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Trying this new thing out, and plugging my writing. Might also post some other fun things- we'll see how it goes.
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The next technique I teach for Kenpo is right along the same vein as before. You step back with your left to defend against a right punch. Only now, we introduce combos. Attacking high, low, high, sets students up to understand effective combos.

Kenpo assumes that students will only practice their strong (right) side as begginers. Thus, the follow on to the first two techniques steps back with the same foot, but attacks with the other hand and foot against a left-handed punch. When you teach both sides, it ends up being a bit redundant.

"Justergeist" is one of my longest stories to date. I will likely write more on it later, but this is a good chunk. "As I held the little plastic planchette, I tried to calm my nerves a bit... What do you want!?... F. The rest followed in rapid staccato: I.G.H.T… C.R.I.M.E."

Tedori jujitsu Tips go in order (straight grip, cross grip, two on one grip), but that only works for certain areas. For legs, we already saw a single leg and double leg defense. Two on one is how many single leg picks are done. Here is where we venture into some common throws- kosoto gake here.

Tedori jujitsu moves on to the Yellow Belt Tip 3 where grips are two on one. You'll notice we don't grapple much here. We open the stance and strike. That two hands on the shoulder grip is preparatory for a knee, so we have to beat them to the punch... or palm heel.

"Field Work" pushes back against modern fantasy conceits that everyone is good in their own way. "By my beard, ye be a fool of a University-trained wizard!" the scarred dwarf grumped. "Different culture, indeed... Bolgrin! Show this lad why goblins ain't just 'misunderstood'."

Warning: More drama. Why would I spam drama? Because, despite my wishes, drama has sort of found me twice in a span of a couple days. I was happy to let this rest, but chucklehead had to be "clever". So be it. As I said- nice is done.

Warning: Drama. I have stopped being nice. Ignore this happily if you wish. As one of my hobbies, I do martial arts. As part of that, I teach. About 2 years ago, I started putting instructional videos online because there just weren't any for the stuff I am teaching.

Thoughts and prayers.

This Jukoryu jujitsu move is similar to the one before, a different throw from a different punch. However, it's easy to see how one could swap out throws with punches, and strikes. That is because this system just shows basics- and you can modify as you progress. Cross-training is key to that.

Jukoryu jujitsu, again, moves rapidly through its curriculum. From defending grips, we immediately train in defending from strikes. This particular set is also seen in Danzanryu jujitsu, though this is the simpler form. Tedori jujitsu is notable for not having a defense vs. a straight punch.

"No Easy A's" is a follow-on to "The Academium", introducing the staff. "The Academium doesn't hire non-magical professionals like pure math teachers or Drama instructors.... I'm not a luminary in anything magical, because I am not magical. But I'm very good at my job."

People often ask, "If both hands are gripping your wrist, why not just punch your opponent?" It's a valid question, and one we answer in class. The short answer- sometimes you can't. But this move from Danzanryu's Yawara gets you free even when you can't punch.