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Loving subversively. Anglican Priest. Inclusive Catholic. “God walks among the kitchen pots” “sing up, and keep on walking” "Byddwch yr hyn gallwch fod"
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Come along to S. Margaret’s next weekend and celebrate S. Davey’s Day! A free evening of fabulous Brass band music, tea, coffee £ Welshcakes - what more could you want. Donations welcome to cover costs, but free entry for all and all are welcome

The first time in 2025 that the “early” mass has begun in daylight, and by the end God was painting glory up the walls 😍

Spring is on her way. I cut back some die back today and discovered these friends. The Black Dragon bearded iris sending out exploratory spears. The return of the glorious oriental poppies the big furry bees adore… and this hellebore, glorious in Spring Skirts and colour :-)

A little #ValentinesDay reminder for anyone who needs it: You were made in love, you are held in love, you are precious & a blessing in our world And trust me,there is someone whose life has been changed for better by yours Why not tell someone today how they’ve made your life a little more sunny?

There are those church family you visit who remember all your secret delights and then when you leave late to go to another meeting, insist you take them with you for energy. These are the beating hearts of faith in our church who love in small ways that transform the world

I know it’s cold. But these are in our churchyard. Hang in there everyone, there is a rustling and bustling of bulbs… it might feel like always winter and Christmas is a memory… but Spring is shaking out her skirts ;-)

Dawn on a cold and frosty morning with frost on the study window… and glory singing through

The car has decided the drive is cold enough for a fur coat this morning! Snuggle up warm, everyone

Retro evening in the vicarage. Now, without googling, when do you think this dessert was first popular? (I was miles out!)

St. Andrew, Methodist Church, Pump Street, Worcs. You have to believe in the incarnation to build a staircase like this. (Designed by Arthur E. Buss. According to whom, the window symbolises “the progress of the soul, from doubts and difficulties, through fire and light”)

“If we held a minute of silence for every Holocaust victim, we would be silent for eleven and a half years.” ― Rabbi Jonathan Sacks Today marks 80 years since the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. #HolocaustMemorialDay | #HMD2025

Watch out for the wee beastie when out on your travels tonight. They have a wee dram on Burns night and can become quite disoriented and wander about on the highways. Running over a haggis is twenty one decades of the rosary

It's BigGardenBirdwatch Weekend! To provide valuable information to the RSPB for understanding & protecting of birds in our local habitats. Have you done yours yet? Just spend 1 hour counting birds that land in your patch & record the results online. More information:

Conversion of S. Paul No matter how dark your path has become, God will find you, God will bring you home. No matter how right we think we are, may God widen our hearts that the light might get in Lord, touch the violence & self-righteousness in our world with healing love S. Paul, pray for us

Good morning Saturday! And I offer you an orchid, singing into the coming dawn.

Dydd Santes Dwynwen Hapus! ❤️ Happy #StDwynwen’s Day, the Welsh patron saint of lovers. We pray for hearts claimed by love in the world Dwynwen’s story was love touched by sorrow, and she became a great healer - we pray for all who hurt, and for hearts of compassion and healing

Personally I write in fountain pen.Surely I am not alone? I love all forms of incarnation “For one thing it involves flesh, blood and the thingness of pen and paper, those anchors that remind us that, however thoroughly we lose ourselves in the vortex of our invention, we inhabit a corporeal world”

Today is the feast of #StAgnes, patron of those (especially children) who have encountered sexual abuse, or been persecuted for their faith. For peace, healing and justice, S. Agnes, pray for and with us Prayers and prayers for so many broken lives (Image by Gracie morbitzer )

125 years of Birmingham’s epic University, and Old Joe’s tower is lit. Tallest freestanding clock tower, icon of Birmingham, and just the coolest clock you’ll ever hang out with. Looking glorious

It’s a cold day in the vineyard. When Jesus said “my father is the vinedresser.” I had no idea what hard work that is.

Candles made newly this morning from recycled church wax - which goes some way to replacing those we used last night at the Prayer for Christian Unity … :-)

Today it was aconites. Tomorrow it will be acolytes. Both are glorious, although in very different ways :-)

To me, it seriously looks like the Sorting Hat …

The wolf moon tonight after choir practice. Really not capturing the misty glory of her grand progress in “dry ice” of freezing fog

First snowdrops! Candlemas bells on ringing practise! Ringing out hope and spring-time nigh :-)

Day Two of felting. I am loving this. It is like a prayer. People have often said that to me about craft, but not being a crafting person I never feel that - most craft leaves me feeling stressed, surrounded by carnage. This, though, this is grace

Galette des Rois. Still in the season… #Epiphany

Day off. I have started my first ever felting project. I have also drawn my first drop of blood 😂 …. but this is a gloriously relaxing craft. And simple enough even for me :-)

It’s Monday. It’s epiphanytide. It’s lunchtime … it’s Christmas cake

I love the gentleness of evening sometimes as she shyly blushes her goodnight and wraps her soft fleecy blankets around us

Amazing night tonight at the RSC, to see Twelfth Night, with captions. Love how easy the RSC make it to see accessible shows. Huge thanks to them :-) brilliant show, too, of course

Frost on grass and mossy wall, like tiny stalagmites #TinyJoys

One of our tots from StoryTime yesterday at Church sent me a photo of her putting the bird feeder we made on her local bird table on the community green space. Melted my heart even in this frozen weather

God playing with light in the Lady Chapel this afternoon, splashing colour over the walls, joyously 🙂

“It was the clearest, coldest day I have ever known....Roads were ridged and fanged with ice, opaque and shiny as frozen rivers. Goldfinches sparkled in snow-lit hedges. …Horizons were misty, the sun cold with blue sky above, the north wind light.” January entries, J.A. Baker, The Peregrine (1967)

Vicarage palm tree cupping frost like crushed ice, whispering of cocktails and sunshine … “summer will come”

Friday morning, here it comes! Frosty Friday Feeling, the world stunning in copper and silver, etched trees and … hunkered wood pigeons Wrap up warm all, fluff up your feathers :-)

When the oak is felled the whole forest echoes with it fall, but a hundred acorns are sown in silence by an unnoticed breeze

Steam rising from the birdbath … it’s cold, the world feels frozen. Imagine those frozen feathers tapping their beak on ‘water hard as stone’ … if you can, friends, thaw some x