I salute you I did not have a good relationship with dead name and I have obliterated all signs of his ever existing But that is MY story I applaud your courage

The person is a freak. I'm not denying their being transgender but they can forget being in the same room as me. They are NOT helping us any.