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Exvangelical dispelling biased theology through detailed study of the Greek Scripture and its use of allegory and metaphor. Salvation is experiencing the kingdom of God within.
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“and the logos became flesh and tabernacled within us” John 1:14 “But when God, having selected me from my mother's womb and having called me by His grace, was pleased to reveal His Son within me…” “the kingdom of God is within” “whatever is true… think on these things.”

If 1Cor 3:16 was spoken in the south, it would read, “Do y’all not know that y’all are the temple of God and that the spirit of God lives within y’all?” Each of the 2nd person pronouns are plural in the Greek, so we are collectively the temple of God, with the Christ within as the cornerstone.

If the politics of the day are dragging you down, remember Paul’s teaching: “Therefore let no one boast in men. For all things are yours…—all are yours, and you are of Christ, and Christ is of God”.

John 1 is a terrific focus of Genesis 1, dealing specifically with the Father’s creative principle, his Logos, tabernacling within humanity. This concept is repeated by Paul in Colossians 1:16 with everything being created within, through and for the Son, who is the Logos and Christ.

The thing I’ve noticed most is that which divides the church is disagreement over the meaning of Scripture’s literal meanings. When we realize that as Christ taught spiritual lessons within everyday events, the authors have followed that example in Scripture. We need to look within, not outward.

Jesus came to ‘proclaim’ the gospel, reflecting that the foundation of the gospel already existed in the world or was that it was happening at that moment. It has nothing to do with the way one acts, but the way one understands & believes, founded in humanity’s inseparable union with the Father.

Any message of love spoken in the spirit of Christ doesn’t go unheard. It may be ignored or viewed as foolishness, but the message is heard, as the hearer holds the same spirit of God within (Eph 4:6) as we all do (1Cor 2:10-16). There is no darkness within even the smallest spark of light.

Speaking the truth in love without kindness while putting ourself in the other person’s situation isn’t speaking the truth in love at all. We are to love our neighbors as though they are ourself.

The simplest truths carry the greatest weight.

The life we are living is death, as we are now within the mortal realm, experiencing what we are meant to experience. When the Scripture teaches that there is “one God and Father who is over all, through all and within all”, we know that what we are experiencing, God is also experiencing within us.

One must be careful when taking a hard stance in theology if one doesn’t understand the nuances of the original language and its variances in translation. We must not make the Bible into an idol, but as a guide to the spirit of God within.

Just as Jesus taught in parable, “Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them”, disciples have to be given this knowledge as is taught, “then he opened their minds that they might understand the Scripture”. Ask the spirit when studying.

May you find peace and joy knowing your relationship in union with the Father in this New Year. 🕊️

I find it amazing how much theology is taught that has absolutely no basis in Scripture.

When someone says the Bible is literal and clear, just respond: “but we are speaking God's wisdom in a secret, wisdom which has been concealed, which God designates before—before the eons, for our glory”. 1Cor 2:7.

2Cor 13:5 says, “do you not realize that Christ Jesus is within you?”. This correlates with Jesus’ own teaching of “I am in the father, and the father is in me”, followed by, “I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.” There is unity known when the carnal veil is torn by the spirit.

Food for thought: In Genesis, the story of El, a Bronze Age deity, goes from Genesis 1:1 to 2:4, then skips over to Genesis 5:1, where it resumes until verse 28. Genesis 2:5 through 4:26 are injected with the story of YHWH, a late Bronze/early Iron Age deity which resumes in 5:29 w/ Noah’s story.

In classical Greek thought, the ‘logos’ means much more than ‘word’. It is the universal divine reason, the orderly creation of the cosmos, or the stoic belief that every outcome is the best one, as if it were already chosen. This is what is meant by John 1’s logos tabernacled in humanity.

There is “one God and Father who is over all, through all and within all”, even those who may not have awoke to that realization yet. How we treat others is how we treat the Father within them.

“The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” James 5:16 Effectual means that we know that it will have an effect on whatever we praying about. Remember that we are praying within the same inner essence and spirit of the Father, not within a long distance relationship.

Just in case you didn’t know, the magical phrase Abracadabra is from Judaism. It’s an ancient Aramaic prayer, using the phrase Abra Kadabera, which means ‘to create - with my speech’. The Jews would use this prayer to speak goodness and well being into the world. 😇

Is the OT clear & literal? In Luke 24, Jesus taught Cleopas and the others, “And beginning with Moses and ALL the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself”, yet later, he “opened their minds that could understand the Scripture” Minds must be opened.

When we begin viewing salvation not as a future position, but as a state of being rescued within this life, we begin to understand & trust our current position within the Father. The entire world is redeemed, which is the reflection of the future position when God is all in all.

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them”. God contemplated Himself, and out of his own being he created this garment. “male and female he created them”.

When you walk within the spirit of God, walk at your own pace as the spirit leads. You may be called an assortment of names or adjectives if your pace is different than others, but that’s their own struggle against the spirit. You just keep walking…

In Mk 12, Jesus answered, “The most important [commandment] is this: Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.” In the Hebrew the word for ‘one’ is echad, which isn’t a state of singularity, but a state of being one in unity. If you want to love God as Jesus taught, love those around you.