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Expat from the USA in Chile. Justiciero. The fight for human rights begins with the fight for women's rights. La lucha x ddhh comienzan con ddmm.
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Conversation Starter How do you follow the markets overall in real time? I go to the CNN markets site. Is MSNBC competitive? I have been blessed to both read the works of Norman Mailer as a child, and listen to your Ultra at 72. You keep literary journalism alive. Thank you, Rachel. And, stay strong. Please note that DATA ARE PLURAL. "The data are in." " The data show..." The singular of data is datum, unless you are referring to a fictional TNG character

Trumpflacion es peor que Putinflacion, porque Trump es un hijo de Putin.

TRUMPFLATION We make the economic argument, mija. I did the same in 1987 when Dannenmeyer (CA-39) wanted to place all AIDS-infected in concentración camps. HOW MUCH WILL MASS DEPORTATION COST? Love you daughter (I'm 72). Fight on.

Gaza will be renamed TRUMPISTAN! As any freshman Economics major will tell Donald, increasing the national debt of THE NATION WITH THE WORLD'S LARGEST ECONOMY by dramatiic déficit spending will result in a dramatic increase in global inflation. Fight as if the lives you represent depend on it; they do.💙

What a piece of wimp is Trump. There have been 10,000 Mexican soldiers on the southern border since Biden demanded them 3 years ago.

What drug is the WH pill-mill prescribing RFK Jr? Sad shack.

Give RFK Jr a Fed drug teet at his next Senate appearance. I took one when I swore the oath in 1999. Years ago, I criticized you for your "ums" and "ahhs" when you were appointed aa PS for Joe. When you arrived at MSNBC you were still raw. Now, your presentation is exemplary. You have made yourself so much better, and have become an inspiration for all American women. Inspire!

Trump tried to shut down funding for basic science in the USA. The first idiot to do so was Nixon. He is not a crook?

Here, in Chile, ALL newborns are vaccinated with the BCG vaccine 2-3 days after birth, by law, to prevent tuberculosis. Will your city in the USA be the next after Kansas City to have a TB epidemic?

During his assination attempt in Pennsylvania, why didn't Trump hold up a child to protect himself? How many times have we seen Trump with children?

Should the Gulf of México be renamed the Gulf of América in recognition of its flourishing Mississippi delta dead zone?

Don't give in to the lies; don't give in to the fear. No rendirse a las mentiras; no rendirse al miedo. Jim Acosta It was wonderful to see Trump at Auschwitz!

A freeze on federal grants means that children and their parents start dying at cancer treatment centers.

Trump is Quisling x 2.

The war in Ukraine will go away like Covid.

What a wonderful President is Trump. Trump has stopped the war in Ukraine within 48 hours after being elected and/or taking office! Trump has cut the price of eggs!! And, your electric bill in February will be half of what it was in January, because Trump has cut the price of energy by half!!! RE: GABBARD/GLOBAL RESEARCH Gabbard has been compensated by Global Research for posting pro-Russia propaganda. How much income has she recieved from this Kremlin site during the past 4 years? Global Research and Russia Today are Putin's 2 main propaganda outlets in Canada. 1/ Well done, once again! Your work against misogyny is saving lives. Thank you; you are a gift from the Creator. SERVING TWO MASTERS: When he was 18, Mehmet Öz served his obligatory 2 years of military service in Turkiye. To do so, he took an oath "to protect and defend Turkiye against all enemies, foreign and domestic", the Turkish carbon-copy of our Oath of Office. 1/

DOGE Department of Government Evil. Department of Government Egregious. Department of Government Evasiveness. Department of Government Stupidity. DOGS

GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN: 70 million Social Security recipients. More than 3 million will starve or not be able to buy required medicine. 18 million Veterans denied benefits. 3 million career government workers without pay. 1.5 million service members without pay. Disaster relief victims. Farmers. Will the ex-Willis case go to Flynn Broady or Sherry Boston? SOCIAL SECURITY: Will Musk and Trump deny 70 million Americans their Social Security checks next month?

Don't drones make good skeet targets?

No serial rapist who calls himself a "man" is above the law.

We will witness the "FALL OF THE IDIOTS" during the next two years. Thank God, History gets this correct. GABBARD was paid last year by the Kremlin as an "author" for posts on its major propaganda outlet in Canada, Global Research. Just how much is Putin paying her? Gabbard is a Russian agent, paid indirectly by Putin vía Global Research in Canada to spew Kremlin propaganda. Search: Tulsi Gabbard + author for Global Research. Poverty in Argentina: Please note that #1, the poverty rate of 53% was reported for the FIRST QUARTER OF 2024, and #2, Milei has failed to report the ## for the second and third quarters, beccause the current rate is > 67%. Make America SQUEAL Again! RE: OATH OF OFFICE Oz took an oath to Turkiye when he was 18 entering draft military service, including "to defend Turkiye from all enemies, foreign or domestic". If he takes Federal office, and takes the Oath of Office, he betrays both oaths. No one can serve two masters. 👍🐈‍⬛

NO MAN CAN SERVE TWO MASTERS. Matthew 6:24 When he was 18, Oz swore to "protect and defend Turkiye against all enemies foreign and domestic." The oath he swore in Turkiye is a copy of our Oath of Office. Oz, by law, cannot serve in any Federal position in our USA, without betraying BOTH oathes. "Dr." Oz cannot serve in any Federal position in the USA. He served 2 years of obligatory military service in Turkiye when he was 18. To do so, he swore "to protect and defend Turkiye from all enemies, foreign and domestic" with an oath that is a copy of our Oath of Office.